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Meeting Information

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401 Van Ness Avenue, Room #123
San Francisco, CA 94102

January 3, 2000
Meeting of the Commission, Room 104

1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1821 hours.

2. ROLL CALL: Charles Coolidge, George Gibbs, Leonard Grube, Wallace Levin, Jim Lineberger, Glenn Raswyck, Edwin Wilkerson and a quorum was present. Cheryl Cook, VSO was also present.


4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: The agenda was approved unanimously with a hand vote.

5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF DEC 1, 1999 The minutes were approved unanimously with a hand

6. PUBLIC COMMENT: Cheryl Cook, VSO for San Francisco County gave the Commissioners the new VSO address at 875 Stevenson St. Ste. 250 (at 10th), and new telephone number (415) 554-7100. The VSO also announced a job opening for a person in the VA’s work/study program.


A. Remarks by new President, Comm. Raswyck about the challenge of the position, and appreciation for the leadership of Comm. Wilkerson, 1999 Pres.

B. Reviewed members needing reappointment. All had submitted timely applications, pending Bd. Supvr. action. Noted the resignation of Comm.Patsy Wilson due to relocation.

C. The proposed northern area cemetery at Fort Ord was discussed. A motion by Comm. Wilkerson to send a letter to the Mayor and Bd. of Supvr. was approved. Comm. Raswyck will draft the letter. Procedural query was raised by Comm. Lineberger: The appropriateness of adding "copy to"addressees to our official correspondence. In the absence of the scheduled Attorney (meeting time conflict), the matter will be continued.


A. The commissioners were informed that William Stephens from the Iowa Project is looking for contact with the Mayor to expedite project.

B. Comm. CJ O’Mara (not present) sent a reminder for e-Mail information for updating Web site.

C. A discussion including VSO Cheryl Cook reviewed activities and participation by commission members and veteran organizations in the upcoming VEC Resource Fair.

9. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Levin gave a brief account of the Presidential pardon given one of the several veterans of the Port Chicago fiasco. He noted that Supvr. Kaufman originally passed a Bd. of
Supvr. Resolution urging action on this matter.

10. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next meeting will be on Monday, February 7, 2000.

11. ADJOURMENT: The meeting adjourned at 1945 hours.