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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 

held at City Hall   Room 408  1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA   94102


(ACTION)  Roll Call
Comm Lingad Ricci called the meeting to order at 5:30pm Comms. Queen, Chuck, Stiglich were present at the gavel.  Comm Hale arrived at 5:40pm


(ACTION) Review and approval of November 30, 2004 meeting minutes
The minutes were approved as written.

(public comments)
There were none.


Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission
Brenda Henry, Potrero Hill Annex Resident Management Corp., regarding #4, she spoke in support and endorsement of L. Holmes, for the position.  She asked also to give input in the selection.  She recited how L. Holmes helped save her son.

Eddie Catrell, President of the Potrero Hill Annex Resident Management Corp., also spoke in endorsement of L. Holmes.  He also asked that public housing be part of that selection process.

Cynthia, (L. Holmes’ sister). Spoke in favor of her brother for the position of CPO. 

A rep. of the RAP Collaborative, commented on the procedure in hiring the CPO. He asked for community participation before a selection is made.

Kimberly Brown, Pres of the citywide public housing tenant association, gave her support to L. Holmes for the CPO.

(name not clear) Youth Commissioner, asked to keep the process moving along and encouraged the Commission to make a decision tonight. He gave a letter showing some support of this point.

Mercy Hernandez Bran, spoke about the past administrations in JPD.  She said that “outsiders” don’t work because they have no familiarity with the community.  The person in this position needs to be a part of that community. She endorsed L. Holmes.

Ioga Turner, resident of district 11, said that youth are suffering in the dept and it is time to act now.


(ACTION) Pursuant to Govt. Code 54957.7, announcement of closed session.

Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code section 54957 and San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.10, to consider:

                                    PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT/HIRING                              
                               Interview and possible action to forward nomination(s) for position of Chief Probation Officer ( which is the dept head within the meaning of Charter section 3.501), for appointment by the Mayor.

(public comments)
Brenda Henry mentioned another community effort done by L. Holmes.
Cynthia stated other community service efforts of L. Holmes.
Ismael, asked how the community can be involved when the action always takes place in closed session.
Eddie Catrell, referred to a crime summit in the Bayview Hunter’s Point neighborhood, which L. Holmes organized.  He said that the Chief needs to be able to go out to the community to talk to the youth, someone not afraid of doing so. L. Holmes can.

The Commission convened in closed session at 5:57pm

(ACTION) Reconvene in open session, pursuant to SF Admin Code § 67.12, to disclose any action taken, and vote whether to disclose any portion of the discussion held in closed session.

The Commission reconvened at 8:30pm.   Comm Queen moved to not disclose any portion of the discussion held in closed session.  Comm Hale 2nd.  The vote was 5-0, approving the motion.

(public comments)
There were none.


Public comment on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Juvenile Probation Commission
There were none.


(DISCUSSION) Announcements, requests for future agenda items

The next meeting will be Jan. 5 at 5pm   Place to be determined.
(public comments)
there were none.


(ACTION)  Adjournment

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm.