2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 San Francisco Commission of Animal Control and Welfare
Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2004
I Call to Order and Roll Call - The meeting was convened at 5:40 pm on June 10, 2004 by Chairperson Kennedy, who presided during all aspects of the meeting.
II. Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Kennedy, Vice Chair Franklin, Commissioners, Chi, Kipnis, Guldbech, Herndon, Wheeler, Weiss, DMV
Commissioner Eckman will be arriving soon.
Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Breslin and McKenna.
Public Comment: None
III Approval of Draft Minutes
1. Approval of June meeting Minutes
Motion by Commissioner Wheeler to approve the May minutes with changes
Seconded by Commissioner Franklin
II. Chairperson's Report and Opening Remarks
Commended the Commission on all of the work that has been done
Pubic Comment: None
IV. Committee Reports/Commissioner's Reports
1. Settlement update regarding Petco
Commissioner Guldbech reported that there had been a settlement between the city and Petco regarding Petco's mistreating animals and overcharging customer. Petco is to pay the city $50,000. Petco is now required to comply with certain requirements including training staff. The settlement did not include stopping the sale of pets.
Commission Franklin will prepare a letter to the SF Board of Supervisors commending Animal Care and Control and this accomplishment.
Commissioner Eckman arrives
V. New Business - out of order
1. Discussion on possible action on ban the sale of foie gras within San Francisco -
Special guest Gourmet Chef, Richard Sharon spoke about factory farming foie gras and provided video footage of the making of foie gras. He described how cruel and unnecessary foie gras farming is:
Ducks and geese are fed massive amounts of food each day resulting in their livers becoming 12 times their normal size - a very painful disease
They are fed through electric pumps which often cause severe injury
Many birds die when their stomachs explode
All have drastically sick and miserable lives until they are slaughtered.
Workers at these farms feed up to 500 birds, three times a day and are given bonuses if they kill fewer than 50 of the 500 from ruptured stomachs.
Universal agreement by doctors, chemists, and nutritionists that foie gras is unhealthy
It has been banned in 9 other countries, including Israel, which was the 4th largest producer in the world.
Sharon asked the Commission to recommend to the Board of Supervisors that foie gras be completely banned in San Francisco.
Public Comment:
Justin Freeman - Support Richard Sharon's plea to ban foie gras
Jennifer Bloom - also support Sharon's request to ban foie gras
Elliot Katz - In light of Sen. Burton's legislation, the Commission should recommend a ban on Foie gras. IDA has filed a lawsuit to the producers of foie gras in Sonoma
Commission Discussion
Contact reported Dan Noyes who brought this story to the public and have him do a follow-up story. Commission Guldbech will contact Nuys.
Highlight this issue at the next Commission meeting and invite anyone interested in this issue to attend and provide testimony.
Commissioner Kipnis will post an announcement on Craig's list informing the public the that Commission will be considering a recommendation at its next meeting to ban foie gras.
Motion by Franklin to state for the record that the Commission of Animal Control and Welfare condemns the production of foie gras
Seconded by Kipnis
VI. Status and tracking of letters of recommendation approved by the Commission, requesting action by the Board of Supervisors
1. SF Zoo Update. Commissioner Franklin reported that the SF Board of Supervisors approved the City Services Committee recommendation that the zoo send its two remaining elephants to a sanctuary as soon as possible - with one change to the language. Instead of "Board of Supervisors directs the San Francisco Zoological Society...", it now reads, "Board of Supervisors urges the San Francisco Zoological Society..."
Public Comment:
Elliot Katz - thanked the Commission for their hard work on this issue.
2. Establishment of a Responsible Dog Guardianship legislation packet. Commission is waiting for a response from city attorney Rosa Sanchez in order to move forward.
VII. Old Business
1. Development of a local ordinance that would provide critical oversight of UCSF live-animal testing
The Commission reviewed a copy of a draft cover letter to the Board of Supervisors and a draft resolution and ordinance to establish a local oversight of the care and use of animals and UCSF labs.
Public Comment:
Elliot Katz - Suggested that the ordinance include language regarding a move towards non-animal based research.
Commissioner Eckman will work on the draft letter concerning UCSF and the Board of Supervisors resolution, which passed in 1999, concerning treatment of animals at UCSF.
VIII New Business, Con't
1. Officer Elections
Motion by Commissioner Franklin moved to reelect Commissioner Kennedy to Commission Chair
Seconded by Kipnis
Motion by Commissioner Guldbech moved to reelect Commissioner Franklin to Vice Chair
Seconded by Kennedy
Motion by Kennedy that Commissioners Kipnis and Wheeler serve as co-secretaries
Seconded by Franklin
Public Comment: None
2. Discuss and define work plan to maximize Commission/Commissioners' potential.
Commissioner Kennedy presented an overview of how the Commission can maximize our work during and in between meetings, including clarifying the Commission's role as an advisory body to the Board of Supervisors, ground rules for preparing and presenting agenda items, for following up on action items, and reminder that as individuals we are not to represent the Commission position on issues not yet agreed upon by the Commission.
Public Comment: None
IX. Calendar Items
Commissioner Kennedy asked that Commissioners e-mail next month's agenda items to her.
X. Closing Review of Task Allotment and Next Steps
Commissioner Franklin reviewed task allotments:
1. Commissioner Guldbech will get more information about laws pertaining to foie gras farms. She will contact Dan Noyes about some coverage of this issue
2. Commissioner Kipnis will post on Craig's list about upcoming meetings and about the foie gras issue.
3. Commissioner Eckman will work on draft letter concerning UCSF and the board's resolution passed in 1999 concerning treatment of animals at UCSF
4. Commissioner Franklin will write up statement and send to Senator Burton' office with regards to the commission's condemning of foie gras.
5. Commissioner Franklin will work on getting commendation from the BOS for the hard work of ACC concerning the judgment against Petco.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.