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Meeting Information

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Thursday, July 10, 2003

12:00 Noon

1800 Oakdale Avenue, Conference Room B

San Francisco, CA 94124


   I.                 Call to Order

            Acting Committee Chair, Commissioner Millard Larkin called the Thursday, July 10, 2003 Community Advisory Group meeting to order at 12:13 p.m.


II.                 Roll Call

Present:                        Ms. Shirley Jones, Chair                Ms. Espanola Jackson

                                    Mr. Andrew Bozeman                    Dr. Harrison Parker

                                    Dean Veronica Hunnicutt                Ms. Dorris Vincent


Excused:                      Ms. Esther Blanchard                      Mr. Damone Hale

                                    Mr. Michael Harris


            Staff Present:                         Toye Moses, Exec. Dir., SECFC; Annette Price, SECF-Sect.


III.                 Announcement:  The Sunshine Ordinance prohibits the use of electronic sound-producing devices at/during public meetings.  Please be advised that the meeting chair may remove any person (s) responsible for the ringing or use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices from the meeting room.


IV.                 Appointment of Chairperson to SECFC/CAG:  Commissioner Larkin appointed Ms. Shirley Jones as Chairperson to the SECFC/CAG and requested that Chairperson Jones give a monthly report to the Commission on CAG matters.

V.                 Charge of SECFC/Community Advisory Group
Commissioner Larkin centered today’s Committee meeting discussion on charging the SECFC/CAG with two tasks:

1.      To interpret/understand/investigate legislation that created the SECF Commission (SF Admin. Code Charter 54) and report findings to the full Commission;

2.      To determine what if any funds should be directed back into the community, i.e., rental proceeds from SECF tenants/subtenants, use of the Decorative Plant facility.

Commissioner Larkin emphasized although he is only charging the subcommittee with
two (2) tasks at the onset, a more explicit charge will be given once he has conferred with Deputy City Attorney Robert Bryan.  He also advised that this advisory committee must not act alone but should present all findings/recommendations to the full Commission for approval and/or action. 


Director Moses informed committee members that the following documents have been distributed to CAG members to assist them in moving forward:  The Charter, correspondence letter, and highlights of Mr. Jefferson’s presentation.


Dr. Parker questioned whether the committee members were at liberty to take on any other tasks than those charged.  Commissioner Larkin responded they should first deal specifically with what was charged and advised that they read the legislation to get a clear understanding of what the legislation dictates. 


Ms. Jackson requested that minutes of the SECFC meeting of October 23, 2002, be provided at the next SECFC/CAG meeting to aid in requesting an accounting of all rental revenue received by PUC from SECF tenants/subtenants.


Ms. Vincent inquired as to Head Start’s role in this process.  Director Moses responded that Head Start is a paying tenant of SECF. 

Commissioner Larkin stressed the concern of this committee, in reading the legislation, should be to determine whether rental proceeds be directed back to the Commission for distribution to support and assist with improving the quality of life of citizens and residents of BVHP.


Chairperson Jones suggested that Mr. Jim Jefferson be apart of this Community Advisory Group.  President Larkin stated he would take that suggestion under advisement.  Chairwoman Jones also requested the attendance of Attorney Robert Bryan at the next CAG meeting to interpret the legislation.


Dr. Parker was concerned with the lack of documentation being provided and stated that the Group would definitely need additional documentation in future to carry out its duties.  A plan of strategy to audit PUC books needs to be initiated.  Commissioner Larkin stressed that the Commission will work together with this advisory group and provide them with whatever documentation the Commission has access to.


Ms. Jackson suggested that a request thru the Commission to Harvey Rose be made asking for an audit of PUC records relating to rental income of SECF tenants/subtenants.


Mr. Williams, Mayors Office, advised that Mr. Rose’s department would not conduct the audit but only oversee it.


Commissioner Larkin stated that this initial meeting was not intended to be a full-fledged working meeting, but to allow fellow members to become familiar with the issue at hand and obtain background information in order to be prepared for the next meeting.  Everything will not be resolved today. 

Let me suggested that everyone keep their same motivation and initiative, come up with a plan of action to present to the full Commission.  Commissioner Larkin then turned the meeting over to Chairperson Jones and excused himself.


Mr. Bozeman asked at any point in time whether the rules relating to the charter were officially changed.  Ms. Jackson responded that no change was ever received by anyone.


VI.                 Public Comment

Mr. Tony Caruso suggested the Committee’s main focus should be to determine why the City has never provided maintenance dollars for the upkeep of the facility when the City Charter dictates such.


Chairperson Jones set the next SECFC/CAG meeting for August 13, 2003, 12:00 noon at 1800 Oakdale Ave., Suite B, Conference Room.


VII.                 Introduction of New Business

Chairperson Jones requested the following:

-        That a roaster of committee member names/addresses be mailed to all members;

-        That Attorney Bryan be present at the next CAG meeting to interpret legislation;

-        That SECFC/CAG members analyze and discuss what the Charter dictates;

-        That a letter requesting Mr. Jefferson’s attendance at CAG’s next meeting to give guidance on CAG’s approach to PUC’s noncompliance of the City Charter.

VIII.                 Adjournment
Ms. Jackson moved and Ms. Vincent seconded to adjourn the SECFC/CAG meeting.  Meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.







Respectfully submitted,




Commission Secretary