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Meeting Information

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Commission President Bobbrie Brown called the Thursday, March 13, 2008 meeting to order at 6:25 p.m. in the Alex L. Pitcher Community Room at 1800 Oakdale Avenue and announced the Sunshine Ordinance.


1.1      ROLL CALL


6:25 p.m.                                  Commission Secretary – Carla Vaughn


Commissioners Present:            Brown, Churchwell ,  Kennedy


Commissioners Excused:           Jones, Sampson


Staff Present:                            Toye Moses, Executive Director

Joseph Singh, Management Assistant

                                                Carla Vaughn, Commission Secretary


1.2              CONSENT CALENDAR


Kennedy moved to accept the consent calendar and the minutes of January 10th. 23rd. and February 27th.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Churchwell.


2.0                        PUBLIC COMMENT


Sam Murray of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission acknowledged the removal of the lead-snake and the on-going construction that was taking place.  He advised the Commission of the outreach that had taken place within the community to advise of the noise that would be taking place during the process.  Mr. Murray reported the project was moving as smoothly as possible.


Mr. Murray announced there was a new coordinator for the “9910 Program” who would be introduced at the meeting scheduled for the 26th of March. 


Mr. Murray stated it was an honor to work with Dr. Moses and his staff whose diligent efforts greatly contributed to the improvements of the facility.


Mr. Murray stated Susan Leal would no longer be the General Manager and he would speak with Dr. Moses regarding introducing the new General Manager, Ed Harrington, at a future meeting.


Dr. Moses and Commission Chair Bobbrie Brown thanked Mr. Murray for all of his help.


3.0                        COMMUNICATIONS


Carla Vaughn, Commission Secretary announced the following:


An Invitation from City College of San Francisco inviting students to participate in a Summer Program from June 16th to July 25th titled “Guardian Scholars Summer Academy”;


An Invitation from St. Paul of the Shipwreck to attend their “Spaghetti Lunch/Fashion Show/Silent Auction” on April 19th at Noon in the Gym of St. Paul of the Shipwreck Church;


An announcement regarding “A Discussion About Health Care Needs In San Francisco Including The Future Of St. Luke’s Hospital”. On March 17th there will be a community outreach taskforce from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the BayView Hunter’s Point YMCA for a public discussion about care needs in your community.


4.0                 PRESENTATIONS   


Commission Chair Bobbrie Brown welcomed Captain Loftus of the BayView Hunter’s Point Police Station.


Captain Loftus thanked the Commission for the invite and provided a presentation

            outlining census data, demographics, and the number of bilingual officers.  The

Captain’s presentation provided 2006 vs. 2007 crime statistics, information regarding sub-stations located in public housing, and examples of police involvement within community organizations, such as Boys and Girls clubs and the Milton Meyer Center.


Captain Loftus announced the unveiling of the Shot Spotter System, a gunfire protection system, recently rolled out in the BayView District and scheduled to be provided to the Western Addition Community.


Commission Chair Bobbrie Brown thanked Captain Loftus for his presentation and asked for questions from the Commissioners and the audience.


Mr. Robert Foster, a community member had a question regarding the “Roses” program.


Commissioner Kennedy wanted to know if the Captain was familiar with the “Roses” program and wondered what had happened to it.  Also, Commissioner Kennedy had a question regarding the predicted budget deficits and how it might affect the police community programs.


Captain Loftus responded that generally public safety comes first with funding and he hadn’t heard of any major cutbacks.  He noted the officers involved with the community programs were already on duty therefore there was no extra funding involved.


Commissioner Churchwell had a question regarding the treatment of those cited for malicious mischief.


Captain Loftus responded it was a wide-ranging specification spanning several areas from graffiti artist to others destroying property.  He explained the dollar amount of the property damage incurred would determine whether the offense was a misdemeanor or felony. 


Commissioner Churchwell asked whether or not officers were armed while involved with children within the community.


Captain Loftus responded the officers were on duty and therefore they were.


