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City and County of San Francisco
Commission of Animal Control & Welfare Archived Meetings

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San Francisco Commission of Animal Control and Welfare

Draft Meeting Minutes

From the July 8, 2004 meeting

I. Call to Order and Roll Call – The meeting was convened at 5:39 on July 8, 2004 by Chairperson Kennedy, who presided during all aspects of the meeting.

a. Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Kennedy, Vice Chair Franklin, Secretaries Kipnis and Wheeler, Eckman, Weiss DVM, and Wheeler

b. Commissioners absent: Commissioners Breslin, Mc Kenna, Guldbech and Chi, all with excuse.

II. Public Comment: Lurilla Harris spoke on a point from Robert's Rules of Order stating that when a new material is introduced, a new public comment period should be provided.

III. Approval of Draft Minutes with the following changes: Add to Status and tracking of letters of recommendation that Commission is waiting for Rosa Sanchez to comment on the Establishment of a Responsible Dog Legislation Package. Spelling of Dan Noyes is Noyes, not Nys. Always have DVM after Mara Weiss’s name to show she is the veterinary representative on the Commission. No further comments by commissioners or public.

a. Motion by Commissioner Franklin to approve the June minutes with changes.
b. Seconded by Commissioner Eckman.
c. Unanimous.

IV. Chairperson's Report and Opening Remarks.

a. Welcomed everyone and thanked Commissioners who had been doing work on their own in the last month

V. Committee Reports and Commissioner Reports.

a. Commissioner Kennedy noted that Governor Schwartzenegger’s proposal to repeal the Hayden Act as a State budget-cutting cost had been defeated. The Governor reversed himself in response to a massive lobbying effort on the part of the state's animal lovers. No public comment.

VI. Status and Tracking of Letters of Recommendation Approved by the Commission Requesting Action by the Board of Supervisors.

a. SF Zoo Update, to provide information on the Status of the zoo's elephants. Commissioner Kipnis stated that the zoo had a recent press conference and has decided to send the 2 elephants, Tinkerbelle and Lulu to the PAWS sanctuary. Timing of transfer is still unclear Pat Derby agrees that a month is about the right time to get the elephants ready for their transfer.

1. Public Comment:

2. Bob O’Brien told of going to a press conference of Zoo Director Molenado, who indicated that the zoo was working on ‘elephant time’ to get the elephants moved as soon as possible. They are trying to deal with any health and logistical problems the move presents.

3. No further comments.

b. Establishment of A Responsible Dog Guardianship Legislation. Update by Commissioner Franklin. Rosa Sanchez, the city attorney, has gone through the Dog Care section of the legislation and with the help of Carl Friedman is hoping to have it written up as an ordinance within the month. It then should be ready to go to the Supervisors.

1. No public comment

VII. Old Business:

a. Continuation of previous month’s discussion of possible action to ban the sale of ‘foie gras’ within the City of San Francisco. Update from Commissioner Franklin who wrote a position statement regarding ‘foie gras’ (copies on table for the public to read). Also sent an e-mail to Senator Burton that we have voted to support his legislation to ban fois gras within the state.

1. Public Comment:

- Richard Sharon, mentioned meeting Commissioner Chi at an animal rights meeting. Talked about the contents of the packet he handed out to each Commissioner. It contains a list of state legislators sympathetic to passing the anti-foie gras bill in Sacramento. The packet also includes a copy of the state bill. Mr. Sharon says he is unhappy that the Burton Bill allows foie gras to phase out over 7 years. He says this is a long time for ducks and geese to continue to suffer horribly. The phase out won’t be until 2012. Sharon calls on the commissioners to take a stand separate from supporting the Burton Bill. Local Assemblymen Mark Leno and Leland Yee both support the Burton bill.

- Bob O’Brien says he has heard that part of the ‘deal’ to get the Burton bill passed will mandate that Animal cruelty charges be dropped that have been leveled against the producers of Foie gras in Sonoma.

2. Commissioner Comment:

- Commissioner Wheeler says the time frame for the bill to take effect is so long as to make it very weak.

- Commissioner Franklin says it gives the Commission the opportunity to try to do something to speed up action to get foie gras banned sooner.

