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Full Commission

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Immigrant Rights Commission

Minutes of Regular Meeting on June 4, 2001

The Immigrant Rights Commission (IRC) regular meeting was held on Monday, June 4, 2001 at San Francisco City Hall in Room 400, at 5:00 P.M.

Members Present Renee Saucedo, Penelope Chronis, Vera Haile, Isabel Huie, Thou Ny, Fidel Jimeniz, Diana Lau, and Phu Nguyen.

Members Absent Samuel Assefa, Anita Friedman, Marie Lorraine Mallare, Philip Nguyen, Richard Ow, Emi Gusukuma and Vram Kouramajian.

Others Present Dang Pham, Executive Director of the IRC

    Winny Loi, Commission Secretary

    William Chan, Deputy City Attorney

Approval of

Minutes: Commissioner Saucedo proposed to amend paragraph 5 of the Director’s report section as follows:

        Commissioner Saucedo informed the Commissioners about two main pieces of legislation, the Language Access Ordinance and the Immigrant and Public Housing Committee. She strongly urged the Commissioners to attend the Language Access Ordinance on May 17, 2001 at 1:00 and the Immigrant and Public Housing Legislation that’s being pushed by Supervisor Ammiano, on Thursday May 24, 2001 at 1:00. There is a rally that Commissioneer Saucedo will be helping to organize a rally with various individuals and other community groups. The rally will be held at 12:30 pm and the hearing before the Housing committee will occur at 1:00 pm.

        Commissioner Chronis moved to adopt the Minutes as amended & was seconded by Commissioner Ny. The Commission unanimously approved the minutes of May 7, 2001 meeting, as amended.

Action Items: Nomination & Vote for Candidate for the Position of Chair and Vice-Chair

        Commissioner Saucedo nominated Commissioner Lau for Chair & Commissioner Huie for Vice Chair. Commissioner Saucedo moved for a vote and Commissioner Ny seconded the motion. Commission Lau and Huie were unanimously elected to the position of Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively.

        Proposed Budget for FY 2002

        Commissioner Saucedo asked Director Pham to explain the Proposed Budget for FY 2002. Mr. Pham explained that the salary and fringe benefits for the Commissioner Secretary is to increase an existing .33 FTE position by .67 FTE, this will create a full time position to monitor compliance of the ordinance. The Commission suggested putting in place grants, totaling $50,000 to community based organizations to conduct an outreach program regarding immigrant rights issues.

        Commissioner Haile suggested that the Immigrant Rights Commission write a thank you letter to all the organizations, such Lawyers Committee for Civil rights, Chinese for Affirmative Action, CADC, Employment Law Center and LA RAZA Centro Legal that supported the passage of the Language Access Ordinance. Commissioner Chonis volunteers to draft the letter these community-based organizations for their support.

Director’s Report: Director Pham reported to the Commission about status on the membership, 14 applications were submitted to the rules committee and the meeting is on Thursday, June 7, 2001 at 10:00 a.m. in the Rules Committee Meeting. Concerned that there will be no representation from the Latino community once Commissioner Saucedo leaves the Commission, Commissioner Saucedo suggested to Director Pham talk to the Board of Supervisore and the Mayor’s Office about appointing qualified a Latinos/Laninas to the Commission.

        Commissioner Saucedo will be meeting with Supervisor Ammiano this Friday, June 8, 2001 at 3:30 to talk about the reporting requirement in the language of the public housing. The Housing Authority denies subsidies to immigrants who couldn’t prove citizenship or legal permanent residency and also require them to verify immigration status through INS. Supervisor Amminao’s Legislation has a no reporting requirement. He wanted to provide a pool of funding so no one would lose his or her subsidies.

        Commissioner Saucedo informed the Commissioners about the Immigrant and Public Housing Committee. She strongly urged the Commissioners to attend the Immigrant and Public Housing Legislation that’s being pushed by Supervisor Ammiano, on June 28, 2001 at 1:00.

Next Meeting: Next regular meeting will be held in City Hall, on July 2, 2001 at 5:00 p.m.

Adjournment: The Commission meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.