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Meeting Information

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Southeast Community Facility Commission


6:00 P.M.
1800 Oakdale Avenue
San Francisco, California 94124

I.          Call to Order:

          Commission President John Knox called the Thursday, February 10, 2000 meeting to order at 6:14 p.m.

II.          Roll Call:
          Present:                    Commissioner Bobbrie Brown
                                        Commissioner Heidi Hardin
                                        Commissioner John Knox
                                        Commissioner Kim Nguyen

          Excused:                    Commissioner Millard Larkin II
                                        Commissioner Rollie Lepana
                                        Commission Linda Richardson

          Staff Present:          Robert Bryan, Deputy City Attorney; Charlie Dunn, Real Estate
                                        Dept.; Toye Moses, Exec. Dir., SECF; Kathy Basconcillo, SECFC-

III.          Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of Weds., January 26 were tabled until the Commission meeting of Wed., February 26, 2000.

IV.          Correspondence:

          Dr. Moses informed the Commissioners that the following would be found in
          their folders:

a) Letter of invitation to Rich Tovatt, Dist. Mgr., Foods Co./Ralph’s Groceries;
b) Letter of invitation to Kit Anderson, Manager of the Geraldine Johnson Manor (formerly the Bayview Senior Apts.).

V.          Presentation: Commissioner Knox introduced Mr. Byron Rhett, San Francisco
          Redevelopment Agency Project Manager who thanked the Commission for this
          opportunity to update them on the Shipyard Redevelopment Project.

          This is a very appropriate time to update the Commission, the Community and in fact the general public as to the many change

VI.          Director’s Report:
- Commission Millard Larkin will keep the Commission updated.
- The FY 2000-01 budget request is still progressing through the approval process with our General Fund request passing intact thus far. Commission will be kept informed.

          Action: Commissioner Richardson moved and Commissioner Brown seconded to
accept the Director’s Report. Motion passed.

VI.          Old and On-going Business:

a) List of all Southeast Community Facility Commission standing committee (Facility Committee and Housing, Health and Public Safety Committee) members will be sent to Commissioners before next Commission meeting.

VII. Introduction of New Business:

a) after this meeting.
b) the Census 2000 Project.
c) PG&E to update on the Power Plant closure.
d) also review the "Overview of Public Records and Public Meeting Laws" and call Deputy City Attorney Robert Bryan with any questions regarding either document.)

VIII.          Public Comment:
contributions and accomplishments.

IX.          Adjournment:

Action: Commissioner Brown moved and Commissioner Nguyen seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted: _________________________
                               (Commission Secretary)