City and County of San FranciscoSan Francisco Arts Commission

January 10, 2011

Civic Design Review Committee - January 10, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011
3:00 p.m.
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 70


Commissioners present: Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Breitenberg, Commissioner Stryker
Commissioners absent: None
Staff present: Jill Manton, Vicky Knoop

Call to order: 3:05


  1. Calaveras Dam Water Outlet Structure and Electrical Control Building - Phase 3

    Dan Wade, Project Manager, SFPUC explained that they the existing Calaveras Dam and necessary structures are in the process of being replaced. The replacement of a water outlet structure and electrical building are included in the upgrades.

    Kent Ford, Project Architect, DPW BOA explained that the design has been changed only slightly from the Phase 2 review. The bridge design has been simplified by removing the corbels.

    Commissioner Smith asked about the materials.

    Mr. Ford replied that the building will be cast stone with a tile roof.

    Commissioner Stryker asked if any materials would be salvaged from the historic building.

    Andrew Maloney, Architect, DPW BOA explained that they will be using the materials for measurements and hope to reuse some of the roof tiles, but other items will not be able to be reused.

    Motion to approve Phase 3 of the Calaveras Dam Water Outlet structure and Electrical Control Building: Commissioner Breitenberg
    Vote: Unanimously approved.

  2. San Joaquin Pipeline Eastern Segment - Phase 2 and 3
    Stanley So, SFDPW Project Architect,? explained that this project is an extension of the San Joaquin Pipeline upgrade program and includes the construction of a fourth backup pipeline. He presented images of the site and existing structures. He explained the changes since the previous review including modified score lines and window placement per the Commissioners request.

    Commissioner Smith commented that the score lines of the buildings should be simplified further and presented an alternative direction.

    Commissioner Stryker requested that the landscape include two oak trees as close to the building as possible.

    Mr. So responded that the PUC has regulations about planting trees close to the pipelines, but would work with the engineers to find an appropriate location.

    Motion to approve Phase 2 and 3 of the San Joaquin Pipeline Eastern Segment with the condition of adding two oak trees to the site and simplifying the score lines on the structure: Commissioner Smith
    Vote: Unanimously approved.


  3. Central Subway - Portal - Phase 3
    Albert Hoe, Central Subway Deputy Program Manager introduced the project and briefly reviewed a the comments from the last meeting.

    Kendall Young, Architect, Kendall Young Associates, explained that they had redesigned the portal to address the Commissioners concerns. The portal now has a crown island with a vertical wall. He presented the granite tile that will be used for the traffic barrier.

    The Commissioners agreed that the project team responded well to the comments from previous meetings.

    Motion to approve the Central Subway Portal design: Commissioner Breitenberg
    Vote: Unanimously approved.

  4. Public Safety Building - Phase 1
    Charles Higueras, FAIA DPW Program Manager Earthquake Safety & Emergency Response Bond, introduced the project team with representatives from HOK and Mark Cavagnero Architects. He explained that the Public Safety Buildin (PSB) is the first of several projects of the emergency response bond. The project team has been working closely with the Redevelopment Agency to reach out to the community about the new structure.

    Laura Blake, RA, Mark Cavagnero Associates PSB Project Manager?, explained that the building will house the Police Department administration offices, fleet parking, and renovation of the old fire station. The project will meet LEED gold requirements. The building aims to have be a civic presence in the neighborhood as it will be the only civic building in Mission Bay. She presented the site plan and explained that there is a great deal of growth projected around the site.

    Mark Cavagnero, FAIA, Mark Cavagnero Associates, PSB Co-Project Designer? said that the project has been designed as an object visible from four sides as the rest of the area may not be built up for several years. One of the goals of the project is to create an integrated design with the existing historic fire station. The design has an elevated garden and the large massing is based on the idea on the idea of two sliding objects.

    Paul Woolford, AIA, HOK, PSB Co-Project Designer? presented the interior spaces and their relation to the programming, sunlight, and environmental concerns. He explained that they are creating a generous public realm to give a more grand entry to the building by creating an entry court.

    Ms. Blake explained that public art will be integrated into the design process and they are currently looking into two or three interior and exterior locations.

    Commissioner Breitenberg said that he appreciated the the integration of historic elements and public spaces created by the set backs.

    Commissioner Breitenberg left the meeting at 5:50.

    Commissioner Stryker commented that the outdoor theme of the campus is a good direction. She added that this should flow around the corner and suggested shifting some of the elements in that area. She also suggested finding a better location for the handicapped parking space as it curtails the open space. She recommended shifting it back along the sidewalk.

    Ms. Blake responded that they have been looking into new locations for the parking space, but are limited by parking restrictions on third street.

    Commissioner Stryker said that the renderings should include street furniture, fire hydrants, and all other items on the street. She also requested more information on the art integration.

    Susan Pontious, Director of Public Art, Arts Commission, explained that she has met with the architectural team to identify locations for the public art and artist qualifications submissions are being accepted through the end of the week.

    Jill Manton, Director of Programs, Arts Commission, commented that bollards are not a good location for artwork due to maintenance issues.

    Commissioner Stryker said that the trees on the roof garden seem out of place and suggested using lower plants. She added that the landscape plan could be pushed farther and suggested thinking vertically.

    Commissioner Smith said that the two blocks shifting is a good way to stay off of the corner building. The facades and skin should be the big move on the project. He said the building is a bit static and should be more edgy. The way the outside frame relates to the building should be pushed farther and be more geometric. The frame needs to create more contrast to the building and create duality.

    Commissioner Smith made a recommendation to approve Phase 1 at the next Arts Commission meeting.


  5. New Business
    There was no new business.
  6. Adjournment: 6:30 p.m.

vmk 2/4/11

vmk - 9/16/12 - meeting date corrected from January 11 to January 10