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Meeting Information

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Thursday, July 14, 2005

6:00 P.M.

1800 Oakdale Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94124


1.0               Call to Order
Commission President Bobbrie Brown called the Thursday, July 14, 2005 meeting to order at 6:12 p.m. in the Alex L. Pitcher Community Room at 1800 Oakdale Avenue.

On behalf of the Commission, President Brown welcomed newly appointed Commissioner Dr. Harrison Parker to the SECF Commission and then read the Sunshine Ordinance aloud.


1.2               Roll Call

Commissioners Present: Brown; Fuentes; Kennedy; Parker;
Excused Commissioners: Jones; Sampson

Staff Present: John Roddy, Deputy City Attorney; Toye Moses, Executive Director SECFC; Annette Price, Comm.-Sect


1.3               Consent Calendar

a.             RESOLUTION (SECFC-2005-35) Be it resolved that the minutes of the Southeast Community Facility Commission meeting of Wednesday, May 25, and June 9, 2005, be approved as submitted (passed unanimously).

2.0               Public Comment
There was no public comment at this time.

3.0               Communications:
Dir. Moses reported that the following correspondence has been mailed: Letters to Chief William Siffermann of the Juvenile Probation Department; Mr. Luis Herrera, S.F. City Librarian; invitation from SFPUC to the Commission re: “Community Night”.

Comm. Brown welcomed Mr. Pat Brooks, Project Manager for the U.S. Navy and asked that
he step forward to update the Commission on cleanup efforts at the Hunters Point Shipyard.

4.0               Presentation:
Mr. Pat Brooks
distributed two packets, a Hunters Point Shipyard map and a power point presentation cleanup of the shipyard. Mr. Brooks reported that Parcel A has now been transferred over to S.F. Redevelopment Agency and turned over to Lennar for development.

Mr. Brooks reported the Navy has two objectives regarding cleanup efforts: (1) to expedite the cleanup in areas to be redeveloped by Lennar; and (2) to address the worst affected areas by contamination first regardless of redevelopment. Mr. Brooks explained the law that governs cleanup efforts of the BVHP shipyard is called the Comprehensive Environmental Response

and Liability Act  (CERCLA). CERCLA uses two methods of cleanup, the “standard method” and the “removal action” method, where a work plan is employed and there is regulatory agency interaction, but much of the paperwork is sidestepped.

Mr. Brooks also informed that innovative technology is being looked at regarding cleanup efforts. As such, the navy is working with Stanford University in determining how to go about detoxifying the bay.

Referring to the red areas on page 3 of the power point presentation, Mr. Brooks indicated that that 5-acre area is the removal action area where it is believed that the navy burned refuse and bulldozed it into the bay. There are many hot spots, oil, and metal debris and within the debris are radiological devices that the navy used for a radium dial. Mr. Brooks indicated that area has been identified as one of the worst areas of contamination containing polycorinate bithenal (PCB). Mr. Brooks reported that the shipyard had both a foundry and a smelter, which explains why a variety of metal waste is found out there containing radiological markers and illuminating devices. Mr. Brooks reports that $15 to $18 million will be spent this summer on cleanup in those designated areas referred to as a dig and haul. 

Mr. Brooks gave an overview of the monitoring equipment the navy uses in an effort to stop further contamination of the site and mentioned the success they’re having regarding the containment of dust by spraying the soil with water.

Mr. Brooks reported that the Navy has 7,000 cubic yards of material ready for disposal and he estimates around 20,000 to 30,000 cubic yards of material will come out of the shipyard before the cleanup is complete. Mr. Brooks extended an invitation to the Commission and the public to tour the cleanup site and extended his appreciation to Tetra Tech ECI, YCD, as well as other contractors working on the cleanup efforts. He concluded by encouraging participation from local community in the clean-up efforts.

Comm. Person asked why the navy was not allowed to receive funding from the superfund budget. Mr. Brooks explained the shipyard is not a superfund site and therefore not eligible to receive funding from that budget. Comm. Person voiced concern regarding security at the shipyard. Mr. Brooks explained that during the day the material is inside a fenced compound and at night it is in a secured facility where all radiological waste is transferred.
In response to the question of how safe the shipyard is re: habitation, Mr. Brooks explained the navy is required to clean the shipyard according to the reef. As such, a residential reef would be the highest degree of cleanup whereas industrial would not be as strict.

Comm. Brown asked where the debris that is removed taken. Mr. Brooks stated the facilities for radioactive waste are in Utah or Idaho at a double-lined engineered landfill area specifically for radiological waste.

