2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 COMMISSION OF ANIMAL CONTROL AND WELFARE
Mailing Address: 1390 Market Street, Room 822
San Francisco, CA 94102
Voice Mail: (415) 554-6074
Minutes of Meeting - February 13th 2003
1. Call to order and roll call
The meeting was convened at 5.40p.m. by Chair Kennedy, who presided during all aspects of the meeting. Five Commissioners (or their lawful designates) holding valid appointments being present, the quorum requirement of Section 6 of the Commission's Rules & Regulations (50 percent of those eligible to vote) was satisfied.
Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Laurie Kennedy, Vice-Chair Sherri Franklin, Secretary June Wilson, Elissa Eckman, Kelly Jensen DVM, Jack Breslin, Dept of Health, Sgt. Bill Herndon, SFPD, Carl Friedman, Animal Care & Control
Absent without excuse: Jamal Modica
Absent with excuse: Rosa Sanchez, City Attorney.
Also, the continued absence of Recreation and Park.
2. Public Comment
The Chair opened the meeting to public comment.
Eric Mills spoke about a package he had including scientific live market practices, rodeos, exotic animal acts, Bus & animal abuse, and an exhibit coming up for SF/SPCA. Elliot Katz thanked everyone for supporting "guardian" and suggested we reintroduce cat declawing. Bob O'Brien spoke on animal experiments at UCSF and handed out fliers.
3. Approval of the draft minutes of January 9th, 2003
The minutes were unanimously approved by the Commission.
4. Chairperson's Opening remarks
a. The Chair welcomed and thanked everyone for coming to the meeting.
a. Role clarification i.The Chair stated that the Commission has an advisory role about all animal issues to the Board of Supervisors.
ii.At Commission meetings, the general public has a chance to voice their opinions on all animal issues.
iii. The Chair role is to preside over the meeting and send agenda to everyone concerned.
iv.Vice Chair role is to preside over meeting when the Chair is absent.
v.The Secretary role is to record and type minutes, e-mail commissioners and depts. Make copies of agenda and minutes for the meeting.
Process clarification It was decided to look them over and give comments and ideas at the next meeting.
5. Commissioner Public Comment
Comm. Friedman stated that together with Peninsula and Marin Humane Soc. They will hold a telethon on 19th April, 2003.
Comm. Wilson suggested advertising on the news media about pigeon feeding places, asking people to come into Animal Control to find out where they are and fining them if they feed outside these designated places but Comm. Friedman stated that this is not a good idea since many of these people have medical problems.
8. Old Business (out of order)
Coreen Dowling was presented with a Certificate of Honor signed by the Board of Supervisors for her work with "Give a Dog a Bone" program.
9. New Business (out of order)
a. SFPD Officer Anzore of Noise Abatement Unit briefed the Commission on the barking dog problems in San Francisco. He stated that his unit would be eliminated in July, 2003 due to a lack of funding.
7. Committee Reports/Commissioner's Reports (out of order)
c. Comm. Friedman stated due to budget cuts, he may have to lay off 3 to 7 people. Each city dept. is asked to cut their budget by 10%. He expects that many services will be eliminated. Later on, he may have to cut another 10%. SPCA has raised their fee for a female spays from $35 to $100. Comm. Friedman also stated that if he doesn't make necessary cuts that the city wants him too, the City will find a new director who will.
6. Status and tracking of letters of recommendations approved by Commission requesting action by Board of Supervisors
7.Committee Reports/Commissioner's Reports
a. Flyer/pamphlet/logo Comm. Franklin distributed copies of proposed logos. The Commission liked No.5 and will make their choice next month.
b. No reports from City Attorney.
d. Cambridge: Comm. Eckman has been in touch with Susan Roy of IDA to get a "Cambridge" type ordinance regarding oversight of UCSF live animal testing. Supervisor Gonzalez is interested in this matter.
g. Finding a city employee to take the minute's etc. Comm. Friedman has offered to help us with this problem.
Commissioner's Herndon, Friedman and Breslin had to leave at 7p.m. to attend another meeting.
e. Live animal markets: Comm. Jensen has not been able to get in touch with any Supervisors but will write letters to all the Supervisors on what we had discussed.
f. Commission vacancy: The Chair posted the vacancy at the Clerk's office and on the website on 13th February, 2003
h. Commission website & letterhead: The Chair will change the mailing address and Comm. Wilson will put a sign up in city hall office.
9.New Business
b.Homeless people with their dogs: Comm. Franklin stated that she checked around and found out that there are 4 homeless shelters in the city which will allow pets. (lottery drawing).
c.Change date of elections: Comm. Franklin made a motion, seconded by Comm. Eckman to change the election of new officers to July, 2004. The vote was unanimous with Wilson, Jensen, Kennedy, Franklin and Eckman voting.
d. Change meeting time: Comm. Wilson stated that the proposed change was to encourage more of the public to attend our meeting especially those who work till 5p.m. and have a long way to travel. Four voted to keep the same time, Franklin, Eckman, Kennedy, Jensen - Yes. Wilson - No.
e. Election of Secretary for 2003: After considerable discussion, it was decided to reduce the scope of the Secretary's duties with each Commissioner assuming a portion of the duties.
10.Public Comment
11.Calendar Items
No calendar item
12.Closing review of task allotment and next steps
Comm. Franklin stated Comm. Friedman will be meeting with Officer Anzore and city attorney to talk about dog legislation, IDA will bring some logo ideas to next meeting,
Comm. Eckman's draft of the Cambridge ordinance, make a call to Supe Gonzalez's office, Comm. Jensen is going to send the article about live animal markets to the Board of Supes. Chair Kennedy will talk to the Rules Committee Clerk about postings for Commission vacancies and update website, in addition to changing the bylaws for the elections of officers.
The meeting was adjourned at7.46p.m. motion by Com. Franklin, seconded by Com. Eckman.
Dated: 15th February, 2003
Wilson, Secretary __________________