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Meeting Information

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Southeast Community Facility Commission


6:00 P.M.
1800 Oakdale Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124

I.          Call to Order
Commission President Millard Larkin called the Thursday, June 13, 2002 meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. in the Alex L. Pitcher Community Room at 1800 Oakdale Avenue.

II.          Announcement
Commissioner Larkin read the Sunshine Ordinance aloud and welcomed Liz Palega back as Acting Secretary.

III.          Roll Call

Present:                    Commissioner Bobbrie Brown
                              Commissioner Heidi Hardin
                              Commissioner Millard Larkin II
                              Commissioner Malik Looper
                              Commissioner Enola Maxwell
                              Commissioner Atiliai Tofaeono

Not Present:                    Commissioner Kim Nguyen

Staff Present:          Robert Bryan, Deputy City Attorney; Kenneth Kwan, SECF Commission Clerk Assistant; Liz Palega, SECF Commission Secretary

IV.          Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Looper moved and Commissioner Maxwell seconded to accept the minutes of Thursday, May 9th. Motion passed to accept minutes as presented, with no opposition.

Commissioner Brown moved and Commissioner Tofaeono seconded to accept the minutes of Wednesday, May 22nd. Motion passed unanimously to accept minutes as printed, without changes.

V.          Public Comments
Commissioner Larkin opened the floor for public comments:

a)          Mr. James Morrison expressed concern and opposition towards Decorative Plant Services receiving their lease extension. Several letters were forwarded to the Director requesting the rest of the quarterly reports—to date, he has received one over a year ago. He also wanted information regarding what Decorative Plant Services has done for the community in terms of fulfilling their contract.

Commissioner Larkin responded that it was Mr. Morrison's prerogative to make inquiries. The SECF Commission is here to serve the citizens; and if there is something that is being requested, the Commission will assist. Commissioner Larkin pointed out that making statements that appear to be threats are unacceptable and should be refrained from recurring.

Mr. Morrison reiterated about his non-receipt of data showing accomplishments made by Decorative Plant Services in accordance with their contract. Mr. Joseph Tam with PUC informed him that Decorative Plant Services had fulfilled all their obligations. Mr. Morrison wanted to know "Where was the proof?" He concluded by stating that community support is being gathered for this concern.

Commissioner Larkin noted that "If information is being requested regarding one of the tenants, upon advice of counsel, it will be followed-up". In most cases, these matters are referred to staff; however, since it has been brought to the attention of the Commission, Commissioner Larkin offered to personally follow-up on this matter and try to get back to Mr. Morrison. Commissioner Larkin suggested that Mr. Morrison work with the Commission and staff.

VI.          Communications

a)          Director's Report

b)          Announcement of vacant 1450 Executive Secretary I position for the SECF Commission

VII.          Director's Report
Commissioner Larkin announced that the Director was on vacation, and asked that his report be tabled until the next Commission meeting.

VIII.          Introduction of New Business
Commissioner Larkin recalled that there were guests who were invited to meet with the Commission. He recommended that the Director include an update of such representatives on his report at the next meeting.

IX.          Announcements

a)          Commissioner Hardin acknowledged and thanked those who attended the 10th Annual Children's Mural Program that was held on Friday, May 24th at the Bayview Opera House. Program including remarks from the collaborators, photo album of the event, and BEEP Journal featuring field trips were circulated for the Commission's review.

Commissioner Larkin commended Commissioner Hardin and staff on a job well done. He further complimented the children on the tile artwork they created that totally changed the complexion of the Opera House.

b)          Mr. Cedric Jackson invited the Commission to the Black Leadership Forum luncheon fundraiser on June 27th, 12-2 p.m. at the Cultural Center, 762 Fulton Street.

X.          Adjournment
Commissioner Hardin moved and Commissioner Brown seconded to adjourn the SECF Commission meeting. Meeting adjourned at 6:22 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Commission Secretary