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Meeting Information

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Southeast Community Facility Commission


12:00 P.M.
1800 Oakdale Avenue, Conference Room B
San Francisco, CA 94124

I.          Call to Order:

          Acting Committee Chair, Commissioner Heidi Hardin called the Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Facility Committee meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.

II.          Roll Call:

Present:                    Commissioner Heidi Hardin
                              Commissioner Bobbrie Brown
                              Commissioner Enola Maxwell (Alternate)

Excused:                    Commission Kim Nguyen

          Staff Present:                     Toye Moses, Exec. Dir., SECFC;
                                        Joseph K. Tham, Real Property Officer PUC/BCLM
                                        Annette Price, SECF-Sect.

III.          Announcement: The Sunshine Ordinance prohibits the use of electronic sound-producing devices at/during public meetings. Please be advised that the meeting chair may remove any person (s) responsible for the ringing or use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices from the meeting room.

IV.          Request from City College (Southeast Campus) to sublease classrooms 506, 507 and 509 to SFUSD: After long discussion regarding security concerns, concerns regarding where burden will be placed in repairing property damaged by San Francisco Unified School District students (CCSF responsible party), Commissioner Brown moved and Commissioner Maxwell seconded to recommend to full Commission to approve request from CCSF to sublease classrooms to SFUSD with the following stipulations being placed on CCSF: a) CCSF agrees to get own estimates and be responsible for repair of property damaged by CSOS students; Dean Hunnicutt agrees to expedite the process (paperwork) by getting repairs completed in a timely manner. b) CCSF agrees to add additional security to City College (Southeast Campus).

V.          Request from City College (Southeast Campus) to alter/install door between room 201 and 202 in the Southeast Community Facility (Discussion & Recommendation): After discussion regarding door installation, Commissioner Hardin asked that CCSF a) Move ahead with plans to work with DPW architects in determining the composition of the wall before any kind of “structural change” is done to the room (because of asbestos concern, etc.). b) And thereafter, have plans drawn up and building inspection performed, permits obtained before recommendation is made to the full Commission to approve request for CCSF to install door at CCSF’s expense.

VI.          Decorative Plant Services Lease (Discussion & Recommendation): Review the Draft Lease as submitted by the PUC/Bureau of Land Management (Recommend or not recommend to the SECF Commission for approval). Since Decorative Plants is still in negotiation with PUC/BCLM regarding maintenance of building/repairs, Commissioner Maxwell moved and Commissioner Hardin seconded to recommend to the full Commission that Decorative Plants continue negotiation with PUC/BCLM until a final lease is complete.

VII.          Public Comment
Commissioner Hardin opened the floor for public comments.
(Speaker cards were made available)

a)          Mr. Francisco Da Costa stated that at the onset he supports the commissioners, appreciates the wisdom from Mrs. Espanola Jackson and Commissioner Maxwell, and is grateful for the direction that Dr. Moses has provided; however, he has several concerns regarding the following: He would like Decorative Plants to consider using solar energy as their main energy source; he suggests that horticulture courses be made available to the community by CCSF and/or Decorative Plants; would like outreach incorporated into the Decorative Plants lease; and last, he would be supportive if mitigation monies were set aside to compensate the community for sewage from surrounding cities being directed to Southeast Sewage Treatment Plant.

b)          Mr. James Morrison expressed concern regarding Decorative Plants not living up to their lease and felt the community has not benefited any by having Decorative Plants as tenants of Southeast. Mr. Morrison wanted the PUC to consider opening up the lease for bid, Request for Proposal, instead of renewing Decorative Plants’ lease. Commissioner Hardin indicated that PUC/BCLM pointed out that Decorative Plants are in compliance. And, that Mr. Morrison has been provided information that Decorative Plants has complied with what has been asked for in the lease.

Mr. Caruso of Decorative Plants indicated the company is in compliance – that they do in fact train their workers and have tired to work with CCSF in initiating horticulture classes at CCSF but have been unsuccessful. Also, that Decorative Plants’ new hires are within the 94124 area.

c)          Ms. Espanola Jackson had concerns regarding not being made available the draft lease of Decorative Plants. Joseph Tham indicated that confidentiality was the reason the draft lease could not be made available to the general public. He stated it had to be recommended by the Commission and approved by PUC/BLCM before it becomes public record. Ms. Jackson also spoke about the history of inception of the Southeast building (1800 Oakdale) and the financial obligations that were stipulated to in the City agreement.

VIII.          Adjournment

Commissioner Maxwell moved and Commissioner Hardin seconded to adjourn the Facility Committee meeting at 2:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Commission Secretary