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Meeting Information

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Thursday, April 10, 2003
6:00 P.M.

1800 Oakdale Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124

I. Call to Order

Commission President Millard Larkin called the Thursday, April 10, 2003 meeting to order at 6:26 p.m. in the Alex L. Pitcher Community Room at 1800 Oakdale Avenue.

II. Announcement

Commissioner Larkin read the Sunshine Ordinance aloud and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

III. Roll Call

Present: Commissioner Millard Larkin, Commissioner Bobbrie Brown,
Commissioner Louise Jones, Commissioner Ronald Person

Not Present: Commissioners Enola Maxwell, Willie Kennedy and Kim Nguyen (excused)

Staff Present: Toye Moses, Exec. Dir. SECFC; Annette Price, SECF Commission Secretary.

IV. Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Jones moved and Commissioner Person seconded to accept the minutes of Thursday, March 26, 2003. Motion passed to accept minutes as presented.

Public Comment

_ Mr. Andrew Bozeman voiced concern regarding the current budget crisis, specifically the Dept. of Public Health's plan to cut services to BVHP residents by 50%. Mr. Bozeman announced that on April 24, 2003, the Board of Supervisors Budget & Finance Committee will hold a meeting at the Joseph Lee Gym at 4:00 p.m. for residents to voice their concern.

_ Mr. Francisco DeCosta announced that Bill AB1187 to be introduced by Assemblyman Mark Leno will require that an authority be created in relation to the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Mr. DeCosta stated his concern is that when important issues arise that affect the BVHP community such as this bill, there should be dialogue and community involvement.

_ Ms. Espanola Jackson informed the Commission/Community that there is a move by Literacy for Environmental Justice (LEJ) to build an open classroom for children in the BVHP community at Heron's Head Park located right across from the PG&E power plant. Ms. Jackson voiced her distress at the prospect that this will occur on toxic land and requested that the Commission invite Ms. Dana Lanza, Director of LEJ to present before the Commission with reference to this.

_ Mr. Kevin Williams first thanked the SECF Commission for all its hard work and education that it has given to this community. Mr. Williams expressed concern regarding environmental/economic issues that are taking place in the BVHP community. These are very critical issues and it is important for all members of the community to be informed with regard to how they are being impacted. Compliance needs to be strictly adhered to when new developments are to be built in the BVHP community.

Commissioner Larkin thanked the community for their comments and welcomed Battalion Chief Richard Kochevar of the SFFD Southeast Sector.

Chief Kochevar announced that in celebration of Earthquake Preparedness month (April), all fire stations will conduct an open house on Saturday, April 19th from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Chief Kochevar also informed the Community that his dept. will distribute information packets on upcoming training that the Neighborhood Emergency Response Team (NERT) will be conducting. Lastly, the Chief wanted to remind everyone that Daylight's Saving Time is a time for all residents to change batteries in home smoke detectors.

V. Communications
The Executive Director stated the following draft letters will be sent out as directed by the Commission:

    · Letter of Invitation to Superintendent Arlene Ackerman re: School Budget Cuts

    · Letter of Invitation to Don Capobres, SFRA re: Update on BVHP Shipyard

Commissioner Larkin informed the community that at the last SECFC meeting, Reverend Townsend presented before the Commission with regard to affordable Faith Based Housing being built in the BVHP Community. There were certain items requested from the Commission, such as community based organization contacts, room size, cost per unit, pre-qualification requirements, floor plans, etc. Commissioner Larkin announced that Reverend Townsend could not be in attendance, but asked that Mr. Cornell Flowers appearing on behalf of Reverend Townsend step forward and give a brief synopsis on the requested items.

Mr. Flowers stated that the floors plans for the new development and a list of community organizations that were requested have been provided. As far as the companies/contractors that will build this new development, that will be the responsibility of Young Community Developers (YCD), who is the subcontractor for this project.

Commissioner Larkin opened the floor to the Commission/Community.

There was general displeasure among the Commission/Community that this project was not brought to the attention of the people who would be most affected by this new development, BVHP residents prior to moving forward with this project. There was also concern regarding the lack of information that was submitted to the Commission, such as an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) being made available, community meetings that have taken place informing the community about the project, diversity goals being set on this project, etc.

After a brief discussion, Commissioner Larkin called for a vote from the Commission to approve or disapprove the draft letter of support for the Faith Based Housing project sponsored by Reverend Townsend, et al. Given that there was lack of information provided to make an informed decision, the Commission unanimously voted to disapprove the letter of support by a show of hands. Motion passed unanimously to disapprove draft letter of support.

VII. Directors Report

    a) Exe. Dir. Moses reported: Renovations in the community room kitchen and stage area are underway and will be completed very shortly. Our 1424 Clerk Typist will be starting Monday.

    b) There is no new news to report with regard to the budget. It is still in the Mayor's office.

In response to Commissioner Larkin's inquiry as to when the community would be able to voice their concern pertaining to budget cuts in the childcare facilities, Director Moses responded a good opportunity would be at the Budget Finance Committee meeting on April 24th at Joseph Lee Gym and requested that the Commission/Community be there to advocate for BVHP.

Commissioner Brown moved and Commissioners Jones/Person seconded to accept the Director's report. Motion passed unanimously to accept report as presented.

VIII. Introduction of New Business
None was offered at this meeting.

IX. Announcement
Commissioner Larkin announced that immediately following the commission meeting, the Commission/staff would be going to the Old Clam House Restaurant on Bayshore/Oakdale to celebrate the retirement of three (3) commissioners that have just finished their tenure. No commission business will be discussed at this dinner and the community is invited.

X. Adjournment

Commissioner Person moved and Commissioner Brown seconded to adjourn the SECF Commission Meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

                Respectfully submitted,
                Commission Secretary