2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 San Francisco Commission of Animal Control and Welfare
Meeting Minutes
August 12, 2004
(Please note: The recorder malfunctioned and the majority of the minutes are a reflection of notes taken by the secretary and therefore are lacking in detail.)
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
- The meeting was convened at 5:39 on August 12, 2004, by Chairperson Kennedy who presided during all aspects of the
- Commissioners in Attendance: Chair Kennedy, Vice Chair Franklin, Commissioners
Chi, Weiss DMV, Secretary Commissioner Wheeler, Captain Guldbech, and Sergeant
- Commissioners absent with excuse: Commissioners Eckman and Kipnis
2. Public Comment
3. Approval of Draft Minutes from the July 8, 2004 Meeting
- Minutes approved without changes
4. Chairperson's report and opening remarks
- (Minute records affected by the tape recorder malfunction)
5. Committee Reports/Commissioner's Reports
6. Status and tracking of letters of recommendation approved by the Commission, requesting action by the Board of Supervisors
- Commissioner Franklin reported that the two remaining elephants at the
San Francisco Zoo still have not been moved to their new home at the PAWS
sanctuary, but that the move should happen soon.
- Commissioners Franklin and Kennedy reported the "Responsible Dog Guardianship"
legislation package is still with the City Attorney for review and feedback.
- Public Comment (Minute records affected by the tape recorder malfunction)
- Commissioner Comment (Minute records affected by the tape recorder malfunction)
- No new progress has been made regarding the development of a local ordinance
and resolution that would provide critical oversight of UCSF live-animal testing.
- Public Comment (Minute records affected by the tape recorder malfunction)
- Commissioner Comment (Minute records affected by the tape recorder malfunction)
7. Old Business
- Discussion of how the Commission can make its voice heard in condemning
the production of foie gras in Sonoma County. Shall the Commission back a
ballot initiative that would make it illegal to sell foie gras in San Francisco?
Can the Commission contact the SF Restaurant Trade Association and see if
they are amenable to ending the sale of foie gras?
- Public Comment: Richard Sharon urged the Commission to find a way to work
against the sale of foie gras in San Francisco. He likes the idea of a ballot
8. New Business
9. Calendar Items
- Commissioner Guldbech will be inviting Dan McKenna next time who will introduce
the Professional Dog Walker License/ Permit for discussion.
- Commissioner Chi is concerned that she was misunderstood when she was talking
about the city and trap and kill.
10. Closing Review of Task Allotment and Next Steps
- Commissioner Kipnis and Weiss will be in touch to talk about a ballot measure
to ban the serving of foie gras.
- Commissioner Franklin will contact Rosa Sanchez and Supervisor Alioto-Pier
about the Responsible Dog Guardian Ordinance.
- Commissioners Wheeler and Guldbech will work together on T-N-R and getting
agency representatives to meet on the issue.
11. Adjournment
- Meeting adjourned at 7:50