Wednesday, July 14, 2004
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406
Committee Members: Richard Knee, Chair; Doug Comstock; David Pilpel, Garrett Jenkins
Note: First name indicates member making motion; second name indicates member seconding motion. All motions passed unanimously except as noted.
Call to Order at 4:06 p.m.
Roll Call: Present: Comstock, Pilpel, Jenkins. Absent: Knee
Agenda Changes: None
Approval of minutes of June 9, 2004.
Minutes approved as amended (adding Task Force Member Pilpel to meeting). (Pilpel/Comstock) (Knee absent)
Administrator’s report.
- Report on Orders of Determination
Administrator Hall gave oral report.
Public comment from John Darmanin regarding his Order of Determination of 6/22/04, requesting the Task Force not reconsider this Order of Determination.
Public comment from Lorrie Kalos, Fire Department, urging the Task Force to reconsider this Order of Determination.
Consensus of the Committee to reconsider this Order of Determination.
- Report on Peter Warfield complaint from 5/12/04 meeting
Removed from agenda.
- Progress of Dan Boreen complaints
Motion adopted to send a letter to Mr. Boreen asking him to respond to his previous series of requests to the Fire Department; requesting Mr. Boreen to respond with 60 days. (Pilpel/Jenkins) (Knee absent)
Peter Warfield regarding Order of Determination of April 22, 2004 regarding complaint against the Public Library for alleged failure to provide requested information relating to RSI-related employee injuries/problems.
Mr. Warfield was not in attendance. Administrator to contact Mr. Warfield to inquire if he wishes to place this item on a future agenda.
Member Pilpel stated for the record he has a friendship with Mr. Housh of the Public Library.
John Kelly regarding Order of Determination of June 22, 2004 regarding complaint against the Department of Building Inspection with regard to documents that were destroyed.
Mr. Kelly requested his complaint against the Department of Building Inspection, which resulted in the Order of Determination of June 22, 2004, be referred to the District Attorney, the State Attorney General, and the Ethics Commission. Mr. Kelly stated he was withdrawing his offer of a re-measurement.
This item set for the next Committee meeting for discussion of resolution of this complaint.
Direction of Compliance & Amendments Committee.
Chair of the Task Force Garrett Jenkins brought the suggestion to the Committee that the Committee refocus their work program to include some proactive education of departments regarding the Sunshine Ordinance; as well as continuing to follow-up on Orders of Determination. Mr. Jenkins suggested the proactive education of departments be split between the Compliance & Amendments Committee and the Public Education & Information Committee.
Provisions of Sunshine Ordinance Section 67.30 (c) and (d) were discussed to be added to the work program for the Committee.
Committee discussed possibility of holding hearings before the Compliance & Amendments Committee to discuss non-profit provisions. This item will be discussed further at the next Compliance & Amendments Committee meeting.
Regarding Sunshine Ordinance Section 67.30 (c) and (d), Deputy City Attorney Llorente was requested to inquire of the City Attorney’s Office to what extent the Board of Supervisors might make amendments to the Sunshine Ordinance without a vote of the electorate.
Add to work program a compliance section to the Task Force Annual Report.
Public comment for items not listed on the agenda.
Public comment from John Kelly regarding changes to the Sunshine Ordinance regarding in favor of three-minute public speaking time; and requesting the Task Force look into the Business & Taxation Code for conflict with the Sunshine Ordinance Section 67.22.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Submitted by Donna L. Hall, Administrator
*This meeting has been audio recorded and is on file in the office of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.