Historic Preservation Commission - June 21, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
June 21, 2017 - 12:30pm



Meeting Minutes

Commission Chambers Room 400,
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

Wednesday, June 21, 2017
12:30 p.m.
Regular Hearing

COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:   Wolfram, Matsuda, Pearlman, Johns, Hyland


STAFF IN ATTENDANCE:  Jeff Joslin – Director of Current Planning, Desiree Smith, Jonathan Vimr, Doug Vu, Stephanie Cisneros, Tim Frye – Historic Preservation Officer, Jonas P. Ionin – Commission Secretary,

+ indicates a speaker in support of an item;

  • indicates a speaker in opposition to an item; and

= indicates a neutral speaker or a speaker who did not indicate support or opposition.


At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission except agenda items. With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the Commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting.  Each member of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes.

SPEAKER: Marvin Lambert – Frontage Cottage Row ACOA procedure


1. Director’s Announcements

Tim Frye, Preservation Officer:
No announcements from the Director, but happy to forward any questions you may have to him so he may answer them at a future day.

2. Review of Past Events at the Planning Commission, Staff Report and Announcements

Tim Frye, Preservation Officer:
Good afternoon, Commissioners. Just a few items to share with you today; no formal report from the Planning Commission,  however, wanted to make you aware of or give you an update on an item you probably have seen in the news lately is regarding 930 Grove. A large vacant building with residential property within the Alamo Square Landmark District; the Department is working very closely with the Department of Building Inspection and the City Attorney's Office and has been for quite some time regarding the condition of this building. In fact, I was at a meeting this morning with the City Attorney's Office about the issue. Just want to give you an update and let you know we have visited the site several times. We have also asked the property owner to hire a consultant to prepare a historic structures report to outline the existing conditions and a way to prioritize the deterioration at the site. We anticipate having that historic structures report to us by mid-July and that will give us a better idea of how to move forward in getting the building rehabilitated and habitable. So happy to give you more information on that issue as we are provided more information, but that is-I just wanted to assure you, we are actively involved in the current case.  Also, wanted to, sort of aligned with that is, I wanted to bring to your attention on your advance calendar on August 2nd you will have your first Enforcement and Compliance Division update. As you are aware, we have a budgeted position as part of the informed Enforcement and Compliance Team to deal with all preservation related issues regarding around enforcement. Her name is Ali Kirby. You are familiar with her from her previous work as a preservation planner in the northwest Quadrant. She will be providing you an update on her activities over the past year in regard to enforcement and compliance and at that time will also be seeking your input on any priorities or areas that you think we should be focusing our attention on in the upcoming years and again that's on August 2nd. Also, wanted to bring to your attention, your Landmark Designation Work Program would normally, quarterly report, would normally be heard on-at your July 19th hearing. We have moved back to August 2nd because there are a number of landmark designation related activities for the 19th because you're canceling your first hearing in July. So, just because of the time constraint and to give you ample time to review that report we've moved it to August 2nd. So that concludes my report unless you have any questions. Thank you. 


3. President’s Report and Announcements


4. Consideration of Adoption:

ACTION: Adopted as Corrected
AYES: Wolfram, Hyland, Hasz, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman
ABSENT: Hasz, Johnck

5. Commission Comments & Questions

Commissioner Hyland:
I'll be away July 19th.


ACTION: Canceled
AYES: Wolfram, Hyland, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman
ABSENT: Hasz, Johnck


6. 2014.1050L                                                                            (D. SMITH: (415) 575-9093)
1610 GEARY BOULEVARD – Consideration to Initiate Landmark Designation of the Peace Pagoda and Peace Plaza, located between Post Street and Geary Boulevard, Assessor's Block 0700, Lots 022, 023, as an individual Article 10 Landmark pursuant to Section 1004.1 of the Planning Code (District 5). Constructed in 1968, the Peace Pagoda and Peace Plaza were designed by master architect, Yoshiro Taniguchi and are significantly associated with the history and identify of the Japantown community. The Peace Pagoda and Peace Plaza were added to the Landmark Designation Work Program on September 18, 2013. They are located in a NC-3 (Neighborhood Commercial, Moderate Scale) Zoning District and 50-X Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve

SPEAKERS: = Desiree Smith – Staff report
+ Karen Kai – Peace Pagoda Plaza
+ Greg Marutani – Support
+ Paul Wermer – Needed repairs, support
ACTION: Initiated
AYES: Wolfram, Hyland, Johns, Pearlman
ABSENT: Hasz, Johnck
RECUSED: Matsuda

7. 2009.1100H                                                               (J. VIMR: (415) 575-9109)
1095 MARKET STREET – south side of Market Street between 6th and 7th Streets; Lot 059 in Assessor's Block 3703 (District 4) – Request for Commission Review and Approval for conditions of approval, Case No. 2009.1100H, Motion No. 0080, regarding final mock-up and finishes for the installation of a reconstructed cornice. The project also entails exterior and interior rehabilitation to convert the building to a contemporary hotel. The Joseph D. Grant Building is a Category I – Significant Building constructed approximately 1905-1906. The subject building is located in the C-3-G (Downtown-General) Zoning District, 90-X Height and Bulk District, and the Market Street Special Sign District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve

