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Meeting Information

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1.0     CALL TO ORDER 


Commission President Bobbrie Brown called the Thursday, July 10, 2008 meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. in the Alex L. Pitcher Community Room at 1800 Oakdale Avenue.


1.1      ROLL CALL


6:08 p.m.                                 Commission Secretary – Carla Vaughn


Commissioners Present:            Brown, Churchwell, Jones, Kennedy,



Commissioners Excused:           Chung, Yang


Staff Present:                             Joseph Singh, Management Assistant

Carla Vaughn, Commission Secretary





Commission President Bobbrie Brown welcomed all present and announced the Sunshine Ordinance and the Consent Calendar.


Commissioner Kennedy moved to accept the consent calendar. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion.








Carla Vaughn, Commission Secretary announced the following:


a)      Mayor Newsom Announces a New Anti-Gun Initiatives.

b)      Mayor Newsom’s Statement Regarding St. Luke’s Blue Ribbon Panel.

c)      Mayor Newsom’s Executive Directive “Water Conservation Efforts by San Francisco City and County Government”.

d)      Press release: Mayor’s Newsom & Reed join Bay Area Water Agencies to Unveil Regional “Water Saving Hero” Conservation Campaign.

e)      Statement By Mayor Gavin Newsom on the City cooperating with the Federal Government regarding San Francisco’s Sanctuary City policy.

f)        Press release: Mayor Gavin Newsom releases comprehensive Violence Prevention Plan.

g)      Mayor Newsom Expands Universal Healthcare Program, Healthy San Francisco.

h)      Press release: Mayor Gavin Newsom appoints Trent Rhorer Chief of Staff


4.0             PRESENTATION


            Commission Chair Bobbrie Brown welcomed Mr. Akbar Lashanlo, PUC/Resident Engineer, and

           thanked him for attending the Southeast Community Facility Commission meeting.


Mr. Lashanlo thanked the Commission for the invitation and provided an update on the Southeast Community Facility Commission ADA project.


Mr. Lashanlo reported the three main objectives of the project were as follows:

1)      Make the facility ADA compliant.

2)      Improve the deck and prevent water leakage.

3)      Change the fences along Phelps Street.

Mr. Lashanlo advised the old fence had lead in the paint and when chipped away and ingested could provide a hazard. 


The total funding for the project is $1.5 million dollars.  The exact amount is $1,566,800.00.  The construction phase of the project officially started January 28, 2008.  The project itself has been in the works for a long time, the design and approval, and so forth.  The construction is scheduled to come to a substantial completion on August 25, 2008.  Mr. Lashanlo reported the project was on schedule and he spoke with the contractor earlier in the day and advised they would reach substantial completion at the scheduled time.


Commissioner Kennedy thanked Mr. Lashanlo for addressing the Commission and asked if the fence had been on site since the initial construction of the building and why no one knew about the lead paint.


Mr. Lashanlo reported everyone knew about the lead paint and lead was not bad as long as it stayed on the fence and did not chip away.


Commissioner Kennedy noted that children played in the area because it is a daycare facility.  She asked if there had been any follow up on the health condition of children possibly affected by the lead over the years.


Mr. Lashanlo responded to his knowledge no one had checked the health of people who work in HeadStart, or the children who occupied the facility.  Mr. Lashanlo said while working through the project no degradation of the paint had been seen so the project mostly addresses the prevention of future degradation of the paint.  Mr. Lashanlo assured the Commission he did not think there had been lead poisoning to anyone, including the kids.


Commissioner Kennedy said although there were no reports of any lead poisoning she hoped there were no children walking around damaged.  She noted the possibility because children have a tendency to put their mouths on things, and while peering out of the fence they may have put their mouths on the fence.  She suggested keeping a close watch on the issue.


Commissioner Jones thanked Mr. Lashanlo for his presentation and had a question regarding the timeline of the project and the type of material that would be used for the fence.


Mr. Lashanlo advised the whole entire project would come to a substantial completion 5 weeks from now, around August 25, 2008.  He noted if something were to happen to delay the project it would continue until completion.  So far they are 77% into the project and schedules have been met.


Commissioner Sampson thanked Mr. Lashanlo for his presentation and asked how many people from the community had been hired as a result of the project.


Mr. Lashanlo responded one person had been hired.


Joseph Singh, SECFC staff person had a question about the replacement of the boiler.


Mr. Lashanlo advised that was a separate project.


Commission Chair Brown asked how many people in total worked on the project.


Mr. Lashanlo advised it varied depending on the task.  He noted it could be from two people to ten.


Commission Chair Brown noted there had been only one person from the community working on the project.


Mr. Lashanlo stated the City Build program encourages contractors who work for the City contracts to utilize local people.  He said it could not be enforced on the contractors, only a good faith effort could be requested.


Joseph Singh asked if the projected end date was the same for the ADA compliance, deck, and fence, or if any of the projects might be completed sooner than the August 25, 2008 projected end date.


