Listen Now Help
To read a web page, click on the Listen Now plugin browser button.
The Listen Now plugin Toolbar will appear.
Toolbar Functionality of Listen Now plugin
Listen Now plugin delivers high quality speech to assist those with dyslexia, literacy difficulties, mild visual impairments and where English is a second language when browsing the web. Listen Now plugin features and options are accessed from an easy to use, floating toolbar. They include:
- Hover to Speak
- Play
- Translate Page
- Generate MP3
- Screenmask
- Text Magnifier
- Web Page Simplifier
- Settings
- Help
Please note: Not all features are available at all times within browsealoud

Hover to Speak starts reading the page out loud - this feature is on by default

Play starts reading selected text or reads from the top of the page

Translate Page provides written and spoken translations in multiple languages

Generate MP3 converts selected text into an MP3

Screenmask blocks distractions on screen with a tinted mask

Text Magnifier enlarges text and reads it out loud

Web Page Simplifier removes clutter from the screen, displaying only the main text

Settings customise options to suit individual needs or preferences

Help show a simple help page that explains what the browsealoud toolbar does
Recommended Browsers & Platforms for Listen Now plugin
- Internet Explorer 8 and greater (IE9 or greater for PDF reading)
- Firefox (latest release)
- Chrome (latest release)
- Mac: Safari (latest release)
Listen Now plugin may work on older versions of browsers. Support and updates are provided for the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Android (Chrome) and iOS/Mac (Safari).