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MONDAY, July 10, 2006

11:00 A.M.

1800 Oakdale Avenue, Conference Room B

San Francisco, CA 94124


   I.                 Call to Order:

            Acting Committee Chair, Commissioner Willie Kennedy called the Monday, July 10, 2006 Facility Committee meeting to order at 11:30 a.m.


II.                 Roll Call:

Present:                                    Commissioners Kennedy and Fuentes


            Staff Present:                         Toye Moses, Exec. Dir., SECFC; Annette Price, Comm.-Sect.                            


III.                 Announcement:  Chair Willie Kennedy read the Sunshine Ordinance.

Dir. Moses asked that item IV be taken out of order to accommodate Ms. Hardin’s schedule, who was running late.

V.                 City College in Conjunction with Department of Telecommunications and
Information Services (DTIS) seek permission to install “Wireless/Upstream
Sites” at the SECFacility: Dir. Moses reported that CCSF has requested permission to install wireless/upstream sites in conjunction with Dept. of Telecommunication Systems. The Director then asked Mr. Al Lopez, CCSF staff, to briefly update the Committee.

Mr. Lopez explained once the system is installed, it would enable City government, public access producers, educational producers the ability to send/receive video programming from remote sites throughout the City such as the Bd. of Supervisor meetings while in session. Clarification however is needed regarding equipment placement and timeline for implementation. Mr. Lopez also noted CCSF would be liable for all costs incurred.  

Commissioner Fuentes asked who would be in charge of monitoring the upstream site.
Mr. Lopez responded CCSF would monitor/maintain the site. He also explained within the facility, CCSF has had installed a hotspot (300 ft. radius) which gives laptop users the ability to access the hotspot within the campus only.

Dir. Moses suggested that this item be tabled until more information is obtained. He also suggested once recommendation is made, the MOU should specifically address this Facility, as this is a city-owned building.

Mr. Lopez suggested the Committee invite a representative from the department of telecommunications to explain the process.

Item V was tabled until the next Facility Committee meeting.
(A 15-minute recess was taken).

IV.                 Dir. Moses reminded that SECFacility Mural project was not selected for funding by the Community Challenge Grant Program and that President Brown referred the item back to the Facility Committee to discuss: 1) whether to proceed with funds raised; and 2) whether to re-apply for $100,000 grant and expand project with greening component.

Dir. Moses asked that Ms. Hardin give a status update on the project.

Ms. Hardin explained several reasons resulted in the project not being selected for funding such as: 1) no greening component; 2) placement of mural; 3) lack of community participation; 4) applications submitted by city buildings are normally not funded.

Commissioner Fuentes asked whether participation implied that the artist come from the community. Hardin noted the point and explained panelists were unfamiliar with the process. She explained when one artist is selected for a project, there is not much enthusiasm because there is not many people involved.

Hardin went on to explain the application process as it related to Southeast and the community participation required. Fuentes suggested that the mentoring component be one of the selling points. Hardin also suggested that the mentorship portion also include an educational component. Fuentes suggested that Decorative Plants be included interactively in the greening component. Dir. Moses stated that could be worked out to enhance the proposal.

Ms. Hardin also suggested that trees and tiles be added (made by the children) to the area beneath where the mural would be located to add decoration/color. She concluded by explaining her vision of applying for a $100,000 grant. She suggested a possible approach to the project would be to build pathways from several community organizations connecting Southeast as the educational component, another organization as the arts component, and another organization as community family component.

After further discussion as to why the project was denied, Hardin reported that Ms. Henriquez, CCG program manager, would be sending panelist notes for Commission review.

Kennedy suggested prior to re-applying for a grant that the organizations the Commission has selected to work with first be approached. Fuentes also suggested guidelines be reviewed prior to re-applying. Kennedy asked whether matching funds would be required. Hardin replied 25% matching funds. Kennedy reported that the 49ers foundation is currently looking at which projects they wish to fund for the current year. Hardin asked for clarification as to who would be depicted on the mural. Dir. Moses suggested the “big five,” individuals who were instrumental in getting the facility built as well as adding the names of all past/present Commissioners and community activists. Hardin confirmed the project could be accomplished with the $2,000 donated by Lennar and the $3,000 donated by Home Depot. Hardin also suggested that the selected artist portfolios be re-reviewed by the Commission. Kennedy suggested if possible that the artist design a sketch of how the mural will be depicted. Dir. Moses also suggested that the Community Design Center design a model of how the project will look connecting the several agencies within the community.

VI                 Public Comment:
There was no public comment at this time.

VII.                 Adjournment

Commissioner Kennedy adjourned the Facility Committee meeting at 2:25 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

  Commission Secretary