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Mailing Address: 1390 Market Street,
Room 822
San Francisco, CA 94102
Voice Mail: (415) 252-3817
Minutes of Meeting - July 11, 2002
1. Call to order and roll call
The meeting was convened at 5.33p.m. by Chair
Eckman, who presided during all aspects of the meeting. Seven Commissioners
(or their lawful designates) holding valid appointments being present, the
quorum requirement of Section 6 of the Commission’s Rules & Regulations
(50 percent of those eligible to vote) was satisfied.
Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Elissa Eckman,
Vice-Chair Sherri Franklin, Secretary June Wilson, Cheryl Bentley, Kelly Jensen,
DVM, Laurie Kennedy, Jamal Modica,
Rosa Sanchez, City Attorney
Absent with excuse: Jack Breslin, Dept of Health, Carl Friedman, Animal Care & Control, Sgt. Bill Herndon, SFPD
2. Public Comment
Eric Mills, Action for Animals, stated that the SF Cow Palace is again going to put on a special rodeo performance for Bay Area school children on October 24th. He also spoke about black bears and tigers being transported for circus purposes under inhumane conditions
Frederick Hobson thanked the Chair for the Agenda and also complained about the commission secretary for not sending him the minutes. He has filed a complaint with the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.
Catherine Tchen read a letter that she had prepared concerning her personal background and experience which she passed out copies to each commissioner.
3. Approval of the draft minutes of June 13, 2002
The Chair opened the meeting to public comment.
Frederick Hobson complained once again about the minutes and the Commission secretary.
The Chair requested a correction to item 4A to reflect that Sup. Gonzalez was going to request a committee hearing to discuss the use of animals in lab testing at UCSF and to strike the words that "The Chair passed out a letter from Sup. Gonzalez ".
The minutes were unanimously approved by the Commission.
5. Commissioner Public Comment
Com. Franklin commented on a great article about the fur ban 1
by Matt Gonzalez in the Bay Guardian
6. Status and tracking of letters of recommendations approved by commission requesting action by Board of Supervisors
Com. Jensen stated that the letter was in its last drafts and when finished plans to deliver it in person to the Board of Supervisors.
7. Committee Reports/Commissioner’s Reports
a. Crime Stoppers Posters Project.
Com. Modica said that he has been working with Conscious Youth Media, a nonprofit company that teaches young teenagers in inner cities how to use cameras and do graphics. He has had several successful photo shoots. He thinks soon they’ll have some great posters to pass out. He has also started a new club at City College.
b. Commission information pamphlet/flyer and logo
Com. Franklin made a draft and handed it out for all commissioners to comment on it at the next meeting. Com. Bentley handed out a brochure from a previous commission. Com. Kennedy suggested having a central e-mail as a place for people to communicate. Com. Bentley asked if the commission could get our own e-mail and Ms. Sanchez said that she would look into it. Com. Franklin wanted to get on our website, when our meeting is and all information on our website and Com. Kennedy offered to do that. It was decided that the flyer, pamphlet will be looked at next month with any suggestions for them. The logo will be at a later date.
c. Amending Section 41.12 of the SF Health code to provide for duties of "Guardians"
Com. Franklin stated that it was sitting with the City Attorney getting the wording on it and then it will go to the Board.
Public Comment
Frederick Hobson stated that the Examiner had phoned him about the "Guardian" issue and he had suggested phoning Com. Bentley as a former vice chair for more information. Elliot Katz, In Defense of Animals, stated that since L.A. Times made the "Guardian" issue a front page story, he has been getting many calls from reporters in parts of the world and the USA Ms. Resleure passed out some flyers of opposition to the word "Guardian". Catherine Tchen supports "Guardian" also. Linda Fisher stated that on KPIX, they did a poll and 63% approved of "guardianship"
d. Park & Recreation Dog Policy
Com. Franklin stated that they are waiting for Sup. Yee to have a committee meeting. The policy becomes final in 90 days.
8. Old Business
None 2
9.New Business
A. A discussion concerning a compilation of recommendations and suggestions to be provided to the Board of Supes in regards to encouraging UCSF to adhere to humane treatment of and finding alternatives to the use of laboratory animals.
Com. Franklin heard that there is a committee hearing maybe in early August and hopes that every interested party will be able to speak, and then make recommendations after we hear it all. Elliot Katz thought September would be a better month to enable physicians and veterinarians to be expert witnesses.
B. A discussion concerning a letter of thanks to be written to City Attorney Dennis Herrera concerning his office taking action against Petco. (animal care violation)
Com. Bentley stated that the city is now bringing a lawsuit against Petco. It was suggested by Ms. Sanchez to write to the Board of Supervisors first saying that we are planning to send a thank-you letter to Dennis Herrera and Carl Friedman of Animal Care & Control and if we don’t hear from you within 2 weeks, we’ll assume that it’s okay to send other two letters. A vote was unanimously passed.
C. A discussion concerning establishing a procedure for members of the public to request copies of the agenda and minutes and that such procedure appear on the agenda.
Ms.Sanchez stated that there is no fee for agendas and it must be made in writing. There can be a one-cent fee for supporting materials that go with the agenda. Minutes are public records, given free at meetings. If a member of the public requests the minutes later, it’s then 10 cents a page, and postage can also be charged. It’s up to the commission, to set the policy. Ms. Sanchez quoted the Sunshine Ord. "For minutes, a brief summary of each person’s statement during the public comment period for each agenda item". Ms.Tchen complained that her long speech about the live animal markets had been omitted in the April minutes. Ms Sanchez said that the Sunshine Ordinance provides a brief written summary of 150 words may be submitted and included in the agenda packet. Ms. Tchen also complained that she thought the minutes were being secretly altered after they were prepared by the transcriptionist. Eric Mills suggested a mailing list. The Chair stated that July was the last month that we would have a professional transcriptionist. Com. Bentley asked if the minutes were edited and the answer from both the Chair and Com. Wilson was no. It was decided that Vice Chair Franklin’s work place address in future would be used for any correspondence The vote was unanimous.
10. Public Comment
Dr. Katz stated that Rec and Park has been poisoning and trapping gophers on Ocean Beach, a two and half-mile stretch. Ron Cole suggested that we rent a post office box with Commission’s name on it.
11. Calendar Items
The meeting was adjourned, motion by Com. Kennedy, seconded by Com. Eckman at approximately 6.55p.m.
Dated 20th July, 2002
Wilson, Secretary ____________________