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Meeting Information

Full Commission

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Immigrant Rights Commission
Minutes of Meeting on December 8 2003

A meeting of the Immigrant Rights Commission (IRC) was held on Monday, December 8, 2003 at City Hall, Hearing room 416.

I. Roll Call:

Members Present            The meeting was called to order on 5:15 p.m., Commissioners, Bondoc, Casillas, Haile, Huie, Lau, Nguyen, Ribas, Tran, Zheng were present.  Commissioner Tran arrived at 5:30 & left at 6:20 p.m.

Members Absent            Commissioner Atay, Gonzalez, Ow were absent.

Others Present            Dang Pham, Executive Director, Winny Loi, Commission Secretary

II.          Approval of minutes for October 16, 2003:
Commissioner Bondoc moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Huie 2nd with two corrections.  On item number IV, delete “the” on the beginning of the 2nd sentence & on item number 3, 3rd paragraph, 5th sentence, correct the spelling of the word precedent.  Commission Bondoc moved to approve the minutes as amended and was seconded by Commissioner Haile.  The Commission unanimously adopted the amended minutes.

III.         Presentation: Upwardly Global, Lisa Lepson-Director of Employer Partnership:  Upwardly Global helps unemployed & underemployed refugees and immigrants find growth positions that match their education, skills & experience.  They offer immigrant clients a full range of career services, including individualized career placement & counseling, interview coaching by human resource professionals, connections to American professional peers for networking and mentoring, assistance with foreign degree/credential evaluation and re-licensing, and free access to career-related information and technology.

IV.         Diana’s Report:

  1. Commissioner Haile approved the letter of endorsement, which was 2nd by Commissioner Bondoc.  The Commission unanimously adopted the letter of endorsement.
    2.         Certificate of Honor for: Chinese American Citizen Alliance Grand Lodge & SF Lodge/60th Anniversary of the Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act:  Commissioner Huie moved to approve the certificate of honor & Commissioner Bondoc 2nd the motion.  Commissioner Ribas add the word “the” on the certificate.  The certificate should state “60th Anniversary of the Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act” The Commission unanimously adopted the amended certificate of honor.

V.         Director’s Report: Update of meetings related to the Day Labor Program:

  1. Anamaria Loya, Executive Director of La Raza Centro Legal came to the commission to talk about the RFP process.  They have been running the program without funding for the past 15 months.  They have been waiting for RFP for 18 months.  She mentioned that the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services is taking a long time to complete the process.  She asked if the Immigrant Rights Commission could look into the process. 

Last week Mr. Pham & Commissioner Casillas had a conference call with Jorge William Bermudez a business owner on Cesar Chavez street.  He supports the Day Labor Program.  The laborers did not commit any crimes.  He urged the Commission to support the Day Labor Program & he also mentioned that he is not a friend of Renee Saucedo or Anamaria Loya. 

1.         Nominating New Chair & Vice Chair:  The commission nominated Commissioner Gonzalez & Lau for Chair & Commissioner Ribas & Bondoc for Vice Chair. 

  1.   Commissioner Huie met with William Lee the City Administrator to discuss the Commissioners budget.  All operational cost of the Immigrant Rights Commission is under the City Administrator.  Mr. Pham stated that there are $100,000 funds for translation.  Commissioner Lau suggested that the Program & Access Committee should do a press conference on the 16 Tier 1 departments.  Commission nominated Commissioner Ow to join the Finance & Operations Committee.
  2. Program & Access Committee Report:  The Commission nominated Commissioner Bondoc to join the Program & Access Committee.
  3. Policy & Legislation Committee Report:   Commissioner Ribas called Jim Nakamura regarding the Proposition N, she told him that the Commission was unable to support this proposition because it was on the ballot. 

The Commission nominated Commissioner Gonzalez to the Policy & Legislation Committee.

  1.   EAS future plans, Status on DLP & the RFP process, next neighborhood meeting & electing of Chair & Vice Chair.

Adjournment:            The Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.