2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
4:00 p.m.
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 70
- Cultural Equity Grants Program Director Report
Current administrative, budgetary and programming developments and announcements.
Motion to approve recommendations to award seventeen grants totaling $333,750 in the 2009-2010 cycle of Arts & Communities: Innovative Partnerships grants to the following organizations and individual artists, and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into grant agreements with each for the amounts listed:
Asian Women's Shelter, $25,000
Chinese Culture Foundation of San Francisco, $10,000
Chinese Progressive Association, $10,000
Croatian American Cultural Center, $25,000
Dance Brigade, $20,000
Deanne Morizono Meyers, $22,500
Fifth Stream Music, $10,000
Flyaway Productions, $22,500
GK Callahan, $20,000
Intersection for the Arts, $18,750
Kid Serve Youth Murals, $25,000
Kulintang Arts Inc., $22,500
Mary Jean Robertson, $25,000
Out of Site: Center for Arts Education, $10,000
Queer Cultural Center, $25,000
Raissa Simpson, $22,500
Ruby’s Clay Studio and Gallery, $20,000
Supplemental Documents: Arts & Communities: Innovative Partnerships applicant ranking and project descriptions, summary notes of the application evaluation and bios of the grants review panelists.
Motion to approve the following individuals as grant application review panelists for Cultural Equity Initiatives Level I:
Julie Fry, Program Officer, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Renee Heider, Executive Director, Destiny Arts Center
Roko Kawai, Dancer, choreographer and teacher
An Lu, Program Specialist for Arts Council Silicon Valley
Wendy Levy, Director of Creative Programming, Bay Area Video Action Coalition
Rebeka Rodriguez, Photographer, Curator and Arts Administrator
Jen Soriano, Communications strategist, musician and nonprofit consultant
Shiree Teng, Independent Consultant
Supplemental Documents: Cultural Equity Grants Biographies of Grants Application Review Panelists.
- Community Arts and Eduacation Program Director Report
Current administrative, budgetary and programming developments and announcements.
- Cultural Center Report
Discussion and review of the 2008-2009 cultural center final reports.
- New Business
- Adjournment
BLT 12/03/09
Explanatory documents are available for public inspection and copying at the Arts Commission office, 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 240, San Francisco, CA 94102, during regular business hours. Info: Robynn Takayama, 415-252-2598.
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