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Meeting Information

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

6:00 P.M.

1800 Oakdale Avenue"
San Francisco, CA 94124

1.0               Call to Order
Commissioner Bobbrie Brown called the Thursday, July 12, 2007 meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. in the Alex L. Pitcher Community Room at 1800 Oakdale Avenue.

Commissioner Brown read the Sunshine Ordinance aloud.

             1.2            Roll Call: Commissioners Present: Brown, Fuentes, Jones, Parker; Kenney,

Commissioners Excused: Churchwell, Sampson

Staff Present: John Roddy, Deputy City Attorney, Toye Moses, Executive Director; Joseph Singh, Mgmt. Assistant, Annette Price, Commission Secretary.


             1.3                    Consent Calendar

          RESOLUTION (SECFC-2007-84) Be it resolved that the minutes of the Southeast Community Facility Commission meeting of Wednesday, June 27, 2007 were approved as submitted.

2.0                 PUBLIC COMMENT
There was no public comment at this time.

3.0                 COMMUNICATION:
Dir. Moses reported that the letter to Mr. John Loiacono on Digester Placement is in progress.

4.0               PRESENTATION:
Attorney Jeannette Fisher-Kouadio
presented on estate planning and probate properties, specifically in the BVHP community. Attorney Fisher-Kouadio reviewed the probate process, clarified roles of estate administrators, and discussed financial hardship incurred by heirs who have experienced the sale of probate properties.

Attorney Fisher-Kouadio expressed concern over excessive fees charged regarding properties that are not held in trust, common reasons why individuals do not take advantage of an estate plan, and how families and communities are negatively impacted.

Attorney Fisher-Kouadio noted 50-60% of San Franciscans do not have a basic estate plan in place and that percentage increases in the BVHP community. She then opened the floor to questions.

Commissioner Jones asked what currently is in place with regard to education in probate issues and how can seniors become educated as to its importance. She also asked for clarification with regard to a “revocable trust”.

Attorney Fisher-Kouadio explained that a revocable trust can be amended or revoked for the life of a homeowner and becomes irrevocable upon a homeowner’s death. With regard to education, Attorney Fisher stated she has presented before different organizations, churches, and performed outreach through radio broadcast, newspaper articles, and letter-writing campaigns.

Attorney Fisher-Kouadio stated funding should to be put in place to address this issue and asked that the Commission support this effort by bringing it to the forefront so that when funding does become available this effort will be taken more seriously.

Commissioner Parker offered to be a part of the outreach effort and possibly have some type of ongoing program that addresses senior citizens.

Dir. Moses asked what could be done to inform senior citizens of the dangers with regard to predatory lending. Attorney Fisher-Kouadio suggested a quarterly or bimonthly forum for seniors be held to address the problem of predatory lending. Attorney Kouadio has also started a nonprofit company, Prosperity Law Incorporated, with a goal to educate individuals, seniors in particular on basic estate planning. Her target will be BVHP district.

5.0               UPDATE: Lead Dust Wipe Sampling on Tiles at Head-Start Playground Snake:
Ms. Laura O’Heir, SFPUC reported the following:

Ms. O’Heir distributed a 2-page report regarding control options for lead found on the ceramic tiles of snake in the Headstart area. She reported six months ago PUC determined through a hazard material survey that lead existed in the tiles of the snake structure.

Additional lead dust wipe testing revealed that lead contaminant hazards present in the deteriorated tiles of the snake were emitting dust. Ms. O’Heir presented options to resolve the problem.

 PUC recommends at least the tiles, if not the structure, be removed.

Commissioner Brown asked how quickly could the sand/structure be removed. Ms. O’Heir stated the sand under the bridge has already been replaced. She explained the fence, which also contains lead and has been since encapsulated, is targeted for removal shortly.
The question arose as to whether or not it’s required to first obtain permission prior to removing the snake sculpture. Dir Moses explained due diligence efforts to locate the artist was performed, but without success. He also mentioned that this particular piece of art does not fall under the Arts Commission, therefore permission from them is not needed.

Mr. Dave Pearson, SFSU Headstart Program, said (in the event the snake is removed) he recommend concrete surfacing be put in similar to “Play Yard B” with a little sand area that will comply with ADA requirements. He also mentioned that the stair climber over the sculpture would be removed for safety.

Mr. Sam Murray explained that PUC would oversee the removal of the snake; however, a motion will be needed to start the process.