- Commissioner Wheeler thinks getting an ordinance passed by the Board of Supervisors will be very difficult.

- Commissioner Eckman points out that just banning the sale of foie gras locally, or even in Sonoma County, isn't necessarily going to stop the industry from springing up somewhere else.

- Commissioner Kennedy says she sees 3 different points; 1. Can the Bill in Sacramento be amended so it doesn't take so long to go into effect? 2.Move to push for a local ordinance to ban the sale of Foie gras locally, 3. Look to ways to educate the public about the cruelty involved in the production of foie gras.

- Commissioner Franklin isn't sure about finding a member of the Board of Supervisors who will support it; she would like to look into putting a measure to ban foie gras on the San Francisco ballot. This would be a way to educate the public about how terrible the process is to make foie gras. Discussion of how to get a ballot measure.

- Supervisor Weiss wonders about the wording of the position against foie gras. We can’t ban the eating of foie gras, only the production, sales and service.

- Supervisor Kipnis say she imagines that animal rights groups were trying to get as good a bill as possible in Sacramento.

- Discussion of timing on moving forward on a ballot issue against foie gras. Commissioners agree they need to discuss ideas that have been talked about. Ron Cole comment from floor. He says that he has been told that the Burton bill had no chance of getting out of committee without an agreement for a long phase out.

- Commissioner Franklin suggests she e-mail PETA to get them involved in front of restaurants that serve foie gras. Also get in touch with IDA and Animal Nation to see if there is educational literature available.

- Request of Lurilla Harris to speak is deemed out of order because it is not time for Public Comment. Comment already taken.

- How does the Commission develop partnerships with other groups?

- Commissioner Kennedy reminds the Commission that its jurisdiction is to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.

- Next steps, Commissioner Eckman will contact PETA, Commissioner Franklin will kook into a ballot measure, Commissioner Wheeler will see if she can learn anything from elected officials, Commissioner Kipnis will get in touch with IDA Commissioner Kipnis points out that the bill has a section mandating no lawsuits against the foie gras industry during the phase out period. Commissioner Kipnis asks if there are any further ways of looking at the problem. It is agreed there will be more discussion at the next Commission meeting.

a. Development of a Local Ordinance that would Provide Critical Oversight of UCSF live-Animal Testing. Commissioner Kennedy says that the work is close to done, "that we are ready to move". Some editing needs to be done on what was passed out last month. It is ready to go to Supervisor Gonzales and he can then meet with the city attorney, Commissioner Franklin says that we have done everything that Supervisor Gonzales wanted from the Commission on this issue.

1. Public Comment

- Some discussion not identified.

- Richard Fong (?) What kind of cooperation is going on this issue throughout the city?

2. Commissioner Comment

- Commissioners are all happy that this issue has been resolved.

VIII. New Business: No New Business

IX. Public Comment on Items Not on Agenda.

- Richard Fong wonders if there will ever be elephants at the zoo again.

- Bob O’Brien talks about the current ‘Vigil for Animals’ newsletter that focuses on upcoming and current experiments on dogs.

X. Calendar Items

2. For the August meeting Commissioner Wheeler wants to reintroduce discussion and possible action on a Trap/Neuter/Return Resolution.

3. Neither Commissioner Franklin nor Wheeler will be at the Commission meeting in October.

XI. Closing Review of Task Allotment and Next Steps

1. Commissioner Franklin will work on Foie gras issue

2. Elissa will contact PETA to see about campaigning, also law from Israel

3. Commissioner Wheeler will see what she can find in Europe on foie gras, Commissioner Kipnis will see what she can find by way of ordinances:

4. Commissioners Eckman, Franklin and Kennedy will get together on the UCSF Oversight Ordinance and also e-mail Ron Cole.

5. Commissioner Franklin will wait for the City Attorney to get back on the Responsible Dog Guardian ordinance.

6. Commissioner

7. Wheeler will be working on T/N/R

8. Commissioner Weiss will see if she can get information on laws regarding the geese and ducks.

XIII. Meeting adjourned at 6:33 pm, July 8,2004.