Dr. Toye Moses thanked Captain Loftus for providing the presentation and noted the organization “Roses” use to meet the first Thursday of every month and was well attended.  He advised “Roses” worked with the police and he encouraged Captain Loftus to bring “Roses” back to the community.


Dr. Moses noted that Phelps Street was a high crime area because students attending City College parked their cars on the street and suffered vandalism due to people breaking into their cars on a weekly basis.  He requested a police patrol to cut down on the vandalism.


            Dr. Moses stated a sub-station located in the BayView might help to deter crime.  


Commission Chair Bobbrie Brown thanked Captain Loftus for his presentation and asked for questions from the audience.


Dr. Parker had questions regarding narcotics, guns and gangs.


Captain Loftus responded there was a program through the Youth Services Unit where there are school resource officers.


Commissioner Kennedy questioned crime in the BayView versus other communities.


Captain Loftus responded it varied per crime.


Commission Chair Bobbrie Brown noted the media stated car thefts were higher in the Avenues. 


Commission Chair Bobbrie Brown and Commissioner Kennedy thanked Captain Loftus for his participation and invited him to return to the Commission to provide an update at a future time. 




Joseph Singh provided a report on the Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Children First event scheduled for April 5th.  Mr. Singh reported the committee was meeting on a weekly basis to finalize the organizations that would be present with tables at the event.  He advised a list of speakers were being discussed for a panel presentation along with a program for the event.  Mr. Singh provided a draft of the flyer for the event along with a copy of an email forwarded to members of the committee regarding the next meeting date scheduled for Monday, March 18th.   Mr. Singh reported there was discussion regarding the funding source for the event and Mr. Sam Murray had advised funding would be available.


Dr. Moses reported Commissioner Jones would not be able to attend the event due to illness and the Commissioners needed to attend.


Commissioner Churchwell had a complaint regarding the date and time changes of the meeting.




Dr. Moses reported a donation of drinks by DelMonte Corporation for the event and noted staff was working closely with the produce market that would be donating vegetables in keeping with the goal of promoting healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle.     


7.0            STAFF REPORT


Dr. Moses provided an update regarding two vacancies on the Commission.  He reported the Mayor was working closely to fill those vacancies and the hope was that by this time next month there would be a full Commission.


Dr. Moses reported the budget was with the Mayor and there would be no budget cuts.  He advised he had spoken with the new general manager, Ed Harrington who would like to come to meet the Commission.  Dr. Moses said a welcome party/get acquainted meeting would be forthcoming.


Dr. Moses advised an update regarding the environmental clean up would be provided at the next commission meeting.


Joseph Singh reported the ADA upgrade was moving smoothly and the current focus was on the front amphitheatre areas.  He advised the concrete was being removed and smoothed out.


Mr. Singh reported the lead-snake was being removed and there was a meeting to discuss the possible set-ups for the now empty space.  The set-up with the most support is one that has a cement bench in the area where the snake was and increasing the lawn, and smoothing out the cement area.


Dr. Moses announced Commissioner Jones would be unavailable for another month.




Dr. Moses recommended inviting the new Executive Director of the Human Rights Commission, Chris Iglesias, to speak to the Commission regarding Prop 209, along with Frank Jordan and others.


Commissioner Kennedy suggested inviting the new director of the Mayor’s Office Of Community Development, Ms. Adrienne Pon.  


9.0                  ANNOUNCEMENTS


Commissioner Kennedy announced a series of workshops regarding the Shipyard/Stadium Project to be held as follows:


1)      Saturday March 15th from 10am – 12pm at Brete Harte Elementary School

2)      Monday, March 17th, in the Alex Pitcher Room

3)      April 2nd at the Evans Campus/1400 Evans Avenue

4)      April 5th at the YMCA on Lane Street


Dr. Moses announced Commissioner Brown was the only Commissioner to attend the Sunshine Ordinance Training.


10.0       ADJOURNMENT


The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 pm.


Respectfully submitted

Carla Vaughn , Commission Secretary