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Meeting Information

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Wednesday, April 23, 2003
6:00 P.M.

1800 Oakdale Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124

I. Call to Order

    Commission President Millard Larkin called the Thursday, April 23, 2003 meeting to order at 6:11 p.m. in the Alex L. Pitcher Community Room at 1800 Oakdale Avenue.

II. Announcement

    Commissioner Larkin read the Sunshine Ordinance aloud and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

III. Roll Call

    Present: Commissioner Millard Larkin, Commissioner Bobbrie Brown,
    Commissioner Louise Jones, Commissioner Ronald Person;
    Commissioner Kim Nguyen; Commissioner Willie Kennedy.

    Not Present: Commissioners Enola Maxwell (excused).

    Staff Present: Robert Bryan, Deputy City Attorney, Toye Moses, Exec. Dir. SECFC;
    Annette Price, SECF Commission Secretary.

IV. Approval of Minutes

    Commissioner Jones moved and Commissioner Brown seconded to accept the minutes of Thursday, April 10, 2003. Motion passed to accept minutes with minor changes.

    Public Comment

    No public comment was offered at this meeting.

V. Communications

    a) Letter from Dean Hunnicutt, CCSF/Southeast Campus requesting permission to install
    soundproof partition between rooms 309 and 310.

    b) Letter from Dean Hunnicutt, CCSF/Southeast Campus requesting implementation of Fitness
    First mini-workout setup and café at CCSF Southeast Campus.

    c) Flyer from the Human Rights Commission - Energy Savings & Energy Efficiency Workshop will be held on April 26th, 2003 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m at SECF, 1800 Oakdale Ave.

    d) Flyer announcing hearing to discuss 2003-04 City budget cuts will be held on April 24, 2003 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Joseph Lee Rec. Center.

VI. Presentations
Commissioner Larkin introduced CCSF/Southeast Campus Dean Veronica Hunnicutt to discuss and explain the request for modifications between rooms 309-310.

    a) The Dean distributed brochures listing current programs offered at City College and went on to explain that room 309 currently serves as a certified nurses assistant program and 310 serves as a consumer arts/sewing program. Request is being made to install a partition from floor to ceiling to block noise filtering from these classrooms.

    During a brief Q&A period it was further explained:

    _ These two classrooms were originally one large classroom converted into two. At the time of the conversion, a partition was placed between the classrooms that did not reach the ceiling allowing noise to pass back and forth between the rooms.

    _ CCSF will do further research to determine whether a temporary versus permanent structure can be installed.

    _ CCSF would bear all costs of the installation.

    Director Moses requested that floor plans be submitted for the proposed alteration and that CCSF contract the work to be done through DPW/BBR as a condition for approval.

    Commissioner Larkin stated additionally as a condition for approval, that CCSF seek approval from PUC Real Estate Department prior to any alteration.

    Commissioner Kennedy moved and Commissioner Jones seconded to approve CCSF's request to install a partition between rooms 309 and 310 with the condition that CCSF follow the guidelines as set forth by the Commission: Motion passed unanimously to approve request for installation of partition with certain conditions.

    b) Dean Hunnicutt gave a brief overview of the benefits of her proposed venture Fitness First mini-workshop setup and café. The Dean explained that the idea came about as a result of the obesity problems that exist among some CCSF students and residents in the BVHP community. She then introduced Ms. Jewel Parker owner of Make It Public who gave a brief presentation of the benefits of nutritious eating.

    Ms. Parker distributed company brochures to the Commission and stated her main goal is to educate people on eating nutritiously. She noted her focus will be on three main health issues while managing this café if approved: Hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes. In conclusion, Ms. Parker stated she is not going into this venture for profit but rather to get necessary information and nutritious food to the community.

    Commissioner Larkin asked whether this café would be a class offered at CCSF. The Dean responded no, but that students from the community would possibly do some type of internship. Commissioner Nguyen was curious as to what entity would receive funds generated by the sale of food at this café. Ms. Parker responded CCSF would receive no return from this venture but that all funds would be used in the operation of her business, Make It Public. To the question whether fees would be associated with the use of the gym, the Dean answered no, this would be a class offered by CCSF.

    After discussion, the Commission voted to table the request for implementation of the café/gym until such time as the Dean addressed all concerns listed by the Commission -- competitive bidding process; liability issues; city department approval.

    President Larkin suggested also that the Dean work closely with staff to help her move through the necessary approval paths and return later with an update of her findings.

VII. Directors Report

Dr. Toye Moses introduced Ms. Nancy Rodriguez, SECFC's new 1424 Clerk Typist whose main
duties will consist of handling facility room reservations. Ms. Rodriguez came from AT&T and
has extensive background experience. We are very pleased to have her.

a) Exec. Dir. Moses reported: Renovations in the community room are 99.9% complete. Finishing touches are being done on the stage area. There was a false fire alarm recently at SECF. Evacuation procedures were put in place and staff/tenants responded appropriately.

b) EP Mills is being affected by budget cuts as well and were notified to come and speak to the Board on how these budget cuts will affect the childcare centers.

Commissioner Brown moved and Commissioners Nguyen seconded to accept the Director's report. Motion passed unanimously to accept report as presented.

VIII. Introduction of New Business
Commissioner Nguyen requested a letter of support from SECFC to seek funding for a program she is sponsoring to involve youth ages 9 thru 14 from the 94124 area in the Biotech Program at CCSF Southeast Campus. She will confer with staff to get on an upcoming agenda to present and give updates of her program.

Commissioner Brown requested that a letter of invitation be sent to the management of Foods Co. regarding deteriorating services and possible safety issues.

IX. Announcement
The Exec. Director announced: Rev. Hawkins will be sponsoring the annual quilt ceremony here at SECF, which will take place on Thursday. Mr. Don Capoeans, SFRA will appear before the SECFC on May 8, 2003. Mr. Jim Jefferson called to reschedule his presentation due to a scheduling conflict. We will keep you updated.

Atty. Robert Bryan announced that mandatory training on Conflicts of Interest and Public Meeting Laws for the Commissioners will be held on Tuesday, May 6th from 6:00 to 8:00 in the Herbst Auditorium. Atty. Bryan noted there is only one training this year so please be in attendance.

Commissioner Kennedy stated she comes in contact with many different developers, some of who are willing to donate their services to the SECFC and urged the commission to be alert when the opportunity presents itself. She stated she would ask for support from these organizations in the future.

X. Adjournment

Commissioner Brown moved and Commissioner Person seconded to adjourn the SECF
Commission Meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Commission Secretary