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Meeting Information

Full Commission

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Immigrant Rights Commission
Minutes of July 14, 2000

The Immigrant Rights Commission (IRC) retreat meeting was held on Friday, July 14, 2000 at San Francisco City Hall, Hearing Room 416, at 10:00 A.M.

Members Present Penelope Chronis, Renato Ecarma, Isabel Huie, Marie Lorraine Mallare, Philip Nguyen, Thou Ny, Richard Ow and Renee Saucedo.

Members Absent Samuel Assefa, Anita Friedman, Dale Jimenez, Natividad Ramirez, Martin Schenker, Lee Sprague, and Nam Thai.

Others Present Dang Pham, Executive Director of the IRC
William Chan, Deputy City Attorney

Adoption of

Previous Minutes The minutes of the June 1 and June 6, 2000 meetings were adopted by the Commission.


    • Commissioner Saucedo provided a historical overview of the Commission.
    • Commissioner Chronis presented a draft of the By-Laws. These By-Laws will be voted on by the Commission at the next meeting on August 3, 2000.
    • Commissioner Huie summarized the issues which have been considered by the Commission in the past such as: Language Access Ordinance, Senior Citizenship Act, Education Policy for Immigrants, Welfare Reform, Hate Crimes, Voter Registration, etc.
    • Commissioner Ow proposed the Commission staff and budget plan for the next fiscal year.
    • Commissioner Mallare proposed that the Commission would organize the annual Immigrant Pride Day to honor the contribution of immigrants to San Francisco and to celebrate diversity in the City.

Next Meeting: The Commission approved the next meeting to be held in City Hall, Room 416 on August 3, 2000 at 5:00 P.M.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.