2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 San Francisco Commission of Animal Control and Welfare
Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2004
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was convened at 5:35pm on April 8, 2004 by Chairperson Kennedy, who presided during all aspects of the meeting.
II. Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Kennedy, Vice Chair Franklin, Commissioners Eckman, Jensen, Chi, Kipnis, Guldbech, Herndon
Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Wheeler, Breslin and McKenna with excuse.
Public Comment None
Chair Kennedy requests and Commission agrees to skip to New Business
III. New Business
Item 8a - Discussion concerning the welfare and future of the remaining three elephants at the San Francisco Zoo.
Commissioner Kipnis introduced the topic, responding to public concern regarding the death of Calle and the health of the remaining elephants at the SF Zoo. She summarized the recent medical records of the animals as well as the 1999 Joint Zoo Committee Audit. Although veterinary care and keepers were found to be high quality, housing, weather and the physical plant were found to be deficient. A letter from Supervisor Ma was sent to the zoo outlining these concerns and requesting that the elephants be sent to a sanctuary. The Zoo director stated that he or any of his staff were unable to attend today's meeting, but that he would attend the May meeting. The last Joint Zoo Committee meeting addressed considerations regarding moving the elephants as well as Tinkerbelle's tuberculosis status, which is currently negative. Two sanctuaries have offered placement at no cost to the zoo.
Motion by Commissioner Kipnis to discuss item
Seconded by Commissioner Franklin
Public Comment
- Pat Derby from the ARC 2000 Sanctuary, one of those offering placement to the animals, summarized her contact with the zoo as well as her opinion of the needs of elephants in captivity. She emphasized that zoo facilities are almost never adequate, moving elephants is traumatic and preparation for the event is a major concern.
- Deniz Bolbol showed two videos, one featuring the ARC facility and one sponsored by the Citizens for Cruelty-free Entertainment featuring elephant footage from the SF Zoo in 1990, 1997, 2003, and 2004 as well as footage from the sanctuary in Tennessee offering placement to these elephants. She strongly encourages rapid action and notes that the absence of a zoo representative at this meeting seems telling. Further, Supervisors Ammiano and Gonzalez also support Supervisor Ma's letter to the zoo. She presented an idea for an interactive exhibit at the zoo centered on cameras following the elephants in their new homes if they are moved.
- Suzanne Royal from In Defense of Animals read Supervisor Ma's letter to the zoo director dated March 29, 2004. No response has been received.
- Elliott Katz, disseminated pictures of Calle's feet. He state two years ago he facilitated communication between David Anderson, former Zoo Director and Pet Derby, PAWS, Zoo staff went to the PAWS sanctuary but the elephants never got transferred. Elephants are on painkillers to mask the problems.
- Linda Fisher, who has taught Humane Education for a number of years. Stated that children do learn a great deal about animal without having to show them. Need to start thinking. Elephants are so large, we cannot replicate their nature environ. Children need to learn about animals, especially such large animals. Children taught her that they can learn without having the elephants present
- Lindsey Vurek - Support whatever the Commission can do to support these elephants. Zoo will not suffer economically from the loss of the elephants and encourage the Commission to support this issue. Make sure Tinkerbelle goes to the right place.
- Julie Ruffers, discussed the 1997San Francsico Zoological Board of Directors report, regarding moving the elephants to the Disney Zoo. It stated that the move would leave a hole in the visitor experiences. Been leafleting out at the zoo and an overwhelming concern from zoo-goers about the living concerns, as well as concerns about the conditions of other animals.
Commissioner Jensen left the meeting.
Commissioner Kennedy encouraged the public to write to the Board of Supervisors regarding this matter.
Motion by Commissioner Eckman to adopt a resolution to send the three remaining elephants to a sanctuary in CA or Tennessee and send that resolution along with a cover letter to the SF Board of Supervisors as soon as possible.
Seconded by Commissioner Kipnis
Commissioners Eckman and Kipnis will work together on developing the cover letter to the Board.
Item 8b - Discuss development of animal protection legislation that would allow for the suspension of animal guardianship/ownership privileges, when deemed appropriate.
Commissioner Guldbech stated that a draft legislation packet is ready to be presented to Supervisor Dufty within the next week. Packet includes the following:
1. Adding subsection (f) to the existing SF Health Code 41.12, Duties of Owners. This subsection will include minimum care requirements. Guldbech stated that the purpose of this subsection is to ensure the humane treatment of all companion dogs including sentry and guard dogs throughout the city and county of San Francisco.
2. Adding subsection (g) to the existing SF Health Code 41.12, Duties of Owners. This subsection will require owner/guardians to exchange information when a bit occurs. "It shall be the responsibility of any dog owner/guardian to exchange information whenever their dog bites another human or domestic animal."
3. Replace the word "shall" with "may" in section 42.2, Registration of Vicious Dogs, of the SF Health Code. (Furthermore, the keeping of a registered dog shall be subject to the following conditions:) Guldbech stated that this proposal would give Hearing Officers more flexibility based on each individual case.
