San Francisco Youth Commission
Monday, June 21, 2010
City Hall, Room 416
There will be public comment on each item.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)
3. Approval of Minutes (Action Item)
Document 1
4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda
5. Staff Report
6. New Business
A. Discussion and Possible Action: Resolution of Commendation 09-10 RC 04: In Recognition of Bayview Hunter’s Point for Arts and Technology’s (BAYCAT) Selfless Dedication to the Development of the Youth of the Bayview Hunter’s Point Neighborhood and the Greater San Francisco Bay Area Through Education, Empowerment, and Employment in the Digital Media Arts (Commissioner Quesada)
Presenter: Commissioner Quesada
Document 2
B. Discussion and Possible Action: Legislation Referred from the Board of Supervisors: Proposed charter amendment file no. 100637 [San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency—Appointments Policy and Other Procedures] (Supervisor Campos; Mirkarimi, Chiu and Mar)
Presenters: Supervisor Campos
Document 3a, 3b
C. Discussion and Possible Action: Legislation Referred from the Board of Supervisors: Proposed ordinance file no. 100675 [Zoning – Presidio-Sutter Special Use District at 800 Presidio Avenue.]
Presenter: Patricia Scott, Executive Director, Booker T Washington Community Service Center
Document 4
7. Old Business
A. Discussion and Possible Action: 2nd Reading: Resolution 09-10 AL 13: Resolution Urging the San Francisco Board of Education to Create a Task Force Charged with Improving Health Education Curriculum in High School and to Propose Possible Improvements in Health Education Throughout K-12 (Commissioner Davidson)
Presenter: Commissioner Davidson
Document 5
8. Announcements (This includes Community Events)
9. Adjournment
Supplemental documents for agenda items are available for review at City Hall Room 345. Minutes are also available on the Youth Commission Website at
The Youth Commission meeting will be held in City Hall Room 416. The formal address of City Hall is 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA. The closest accessible BART station is the Civic Center Station at the United Nations Plaza and Market Street. Accessible MUNI lines serving this location are: MUNI Metro Lines J-Church, K-Ingleside, L-Taraval, M-Oceanview, N-Judah, and T-Third Street at Van Ness and Civic Center Stations; 9-San Bruno, 19-Polk, 47-VanNess, and 71-Haight Noriega. For information about MUNI accessible services call 923-6142.
The Commission meeting room is wheelchair accessible. Accessible curbside parking spaces have been designated on the corners of McAllister and Polk, and Grove and Polk. There is accessible parking available within the Civic Center Underground Parking Garage at the corner of McAllister and Polk Streets, and within the Performing Arts Parking Garage at Grove and Franklin Streets.
If you require the use of an American sign language interpreter, a sound enhancement system, or a reader during the meeting, calendars and minutes of the meeting in alternative formats; such arrangements can be made by calling Mario Yedidia at (415) 554-6446, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Late requests will be honored if possible.
Individuals with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities should call our accessibility hotline at (415) 554-8925 to discuss meeting accessibility. In order to assist the City’s efforts to accommodate such people, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. Please help the City to accommodate these individuals.
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