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Meeting Information

Elections Commission

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City and County of San Francisco

Elections Commission

Approved: June 21, 2006

Minutes of the Meeting at City Hall Room 408

May 17, 2006


  1. CALL TO ORDER.  At 7:16 pm, President Richard P. Matthews called the meeting to order but announced that this was not an official meeting because there was no quorum.


2.      ROLL CALL.  Present were Commissioners Matthews, Meek, Gleason, Director Arntz and Deputy City Attorney Marquez.


3.      President Matthews made these Announcements:


  • a.There will not be a regular meeting on the first Wednesday of June because the previous day will be Election Day.  The next meeting of the Elections Commission will be June 21, 2006.


  • b.There is a reassignment of Committee members:  The Budget and Oversight of Public Elections Committee will still be chaired by Commissioner Gleason, the new Vice Chair is Jennifer Meek, and Commissioner Matthews will continue to serve as the third member.


4.      Public Comment: 

Jessica Cole urged the Commission to ban the use of the Diebold TSX Voting Machines in San Francisco.  She said they were not safe for use in elections despite recertification by Secretary of State McPherson.  Ms. Cole said she wanted open source technology for San Francisco’s voting machines.


Chris Jerdonek  asked if the Department was going to create an email list of members of the public who wanted to receive notifications of changes and events on the Department’s website.  He asked if this could be put on the next Commission agenda. 


Adjournment was at 7:22 pm.



Meeting was reconvened at 7:26 pm when Commissioner Arnold Townsend arrived. 



ROLL CALL.  Present are: Matthews, Meek, Townsend, and Gleason. 


President Matthews announced that the Commission would address only one item - 8(b).  Discussion and possible action to submit a request to the Board of Supervisors for a waiver allowing certain City employees to work on the June 6, 2006 Consolidated Primary Election.   Commissioner Gleason MOVED that the Commission send a request to the Board of Supervisors saying that the Commission reviewed the memo as presented by the Director of Elections listing the number of employees that the Department is requesting.  The Commission requests that the Department get a waiver to allow a certain number of City employees to work on the June 6, 2006 Primary Election.  SECONDED by Commissioner Townsend.  Roll Call Vote: Matthews-yes; Meek-yes; Gleason-yes; Townsend-yes.  The Roll Call Vote was UNANIMOUS.


President Matthews asked Acting Commission Secretary Beth Lipski to forward promptly to the Board of Supervisors a letter letting them know of the Commission’s waiver request and the Commission’s unanimous vote.


Final Adjournment was at 7:31 pm.