2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 COMMISSION OF ANIMAL CONTROL & WELFARE
Mailing Address: City Hall #1 Dr.
Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 453
San Francisco, CA 94102
Voice Mail: (415) 554-6074
Website: www:sfgov.org/awcc
MINUTES OF MEETING - June 12, 2003
Chair Kennedy, who presided during all aspects of the meeting, convened the meeting at 5:32 p.m. Eight Commissioners (or lawful designates) holding valid appointments being present, the quorum requirement of Section 6 of the Commission's Rules & Regulations (50 per cent of those eligible to vote) was satisfied.
Commissioners in Attendance: Chair, Laurie Kennedy, Vice-Chair, Sherri Franklin, Carl Friedman, Animal Care & Control, Elissa Eckman, Kelly Jensen, DVM, Chin Chi, Susan Wheeler, Sgt. William Herndon (arrived at 5:50 p.m.), Absent with excuse: Jack Breslin, Department of Health, Absent without excuse: Jamal Modica
Also, the continued absence of Recreation and Park
2. Public Comment
The Chair opened the meeting to public comment.
Eric Mills, Action for Animals stated concerns regarding live animal markets and their relations to SARS and other communicable disease.
Elliot Katz congratulated the new Commissioners Chin Chi and Susan Wheeler
3. Approval of the draft minutes of May 8th, 2003
The Commission unanimously approved the minutes with a few minor corrections.
4. Chairperson Opening remarks
The Chair welcomed the new Commissioners Chin Chi and Susan Wheeler and also the congratulated Commissioners Eckman and Franklin on their continued appointment. The Chair, on behalf of the Commission expressed sincere appreciation to June Wilson, former Commissioner and Comm. Secretary, for her many years of dedication and service to the Commission.
5. Public Comment
President of the Board of Supervisors, Matt Gonzalez stated his continued concerns with the live animal testing at UCSF. The Supervisor requested that the Commission investigate the possibilities of a municipality imposing rules and regulations on institutions such as UCSF, and upon completion of their investigation, make their recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Gonzalez referred to the Cambridge Ordinance as an example, and also made note of a recently passed Berkeley City Ordinance relating to live animal testing. Supervisor Gonzales further urged the Commission meet with all parties involved, i.e., UCSF, City Attorney's office, to discuss improved performance at UCSF. Supervisor Gonzalez further stated that because of the Commission's current notable status, continued work on this issue would bring a heightened level of awareness to the community.
6. Old Business
A. Animal Testing
Comm. Eckman discussed model ordinance received, Commission on Animals and Laboratories (CAL) and stated that it could be used as a starting point of a new proposed ordinance for SF. Comm. Franklin stated that this item should be agendized and that UCSF should be invited and informed that the Commission intends to hold meetings with the purpose of establishing a City ordinance regulating live animal testing.
Public Comment
Eric Mills stated UCSF is state-supported institution but the public is not allowed to attend their Animal Care and Use Committee meetings. Mr. Mills felt a member of the Commission should be present at these meetings. Bobby O'Brien distributed literature from UCSF animal testing.
Elliot Katz stated that if the ordinance is to be effective and supported by the Board of Supervisors, UCSF and the public must be included for their input at the hearings. Dr. Katz felt the ultimate goal should be to move away from using live animal research.
Comm. Friedman stated that it is imperative that the goal of the Commission be clear and precise; is the goal to be a gradual decrease in animal testing and eventually stopping, or for the animals that are experimented on be treated with careful and humane consideration.
Comm. Herndon suggested the meeting with the City Attorney would be to inform them of the Commission's proposed course of action and obtain their opinion as the best course of action to take.
Chair stated that all Commissioners obtain copies of the draft ordinance and familiarize themselves with its content. Comm. Eckman, Franklin, Jensen and Wheeler will meet with the City attorney to ask specific questions and obtain legal opinion.
Commissioner Comment
Comm. Friedman informed the Commission that due to his numerous other commitments, and demands on his time, he would not regularly attend future meetings. He has served on the Commission for approximately 30 years but has found it increasingly difficult to attend. Capt. Vicky Guldbech, Department of Animal Care and Control will attend future meeting in Comm. Friedman's place. If for any reason Capt. Guldbech were unable to attend, Comm. Friedman would attend the meeting. The Chair thanked Comm. Friedman for his continued help and support with the Commission and welcomed Capt. Guldbech.
Public Comment
Eric Mills, L'Danyielle Yacobucci and Billy Creighton thanked Commissioner Friedman for all his work with the Commission.
B. Dog Maintenance & Care
Capt. Guldbech stated that the amendment to the current ordinance would provide ACC the ability to enforce better care and maintenance for dogs that are housed outdoors.
