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Immigrant Rights Commission
Immigrant Rights Commission
Minutes of Meeting on September 9, 2002
The Immigrant Rights Commission (IRC) meeting was held on Monday, September 9, 2002 at San Francisco City Hall in Room 82, at 5:17 P.M.
I. Roll Call:
Members Present The meeting was called to order on 5:17 pm., Benjamin, Berumen, Gonzalez, Gusukuma, Haile, Nguyen, Nwadibia & Tran were present. Commissioner Lau arrived at 5:40pm., Commissioner Huie & Zheng were absent.
II. Approval of minutes for August 12, 2002:
Commissioner Gonzalez moved to approve the minutes & Commissioner Nwadibia seconded the motion. Commissioner Haile moved to amend the minutes by adding two additional sentences to the last paragraph of the minutes to read as follows: “Nominations would be awarded to those organizations that provided outstanding services to immigrants during the past year. The Awards committee was authorized to make the final decision.” Commissioner Haile amendment was adopted unanimously. The minutes, as amended, were adopted unanimously.
Welcome the New Commissioners: The Commission welcomes Tamara Ribas & Hugh Wang who are newly appointed to the commission and congratulates Houston Zheng & Vera Haile who were reappointed.
A moment of silence was observed at the suggestion of Commissioner Gonzalez in memory of the victims of September 11th.
V. Resolution: Ins Deportation-Resolution reaffirming San Francisco’s status as a City & County of Refuge & an “I.N.S. Raid-Free Zone.” Commissioner Gonzalez amended the resolution with the following changes: On the 2nd page on line 23 should read:
Whereas, The I.N.S. initiated a campaign of questioning more than 8,000 persons based solely on their national origin, immigration status, gender and age, and has tried to involve the San Francisco Police Department in this federal investigative campaign (see Board of Supervisors Resolution 020921); and .
Some grammatical amendments on the 3rd page on line 5 & 6 should read:
Whereas, There is increasing pressure on the San Francisco Police Department to participate in programs such as the “Absconder Apprehension Initiative” which would force the City to expend its limited resources on activities in areas that belong solely to the federal government (see Board of Supervisors Resolution 020921); and
The amendment was approved unanimously. Commissioner Haile move for the adoption of the resolution, as amended, which was seconded by Commissioner Gonzalez. The resolution, as amended, was approved unanimously.
V. First San Francisco Immigrant Rights Summit
Commissioner Gonzalez asked the newly appointed Commissioners to participate on the panels for the Immigrant Rights Summit.
Commissioner Haile informed the panelist who will be sitting on each panel. Some of the panelists were asked to be moderators.
Lucky Choi, coordinator of the summit is still working on the program brochure.
Lunch will not be provided for the summit due to lack of funds.
Adjournment: The Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.