The San Francisco
Youth Commission
Monday, May 3, 1999 |
5:15 |
City Hall, Room 416 |
1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioners Present: Aliga,
Blake, Castillo, Castro, Cottonham, DeVries, Eliapo, Isner, Turner (9).
Tardy: Lugo, Ramlochan (2) Absent: Anderson, Barraza, Crane, Joun, Mak,
Siu (6)
2. Motion to approve agenda: Motion to approve agenda seconded
and approved.
3. Motion to approve minutes of April 19: Motion to approve minutes
seconded and approved.
4. Staff Report:
Susan Kim- Joanna Lee one of our conference planners is at
the meeting and will speak about the conference.
-Saturday, May 29th, is stand for children. Coleman Advocates
for youth will be coordinating the Stand for Children event and would like
a Youth Commissioner to speak at the event. Commissioners requested that
more information please be sent in the minutes packet for our next meeting.
-Public Service Announcement meeting is tomorrow at the Commission
office, we will need to get the PSA to radio stations next week.
-Monday, June 7th, will be our end of year celebration,
any Commissioners who have suggestions for where to hold the event please
let us know.
5. Working Group Reports:
Legislative Action- AB 202, 1 gun per month, was sent
to the Assembly floor and was passed. This bill is now in the Senate and
if passed there will go to the Governor for his signature.
Community Outreach and Input- Joanna Lee one our conference planners
spoke and passed around the agenda of the Conference and asked for Commissioners
to sign up for an area that they were interested in.
YCers will have name badges and shirts designating them as YCers and
are responsible for serving as hosts (meeting and greeting, direct people
to appropriate place).
Herbert- Warm-up session letter
Chaz-Resource Fair
Gina-Registration, Warm up session
Blake-Artist Hospitality, Raffle
Lisa- Resource Fair, Set up/tear down (no Friday)
Gift Bag- Lohina (Friday)
Lena- Possible Friday work
Raffle-Francisco & Linda Blake
Lena available on Thursday to do pre-Conference stuff
Isner and Blake will work on Friday pre-conference stuff, Isner- (gov’t
Sexual Assault Task Force- No report.
LGBTQQ Youth Task Force- Commissioner Turner reported that Deputy
City Attorney, John Kennedy, presented a training on how to write Memorandum’s
of Understanding with city departments which create a legal document that
details what each department will do regarding LGBTQQ youth issues. Commissioner
DeVries also mentioned that the Task Force will be taking a hiatus during
the summer months and will begin again in some form next year.
6. New Business:
A. Discussion re: Interview with candidates for the special
assistant position. Commission meeting went into closed session. Francisco
and Lena discussed the process the hiring committee took to forward candidates
to the Commission. Commissioners were given a chance to review the candidates
resumes before beginning the interviews. Two candidates were interviewed
and Commissioners were given a chance to give feedback on each of the candidates.
B. Discussion and possible action re: Commissioners currently in
violation of the attendance policy. Commissioner Eliapo was given a
chance to speak to the Commission regarding her absences. Commissioner
Eliapo stated that there was a death in her family and she apologized that
she couldn’t make it to meetings. Commissioner Isner motioned to excused
her absence, seconded and approved.
C. Discussion and possible action re: Amending the Youth Commission
Bylaws, Section VI: attendance policy. Commissioner Castillo stated
that the City Attorney advised us that we could change our bylaws but that
the attendance policy in our bylaws cannot be more stringent then the attendance
policy in our charter. The executive committee met and would like to amend
the bylaws so that if a Commissioner is in violation of the attendance
policy they can be given one chance but if they are in violation again
they are automatically removed from the Commission. Motion to approve amendment
by DeVries, seconded and approved.
D. Discussion re: Report from Commissioner Mak on the Teen Courts
project. Commissioner Mak was not present, discussion tabled.
E. Discussion re: Recruitment for Youth Commissioners. Applications
have been sent out to the Commissioners, everyone should please be doing
F. Discussion and possible action re: Setting next meeting’s agenda.
-No items to be added to the agenda at this point.
7. Announcements:
-Workshop calls will need to be made this week, any Commissioner
who would like to help please call Joshua at the Youth Commission office.
-A new Beacon center is opening in the OMI and the Bayview, these would
be good events to do Commission outreach, Saturday May 15 from 1-5pm.
-The Youth Empowerment Award recipients have been chosen and Francisco
announced who had been selected.
8. Public Comment: No public comment.
9. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.