Discussion on the penalty section followed. Comm. Franklin stated that the fine for not maintaining proper care for their dog should be higher. Capt. Guldbech's concern with charging too high a fine was that owners would elect to surrender their animals rather than pay a fine. Comm. Herndon stated that the fine should be paid whether or not they have surrendered their dog. Amendment to the ordinance is mainly for the education of maintenance for their animal.
Public Comment
Anita Carswell, suggested that a list of possible choices, depending on owners living situation, be added to provide for social needs of dogs. Lisa Vitore suggested that language be specific when referring to space of confinement, exercise and socialization. Ms. Vitore also suggested fines should be proportionate to the offense. Eliot Katz suggested that owners surrendering their dog to avoid paying a fine should not be allowed to have another dog.
7. New Business
A. Responsible Dog Guardianship
Comm. Herndon discussed two amendments to legislation:
i. Amending S.F. Health Code, Sec. 40: Increasing the penalty for individuals who fail to remove and properly dispose of their dog's feces. It is the number one complaint that turns public opinion on the entire dog community. If the increase in penalty is implemented it would help improve relations for dog community. Fees would be increased $100 for first offense, $150 for the second offense, and $250 for third offense.
ii. Amending S.F. Health Code, Sec. 39: referred to as Bite-and-Run, requires dog guardians to exchange personal identification information in cases of dog bites. This legislation would aid in police investigations.
8. Public Comment
Dr. Ron Cole stated dog owners should not be allowed to let their dogs poop on any public-location, also pickup is important.
Lisa Vitore stated dog poop is a waste management problem. Eliot Katz supported increase in poop fines. The increase would make owners more responsible for their animal, and in turn better for the entire community. Officer John Denny supported Bite-and-Run ordinance. Legislation is not meant to punish the dog but to aid the SFPD identify the owner in cases where follow-up information is needed.
Commissioner Comment
Comm. Franklin proposed the three legislation items be packaged together. Comm Herndon stated increased fine would be the best incentive to observe laws. Anita Carswell stated that incorporating an alternative to paying a fine would be volunteering at a shelter, Comm. Chi supported Ms. Carswell. Comm. Franklin will incorporate suggestions if appropriate and have the three legislations packaged together by the next meeting in preparation for submission to the Board of Supervisors. The Chair stated concern regarding Agenda Items 9a,i and ii with regards to volunteers not serving enough time, since SPCA requires a longer training period.
The Chair stated for the record: Commissioners Jenson, Friedman, Herndon and Eckman had to be excused for appointments. The Chair motioned to have Items carried over to the next meeting. Seconded by Comm. Franklin. Item b carried forward to next meeting.
C. AB 395 Declawing Issue
9. Public Comment
Anita Carswell worked with authors of West Hollywood's ban on cat declawing. She has contact with people who worked on ordinance and offered support if needed.
Lana Basel, currently works at a veterinary office, stated that the problem was that the public is not educated about declawing procedure.
The Chair requested Ms. Basel to help gather data from other veterinarians: What percentage of revenue comes from declawing procedure? Ms. Basel will forward information to Comm. Wheeler.
Linda Fisher stated she opposed the declawing procedure and felt the real problem was education. More outreach is needed. Dr. Katz stated legislation would not prevent owners from declawing cats, if prohibited in SF, they would go to another city.
Comm. Chi suggested the leaflet regarding declawing be sent as part of the package.
Agenda Items (taken out of order):
Item 7A: Not applicable
Item 7B: Carried to next month's agenda
Item 7C: Linda Fisher, IDA final text for pamphlet ready to print by next month
10. Public Comment
June Wilson expressed concern regarding the request for additional funds, 30 million Zoo Bonds that may not be used for animals. Ms. Wilson suggested representative from AC&W attend sub-committee hearings.
Lisa Vitore, suggested the Gold Bone Program, leash option program, allows deserving owners not to have their dog on leash be put back in effect.
Robin Buckley, Alamo Square Dog Advisory Committee, stated there have been questions regarding Comm. Herndon being able to serve fairly on AC&W Comm. He requested the Commission send letter of support to SF Police Chief on behalf of Comm. Herndon.
11. Calendar Items:
Comm. Chi read proposed resolution for discussion at next months meeting regarding reaffirm increased jurisdiction of Commission.
Eliot Katz requested Zoo; elephant issue is sponsored for the calendar next months meeting.
12. Closing review of task allotment and next steps.
1. Comm, Jensen, Franklin and Eckman and Jensen (Comm Wheeler if Comm. Jensen is unable to attend) will set up meeting with City Attorney to discuss Cambridge Ordinance.
2. Comm. Guldbech will work on maintenance of outdoor dog ordinance for next months meeting.
3. Comm. Wheeler will work on anti-declawing measure.
13. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m., motion by Chair, seconded by Comm. Franklin
Dated: 20th May, 2003
Arita, Commission Secretary