Meeting to Discuss and Approve the Definition of “Significant Increase in Residential Development Potential”

at the Housing Review Committee on March 13th, 2013


In November of 2012, the voters of San Francisco passed an amendment to the City’s Charter to create a San Francisco Housing Trust Fund. Among other provisions, the Amendment stabilizes the cost of future inclusionary or affordable housing requirements, with certain exceptions. Section 16110 (h)(1)(B)(iv) exempts from fee stabilization “an area subject to a change in zoning enacted after November 6, 2012 that affects 40 or more acres or greater and results in a significant increase in residential development potential, where the area is not also encompassed by a Special Use District adopted after November 6, 2012.” The Amendment also creates a Housing Review Committee to recommend a standard to the Board of Supervisors for what constitutes a significant increase.

Based on stakeholder input and additional research conducted since the last hearing, Staff has prepared a revised definition for consideration by the Housing Review Committee.

The staff memo, as well as a copy of the Housing Trust Fund Charter Amendment is available at: under “Housing Division,” or by contacting: Daniel Adams, San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Housing, at (415) 701-5528, 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 5th Floor, San Francisco, 94103.

Recommendation: Approval of the proposed standard with recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.

Meeting Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Start Time: 1:00 pm
Location: City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Hearing Room 400
Meeting Agenda: Click here to download

Contact: Daniel Adams, San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Housing
Phone: (415) 701-5528

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