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Meeting Information

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Immigrant Rights Commission


Immigrant Rights Commission

Special Minutes of Meeting on May 29, 2002

The Immigrant Rights Commission (IRC) meeting was held on Monday, May 29, 2002 at San Francisco City Hall in Room 421, at 5:00 P.M.

I. Roll Call:
Members Present          Diana Lau, chairperson arrived at 5:20pm, Medea Benjamin, Joaquin Gonzalez, Emi Gusukuma, Vera Haile, Phu Nguyen, Joseph Nwadibia arrived at 5:30pm, Richard Ow, Marlene Tran, Commissioner Tran left 6:20, Commissioner Ow left at 6:10pm.

Members Absent          Juan Berumen & Isabel Huie, Vice chair, Houston Zheng

Others Present          Dang Pham, Executive Director
Winny Loi, Commission Secretary

V. First San Francisco Immigrant Rights Summit:
          Commissioner Lau asked the Commissioners to review the proposed list of names of the organization. These are potential organizations that would help with planning the summit. She asked the Commissioners for some feedback on which they should invite for the planning process for the Summit. Commissioner Gusukuma suggested that only Community Based Organization (CBO) be asked to help with the process. Commissioner Tran concurs. Commissioner Tran also suggested that the matters considered in the summit should be limited to4 to 5 topics. The Policy & Legislation Committee is assigned the task of planning the programs for the summit. The first planning meeting is set for June 13, 2002 in City Hall basement in room 34 from 10am to 12pm.

IV. Resolution strongly appealing to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors not to reduce the budget for all immigrant services in the City and County of San Francisco
Commissioners Ow & Benjamin proposed to amend page 1 lines 15-17 to read as follows: “Whereas, The proposed California and San Francisco budget threatens to slash all government service and funding by approximately 10 percent, seriously affecting immigrant communities in the City and County of San Francisco; now, therefore, be it.”
Commissioner Haile moved to adopt the resolution as amended, which was second by Commissioner Gonzalez. The Commission unanimously adopted the resolution.

Adjournment:                    The Commission meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. due to the loss of quorum.