Comm. Kennedy asked for clarification regarding the words “superfund site”. Mr. Brooks reiterated that the BVHP shipyard is not a superfund site because the navy does not use superfund money.

Comm. Fuentes asked once complete, how safe will the shipyard be and what will the level of radiation be after it is cleaned. Also, are there other areas within the map that need to be cleaned other than those hot spots. Mr. Brooks explained there are other areas that need to be cleaned, however the focus is on those specific hot spots because those are the areas the navy is working on currently.

Comm. Parker asked whether it has been predetermined what activities will be put in those specific areas once cleaned, since those are the most contaminated areas? Mr. Brooks stated in the redevelopment plan, most of the areas will be open space.

Mr. Brooks stated the level of cleanup of radioactivity would be done to background level of the shipyard, pretty much all the waste material.

Dir. Moses asked whether YCD contractors have been exposed to PCB. Mr. Brooks responded all workers are required to prepare a health and safety plan, wear protective equipment, and undergo medical monitoring of employees. Dir. Moses asked whether there was any provision for employees to undergo chest x-rays, radiation test. Mr. Brooks responded when the medical survey is done, chest x-ray and blood work is also done.

Ms. Vincent informed that Parcel E would be capped to contain whatever radiation might be in the ground before the topsoil is placed over it for the park. She followed up by asking whether the YCD crew had been certified with their HAZMAT training. Mr. Brooks responded in the affirmative.

Ms. Stancil asked once the cleanup is complete, how will the people be sure that the water isn’t contaminated. Mr. Brooks reported that San Francisco receives its water supply from Nevada through the Hetch Hetchy reservoir. It doesn’t pass through the shipyard.

Comm. Brown thanked Mr. Brooks for his presentation and requested a follow-up within the next few months.

4.0               Director’s Report
Dir. Moses
reported that the Mayor’s Office of Housing’s last day will be July 22 to provide assistance in completing applications for grant funding for the underground wiring project. The Earl P. Mill facility will no longer accept reservations for social events, as the facility has received many complaints from surrounding residents. Dir. Moses reported that he is now reporting to Laura Spanjian, Assistant General Manager of SFPUC. SFPUC will host “Community Night” at the next Commission meeting on 7/27/05. Dir. Moses also reported that Supervisor Maxwell is in search of ideas that bring more economic development to BVHP community and is looking to bring Starbucks to the BVHP community.

Comm. Person voiced concern noting that there is already a local coffee shop located on Third Street. Person also asked for an update regarding Home Depot. Dir. Moses clarified that the Starbucks is just in its proposal stage and suggested that Home Depot be invited to come before the Commission to do an update.

Ms. Vincent interjected that the PAC is in opposition to Starbucks or any other franchise coming into the community because of PAC’s concept plan. She also said that Home Depot is still on the table.

Comm. Parker stated if Starbucks is for the overall benefit of the community and something the Commission would like to support, perhaps that there should be a stipulation that it be black-owned. Comm. Kennedy suggested that the stipulation be limited to someone residing in the BVHP community. Comm. Brown suggested that this topic be calendared for the August meeting.

5.0               Old & Ongoing Business:
Dir. Moses
reported that the final draft of the resolution regarding the underground wiring project is in everyone’s folder awaiting Commission approval. 

Ms. Julie Brown commented about ineligibility for funding of the churches. Ms. Vincent voiced her opposition to BVHP residents having to pay for any underground wiring cost.

Comm. Brown reminded that Mr. Matthew Franklin, Mayor’s Office of Housing was asked by the Commission to follow up within two weeks regarding the ineligibility of funding for churches and nonprofits with regard to the underground wiring project. She suggested that a letter be sent to Mr. Franklin reminding him of the request and his non-response.

Comm. Kennedy requested that the resolution be amended to include, “refund all the homeowner’s who have already paid”.

MOTION: Moved by Kennedy seconded by Parker that the resolution be sent as amended to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors. Motion passed unanimously (5-0).

Comm. Brown directed that two inquiries be sent, one to Mr. Franklin re: non-response with a copy to the Mayor and also a request to Mr. Lee, DPW for clarity in terms of what will happen with the liens, as that question was asked when Mr. Lee committed there would be no liens.

6.0               Introduction of New Business By Commissioners:
Moses suggested, through the Chair, that Mr. Kofi Bonner, Vice President of Lennar be invited to present. Comm. Kennedy requested that Ilona McGriff be invited to present regarding historical facts of the shipyard and people in the community. 

7.0               Public Comment:
There was no public comment at this time.

8.0               Announcements:
There were no announcements at this time.

9.0               Adjournment
Comm. Brown adjourned the SECF Commission meeting at 8:02 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Commission Secretary