SPEAKERS: = Jonathan Vimr – Staff report
+ Speaker – Available for questions
+ Jason Wright – Dallop, feature
ACTION: Approved as amended by Staff
AYES: Wolfram, Hyland, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman
ABSENT: Hasz, Johnck
MOTION: 0306

8. 2012.1410A                                                                      (N. KWIATKOWSKA: (415) 575-9185)
77-85 FEDERAL STREET – southeast side, bounded by Federal, 2nd and De Boom Streets; Assessor's Block 3774, Lot 444 (District 9) – Request for Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish the existing two non-contributing two-story office buildings and construct a new five-story-over-basement mixed-use building (measuring approximately 72,070 sq ft) within South End Landmark District. The subject lot is located in a MUO (Mixed Use-Office) Zoning District and 65-X Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions

ACTION: Without hearing; Continued to September 6, 2017
AYES: Wolfram, Hyland, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman
ABSENT: Hasz, Johnck

9. 2016-010363COA                                                              (D. VU: (415) 575-9120)
714 22ND STREET – north side, between 3rd and Tennessee Streets; Assessor's Block 4108, Lot 005 (District 10) – Request for Certificate of Appropriateness to construct an approximately 1,040 gross sq. ft., two-story rear addition for a new dwelling unit and the widening of the garage opening to 8-ft. 6-in. at the front of the existing four-story, three-family dwelling within the Dogpatch Landmark District. The subject lot is located in an NCT-2 (Small-Scale Neighborhood Commercial Transit) Zoning District and 45-X Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions

SPEAKERS: = Doug Vu – Staff report
+ Mark Rigelli – Available for questions
ACTION: Approved with Conditions
AYES: Wolfram, Hyland, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman
ABSENT:  Hasz, Johnck
MOTION: 0307

10a. 2017-006533LBR                                             (S. CISNEROS: (415) 575-9186)
2411 OCTAVIA STREET – west side of Octavia Street near Broadway; Assessor's Block 0578, Lot 002 (District 2). Consideration of a resolution recommending Small Business Commission approval of a Legacy Business Application. Founded in 1940, the Analytical Psychology Club is a non-profit organization promoting and supporting the study and discussion of analytical psychology and related subjects. The Legacy Business Registry recognizes longstanding, community-serving businesses that are valuable cultural assets to the City. In addition, the City intends that the Registry be a tool for providing educational and promotional assistance to Legacy Businesses to encourage their continued viability and success. The subject business is within a RH-2 (Residential – House, Two Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval

SPEAKERS: = Stephanie Cisneros – Staff report
+ Jana Hutcheson – Analytical Psychology Club
+ Richard Vivian – Rooky Ricardo's Record
+ Brian Brooks – Rooky Ricardo's Record
+ Matt Alporn – Rooky Ricardo's Record
+ DeAnne Brooks – Rooky Ricardo's Record
+ Suzy Kendal-Alporn – Rooky Ricardo's Record
ACTION: Adopted a Recommendation for Approval
AYES: Wolfram, Hyland, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman
ABSENT: Hasz, Johnck

10b. 2017-006539LBR                                               (S. CISNEROS: (415) 575-9186)
3345 STEINER STREET – west side of Steiner Street near Chestnut Street; Assessor's Block 0490, Lot 048 (District 2). Consideration of a resolution recommending Small Business Commission approval of a Legacy Business Application. Opened in 1987, Izzy's Steaks and Chops is a local community-serving restaurant and bar serving the Marina and Cow Hollow neighborhoods. The Legacy Business Registry recognizes longstanding, community-serving businesses that are valuable cultural assets to the City. In addition, the City intends that the Registry be a tool for providing educational and promotional assistance to Legacy Businesses to encourage their continued viability and success. The subject business is within a NC-2 (Neighborhood Commercial, Small Scale) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval

SPEAKERS: Same as Item #10a.
ACTION: Adopted a Recommendation for Approval
AYES: Wolfram, Hyland, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman
ABSENT: Hasz, Johnck

10c. 2017-006543LBR                                               (S. CISNEROS: (415) 575-9186)
419 HAIGHT STREET – on the south side of Haight Street near Webster Street.  Assessor's Block 0859, Lot 031 (District 5). Consideration of a resolution recommending Small Business Commission approval of a Legacy Business Application. Opened in 1987, Rooky Ricardo's Records is a Lower Haight vintage record store specializing in rare and underappreciated music. The Legacy Business Registry recognizes longstanding, community-serving businesses that are valuable cultural assets to the City. In addition, the City intends that the Registry be a tool for providing educational and promotional assistance to Legacy Businesses to encourage their continued viability and success. The subject business is within a NC-2 (Neighborhood Commercial, Small Scale) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval

SPEAKERS: Same as Item #10a.
ACTION: Adopted a Recommendation for Approval
AYES: Wolfram, Hyland, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman
ABSENT: Hasz, Johnck