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City and County of San Francisco
Commission of Animal Control & Welfare Archived Meetings

Meeting Information

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 




Date: Thursday, February 8, 2001 - 5:30 PM
Location: CITY HALL, ROOM 408
1 Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco CA 94102


    1390 Market Street, Suite 822, San Francisco, CA 94102
    Commission Voice Mail: 415- 252-3817
    Commissioner Schulke 415- 554-6831


1. Call to order

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Chairpersons Report:

      (A) State of the Animals address in San Francisco.

      (B) GGNRA closure of lands to off-leash dog recreation.

      (C) Expansion of horse carriage trade to Golden Gate Park

      (D) Expanded funds for the budget of the Department of Animal Care and Control

      (E) Minute requirement that they be made available automatically within 3 weeks of previous meeting.

      (F) Saying goodbye to Commission members.

3. [1] Commissioner’s reports

4. SPECIALLY CALENDARED MATTERS (Items are first presented to the Commission for discussion. If the Commission discuss it, then the public is allowed to comment then the Commission votes.)

4(1.A) Election of Officers. (Action item)

      (A) Progress of the implementation of new state laws on live animal markets. (Discussion item).

      (B) Possible expansion of horse carriage trade into Golden Gate Park. (Action item)

      (C) Proposed amendment to allow Animal Care and Control to allow applicants to adopt animals from the shelter, with said applicants being between the ages of 16 and 17. (Action item).

      (D) Proposal to appoint assistant district attorney strictly for the prosecution of crimes to animals. (Action item).

      (E) Proposal for increased funding for Animal Care and Control Department. (Action item

      (F Security concerns at San Francisco Zoo. (Discussion item).

      (G) Proposed letter to the Board of Supervisors regarding tree cutting and its effects on animal life in the city. (Action item.)

      (I) Raptor Pigeon removal Company (Discussion item)

      (J) Commissioner’s request that all dogs in public transportation or in public parks (excepting off leash areas) be leashed and muzzled. (Action item.)

5. Public Comment: (At this point in the meeting advice or comments on the items in the Commissions jurisdiction other than the items on the agenda may be discussed.


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