4. Add the existing Food and Agriculture Code Section 31646, Conditions for Prohibiting Ownership, to Section 42.2, of the San Francisco Health Code, as subsection (e). This allows the Hearing Officer to prohibit the owners of a vicious and dangerous dog from owning any dog for the period of 3 years.
Public Comment
- Elliott Katz - use owners/guardians
- Ron Cole - suggested that a specific type of tether be included, pulley, for example. Suggested that the requirements include a list of types of tether.
- Linda Fisher - Nothing specific about what proper exercise is. Include something more specific about exercise. Commissioner Guldbech stated that we could not detail what exercise is - cannot enforce it.
- Elliot Katz - support modifications to the code
Commission Discussion - None
Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to add subsection (f) to the existing SF Health Code Seconded by Commissioner Franklin
Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to accept legation to suspend guardianship for 3 yrs
Seconded by Commissioner Franklin
Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to present legislation as one package to SF Board of Supervisor to include the human care for outdoor dogs
Seconded by Commissioner Kipnis
Commissioners Guldbech and Franklin will make an apt with Supervisor Dufty. Commissioner Kennedy provides a letter of support from the San Francisco SPCA.
Commissioner Guldbech will get a letter of support from the Chief of Police and from DA Kamala Harris.
Item 8d. Hear description of a pigeon over-population problem at the Presidio Division of Municipal Railways and consider potential solutions.
Commissioner Breslin is not in attendance to discuss item 8d, Pigeon Overpopulation. Item will not be addressed at this meeting.
V. Old Business
Item 7a - Proposal to designate Trap-Neuter-Adopt-Return (TNR) as an officially approved means to humanely address homeless/feral cat issues in the City and County of San Francisco.
Commissioner Chi stated that this proposal is not asking the city to do anything, simply asking the city to officially support this program. Approves of the program as a good program to humanely reduce the homeless cat populations.
Commissioner Guldbech stated that she was not sure what we would want the city to officially endorse - how can we regulate something of this magnitude. How much involvement does the Commission want to have with something so controversial. Should leave it alone, otherwise it may end up bring up more opposition.
Commissioner Eckman stated that she was not sure the city has to make this an official program. Inviting a lot of problems by bringing attention to it.
Commissioner Kennedy - What do we want to achieve that we are not already achieving? Agreed that getting more support and education and public awareness is a great idea. Still unclear as to why the Commission wants the city to get involved in this. We are not talking about legislation, and there may be some direct conflict with existing legislation currently on the books. If we bring it up, those conflicts become bigger issues.
Public Comment
- Kristina Hoerler- effort to TNR have been sabotaged by certain individual and if there was official city support, they might not go out of their way to make TNR a problem.
- Elliot Katz - support TNR program symbolically have the city come out and make a statement. However, concern about bringing this forward may bring out cat haters and instigate more havoc.
- Jane Greenwald - no harm in giving moral support, but if any risk of misinterpretation, then I would not want to see this go forward for city approval.
Motion by Commissioner Chi to support TNR resolution
Seconded by Commissioner Kipnis
1 in favor
Motion failed
Item 7b - Development of local "Cambridge-type" ordinance that would provide critical oversight of UCSF live-animal testing.
Commissioner Eckman reported that the ordinance, which is not being prepared by the Commission, has been sent to city attorney for review. Should have copies of the proposed ordinance and resolution at the May Commission meeting
Public Comment
- Kristina Hoerler - hopes the UCSF oversight committee will include Dr. Katz
VI. Approval of Draft Minutes from March 11, 2004 meeting
Motion by Commissioner Kennedy to approve the minutes
Seconded by Commissioner Eckman
VII. Chairperson's Report
1. Commissioner Kennedy reported that the terms of Commissioners Kipnis, Kennedy, and Jensen are up. Tentative date for Rules Committee hearing is April 28th.
2. Sunshine Training will take place on May 3. City Attorney Rosa Sanchez suggests the all Commissioners attend, as there have been some changes.
3. Commissioner Kennedy and Kipnis have been working on a process for how the Commission can maximize its potential. Will be discussed at our next meeting.
4. Goodbye to Commissioner Jensen.
VII. Committee Reports/Commissioner Reports
1. Live animal markets - Commissioner Kipnis reported that there is no update at this time. Kipnis met with Commissioner Jensen to discuss other avenues to address these issue.
Public comment
- Bob O'Brien - April 17 - 25th is world week for animals in laboratories
VIII. Calendar Items
1. Commission Orientation package
IX. Task Allotment and Next Steps
1. Commissioner Kennedy will send letterhead to Commissioner Eckman
2. Commissioners Eckman and Kipnis will work on cover letter to the Board along with resolution regarding the future of the elephants at the SF Zoo
3. Commissioner Franklin and Guldbech will meet with Supervisor Dufty to present responsible dog guardian package
4. Cambridge style ordinance - ongoing work
Meeting adjourned 8:03 p.m.