Market & Octavia Community Advisory Committee
About the Market & Octavia CAC
The Market & Octavia Community Advisory Committee (MOP-CAC) is a representative body that provides advice to the Planning Director, the Interagency Plan Implementation Committee, the Planning Commission, and the Board of Supervisors regarding implementation of the Market/Octavia Plan and the plan's community improvements. In consultation with the San Francisco Planning Department staff and other relevant professional staff, and informed by criteria established by the committee, the Market & Octavia CAC will prioritize projects in the Plan for community improvements funding. The Committee will also provide advice on the dispersal of project funding to ensure that it is consistent with those criteria. Projects eligible for funding must be ones that are identified in the MOP, that are consistent with the Plan's goals, objectives and philosophy, and that can be clearly evaluated. The CAC provides continuity over the life of the plan and long term oversight and guidance on developments in the plan area consistent with the MOP's spirit and objectives.
If you have any questions about the Market & Octavia CAC, please contact:
Andrea Nelson
(415) 575-8723
CAC Members
There are currently two vacancies on the committee.
If you are interested, please complete the application and submit it to Alisa Somera, Rules Committee Clerk (
Application Available Here
- Jason Henderson, Vice Chair
- Chase Chambers
- Robin Levitt
- Paul Olsen
- Ted Olsson
- Krute Singa, Chair
- Mohammed Soriano Bilal
CAC Meeting Schedule
Regular meeting time and location:
Third Monday of each month, at 7:00 PM
SF Planning Department
1650 Mission Street, Fifth Floor *
* Meeting time and location subject to change. Please see agendas below for specific meeting information.
Background Documents
- Market Octavia Monitoring Report 2010-2014
- Market & Octavia CAC BylawsÂ
- Market & Octavia Area Plan
- Market and Octavia Community Improvements
- Appendix C. Market and Octavia Community Improvements, Detailed Project Scope and Costs
- Market & Octavia Plan Monitoring Report 2005-2009
- CAC Supplemental Report: Market & Octavia Plan Monitoring Report 2005-2009
Planning Code
SEC. 341.5. MARKET AND OCTAVIA COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (a) Purpose: Within 6 months of adoption of the Market and Octavia Area Plan and related planning code changes, the Board of Supervisors shall establish a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) The CAC will be advisory, as appropriate, to the Planning Director, the Interagency Plan Implementation Committee, the Planning Commission, and the Board of Supervisors. The CAC may perform the following functions as needed; (1) Collaborate with the Planning Department and the Inter-Agency Plan Implementation Committee on prioritizing the community improvement projects and identifying implementation details as part of annual expenditure program that is adopted by the Board of Supervisors; (2) Provide an advisory a role in a report-back process from the Planning Department on enforcement of individual projects' compliance with the Market and Octavia Area Plan standards and specific conditions of project approvals, including the specific first-source hiring requirements for the Plan Area such that those agreements will be more effectively implemented; (3) Collaborate with the Planning Department in updating the community improvements program at a minimum of every fifth year in coordination with relevant City agencies; Providing input to Plan area monitoring efforts for required time-series reporting. (b) Representation: The Board of Supervisors shall appoint 2/3 of the committee membersand the Mayor shall appoint 1/3 of the committee members on the CAC, Both the Board and the Mayor shall appoint members that represent the diversity of the plan area. The Citizens Advisory Committee shall be comprised of 7--11 community members from varying geographic, socio-economic, ethnic, racial, gender, and sexual orientations living or working within the plan area. At a minimum, there must be one representative from each of the geographic areas of the Plan Area. The CAC should adequately represent key stakeholders including resident renters, resident homeowners, low-income residents, local merchants, established neighborhood groups within the plan area, and other groups identified through refinement of the CAC process. Each member shall be appointed by the Board and will serve for two-year terms, but those terms shall be staggered such that, of the initial membership, some members will be randomly selected to serve four-year terms and some will serve two-year terms. The Board of Supervisors may renew a member's term. The Planning Department or Interagency Plan Implementation Committee shall designate necessary staffing from relevant agencies to the CAC,as needed to complete the CAC's responsibilities described in this Code. To the extent permitted by law, staffing for the CAC shall be funded through the Market & Octavia Community Improvements Fund administration fees. (Added by Ord. 72-08, File No. 071157, App. 4/3/2008) |