Mr. Lashanlo advised August 25th was the projected end date for the whole project, however some aspects were already completed, such as the restrooms, which were already opened for public use.


Mr. Lashanlo advised the Commission the contractors would have 30 days after the end date to finish small items that might arise, however the project would be completed enough to allow tenant use of the facility.  By September 25, 2008 the contractors would pack their bags and leave the facility.


Commission Chair Brown thanked Mr. Lashanlo for sharing the information and requested the Commission be informed if the project was completed on time.


Mr. Lashanlo advised weekly meetings were held and were attended by Joseph Singh and Toye Moses.  He advised he was available to make another presentation if the Commission desired.


Tony Caruso of Decorative Plants had a question about the deck insulation and waterproofing.  He noted the panels were present for a few weeks and they seemed to be sitting and warping.  He also had a question regarding if there was a guarantee there would not be leaks in the Career Center.


Mr. Lashanlo responded the pieces of insulation were cut to fit the deck and had been placed on the slope three or four weeks ago.  However, windy conditions scrambled them and put them in their present condition.  He noted they did not fix the insulation because it may have been scrambled again.  They were waiting to pour the concrete, which was scheduled for two weeks.  So a day before pouring the concrete the subcontractor would come and arrange the panels.

Regarding the guarantee of non-leakage Mr. Lashanlo advised the roof, concrete, and insulation would all be new and should sustain without leakage for at least twenty years.  He advised the contractor was responsible for any deficiencies for 24 months after the completion of the job.


Commission Chair Bobbrie Brown thanked Mr. Lashanlo for addressing the Commission.     


5.0            STAFF REPORT


Joseph Singh, SECFC staffer reported the 2008/09 budget had been passed by the Board of Supervisors and there has been a bit of a reduction of a little over $58,000 for Southeast.


Mr. Singh acknowledged Mr. Lashanlo’s presentation, which advised of the 77% completion of the ADA project.


Mr. Singh advised Mr. Sam Murray sent his apology because he was not able to attend the Commission meeting.          




Commissioner Sampson advised the outreach Ad-Hoc Committee had not had an opportunity to meet and would meet on July 30, 2008.




Commission Chair Bobbrie Brown asked if there was any new business or suggestions of presenters for future meetings.


Commissioner Sampson said he’d like to invite the Community Power Coop who gave away energy efficient toilets and some other materials.  He noted they were doing a lot of work in the community but had never come before the Commission.


Commissioner Kennedy asked if anyone from the Alice Griffith project had appeared before the Commission and suggested someone from the Mayor’s Office, Redevelopment Agency and Lennar Corporation be invited to provide a presentation on the Alice Griffith project.


Commissioner Kennedy mentioned she brought up the children and requested a letter be sent to the Childcare Center to ask if there were any reports of health problems related to the lead paint found in the play yard because it was found on more than the fence.  It was found on the airplane and the snake.  She wanted to know if there was any follow-up on any of the children who attended the Center in past years.


Commissioner Jones noted the Superintendent of Schools would be starting his second year in San Francisco and requested his office be contacted to provide him ample time to respond to what is happening with our schools in Bay View Hunter’s Point particularly as it relates to the Dream School concept, or initiative that Superintendent Ackerman started. 


8.0            PUBLIC COMMENT


Dr. Harrison Parker stated he was pleased to see an outreach committee had been formed to address one of the chronic problems, which was commission meeting attendance. 


Dr. Parker wanted to know if public input was invited.  He wondered if the Outreach Committee was primarily Commissioners or would they reach out to get input from the community.


Commission Chair Bobbrie Brown noted mailings go out to the community.


Commissioner Kennedy advised the Outreach Committee would meet on July 30, 2008  at 12 noon to address the issue and invited Dr. Parker to attend.


Commission Chair Bobbrie Brown responded that if there was not an issue that people wanted to complain about they would not attend the meetings.  However, when there is an issue you cannot get in the room.  Chair Brown suggested conducting a survey to find out what would get the public involved with the Commission meetings.


Dr. Parker had a question regarding the number of committees in existence.


Joseph Singh, SECFC staff person advised the committees are as follows:

Health and Housing sub-committee

Public Safety sub-committee

Facility & Economic Development sub-committee

Community Advisory Group

Outreach Ad-Hoc Committee


9.0            ANNOUNCEMENTS


Carla Vaughn, Commission secretary announced PUC/General Manager Ed Harrington would address the Commission along with Ms. Alma Robinson, Executive Director of California Lawyers for the Arts.


Commissioner Kennedy announced there would be three important meetings with one scheduled for July 31, 2008 at the Bay View Opera House.  She advised one meeting was dealing with artists and she would provide information to the office.     




    The meeting was adjourned at 6:48 pm.


 Respectfully submitted

Carla Vaughn, Commission Secretary