Motion: Moved by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Parker that the entire snake structure, fence, and sand be removed as soon as possible. Motion passed unanimously (5-0).

6.0                 Draft Legislation On Jurisdictional Transfer of Childcare Center Properties from the Department of Public Works (DPW) to Human Services Agency (HSA): Referring to the draft legislation earlier distributed, Attorney Roddy reviewed the finer points of the legislation. Referring to the last RESOLVE clause, he stated the Commission would continue to have the same role that it had previously: as advisors in significant decisions relating to how the properties are to be used.

Attorney Roddy informed the resolution would be introduced by the Mayor’s Office as part of the budget package for consideration by the Bd. of Supervisors. Roddy also referenced a suggested amendment to the resolution, which Commissioner Kennedy read into the record.

“FURTHER RESOLVED that HSA shall continue to manage and oversee the current property usage and tenancy, and any changes of the use shall require the Board of Supervisor’s approval”.

Commissioner Kennedy suggested that the excerpt be placed before the second RESOLVE clause of the resolution.

Ms. Hampton asked for clarification with regard to lines 23-25 and voiced concern about being displaced, since she is not a childcare agency. Roddy clarified that management of the property will be the Human Service Agency and the Dept of Real Estate.

Dir. Moses explained the reason for the addition was to ensure that proper channels would be followed before any decision could be made with respect to JMAC’s tenancy, which serves an important population.

Motion: Moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Parker the passage of the draft resolution with addition. Motion passed unanimously (5-0).

7.0               COMMUNITY ADVISORY GROUP COMMITTEE REPORT/RECOMMENDATION: Referring to the CAG report, Commissioner Parker reviewed the goals set forth and noted that items B and C were tabled to the next CAG meeting scheduled for August 14th @ 12:00 noon. Commissioner Parker stated the following recommendations were made:

  1. That another meeting be scheduled with Supervisor Sophie Maxwell to re-visit Commission’s request to seek Legislative Ordinance from BOS that the SEC Facility Commission (currently advisory in nature) be amended to become a chartered commission.

  2. That the SECF Commission and Southeast Community unite and pursue with sustained vigor an amendment to the San Francisco City Charter Administrative Code 54.

Commissioner Parker explained CAG is requesting permission to invite Supervisor Maxwell to the next CAG Ad-Hoc meeting.

Dir. Moses interjected that the recommendation was to revisit the Commission’s request to seek legislative ordinance from the Board by sending another commissioner to meet with Supervisor Maxwell.

MOTION: Moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Fuentes to accept the CAG Ad-Hoc Committee Report as read. Motion passed unanimously to accept report as read (5-0).

8.0                 DIRECTOR’S REPORT:
Dir. Moses reported the following:

a.    Reviewed upcoming presenters.

b.    Copy of draft of Founder’s Mural was distributed for commission approval. Due to certain concerns that were voiced, staff suggested that all Commissioners take time to review the mural in person prior to approval.

c.    Mayor and Board of Supervisors have approved the budget, copies of which have been included.

d.    Renovation on the community room floor is in progress. All activities have been suspended until August 3rd.

e.    A draft copy from the Ethics Commission of Regulations Governing Gifts From Restricted Sources was included. Staff will give update at the next commission meeting.

MOTION: Moved by Kennedy, seconded by Fuentes to accept the Director’s Report. Motion passed unanimously to accept report as presented (4-0).


Commissioner Brown suggested the following invitations be sent: Mr. Nathaniel Ford re: Update on Muni T-Line Operation; Captain Albert Pardini, SFPD: Bayview Station re: Crackdown on Crime/Gang Violence; Mr. James Buckley, Citizens Housing Corporation re: Overview on affordable Housing Program.

Commissioner Fuentes suggested that a representative from the Bayview Opera House and the Arts Commission update the Commission on funding issues for the Bayview Opera House.

Commissioner Kennedy said that the Opera House is in transition at this point. She suggested that possibly a presentation be scheduled for September. 

10.0                 PUBLIC COMMENT:
Ms. Carol McGruder encouraged the Commission to have further discussion regarding education in estate planning. Commissioner Brown also noted that Providence Baptist Church provides free legal service once a month on a first come first serve basis.

11.0                 ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Infinity Productions will hold a performance of “A Little Piece of God” on July 14th & July 21st @ 7:00 p.m., July 15th & July 22nd @ 2:00 p.m. at the Bayview Opera House.

12.0                 ADJOURNMENT
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Commission Secretary