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Meeting Information

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Thursday, July 8, 2004
6:00 P.M.
1800 Oakdale Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124

1.0               Call to Order
Commission President Millard Larkin called the Thursday, July 8, 2004 meeting to order at 6:14 p.m. in the Alex L. Pitcher Community Room at 1800 Oakdale Avenue.

Commissioner Larkin read the Sunshine Ordinance aloud and welcomed everyone.

                                1.2       Roll Call
Commissioner Millard Larkin; Commissioner Bobbrie Brown; Commissioner Juan Fuentes Commissioner Louise Jones; Commissioner Kenneth Sampson; Commissioner Ronald Person

Excused: Commissioner Willie Kennedy

Staff Present:            Toye Moses, Exec. Dir. SECFC; Annette Price, SECF Commission Secretary.


                                1.3       Consent Calendar

RESOLUTION (SECFC-2004-11) Be it resolved that the minutes of the Southeast Community Facility Commission meeting of Thursday, June 23, 2004 be approved as submitted (passed unanimously).


2.0               Public Comment
There was no public comment offered at this meeting.


Commissioner Larkin moved agenda item 4.0 Presentations out of order as Ms. Chang was running late.

3.0               Communications
The Executive Director stated the following correspondence has been sent/received as directed:
Letters of Invitation to Marla Jurosek/Michael Scholder, SFPUC; Wells Fargo Bank (Bayview branch); Dr. Mitchell Katz, Public Health Director, Follow-up Letter to Lennar; Correspondence from Third Street Light Rail; Caltrans Workshop (Bayview-Oakdale Study); Building Strong Coalitions for Political Action.


5.0                SECFacilities Community Advisory Group Report
Commissioner Larkin stated although the CAG has done an outstanding job in their research efforts, the Commission needs some clarity on CAG activities and update. Dir. Moses stated the next scheduled CAG meeting would take place on July 15th (item tabled).

6.0                Director’s Report (6/10/04 & 6/23/04:
Dir. Moses reported that in conjunction with the Mayor’s Office and other city department heads, he will collaborate in sponsoring “Stop the Violence Day” End of Summer/Back to school event on September 11, 2004 at Martin Luther King Park.

The 3rd edition of the SECF Resource Directory is now available and can be picked up at the Commission office during business hours. The budget has been submitted to the Mayor and once approved will go to the Board of Supervisors for final approval. Southeast will likely be affected by bumping of staff due to citywide lay-offs. The Commission will be kept updated on all. Upcoming guest speakers are Dr. Katz, (7/28/04) and Supt. Ackerman (8/25/04). We are still awaiting confirmations from Public Defender Jeff Adachi and Assessor/Recorder Mabel Teng.

Comm. Jones asked whether the “Stop the Violence” event would be citywide or only include BVHP? Dir. Moses stated it would be limited to BVHP. Comm. Jones asked whether the report on the various activities taking place within the city to reduce gang violence has been received? Dir. Moses reminded that at the last Commission meeting Comm. Kennedy suggested collaborating with other city agencies. She was to compile a list with the aid of Comm. Sampson of those agencies; however, that list has not been received. President Larkin directed staff to do the appropriate research and provide a report of various agencies working toward stopping the violence by the next meeting of 7/28/04.

Commissioner Brown movedand Commissioners Jones/Sampson secondedto accept the Director’s Report. Motion passed unanimously to accept report as presented (6-0).

Commissioner Larkin welcomed Ms. Tilly Chang and asked that she step forward and
give an overview of the Bayview-Oakdale Caltrans Study.

Ms. Tilly Chang, Manager of Planning S.F. County of Transportation Authority (SFCTA) prefaced her presentation by providing background information of her agency and requested that the Commission provide input/direction for the third workshop, which will take place at Southeast on August 31st. She stated Caltrans’ role in this study is as lead agency, the purpose of which is to develop station designs for the proposed Bayview-Oakdale station.

Apologizing for the unclear handouts previously distributed, (slide presentation/fact sheet), Ms. Chang stated that the study emerged from planning work the community did dating back to 1988 which identified the Bayview-Oakdale site as a “preferred site” for the new station replacing the underutilized station at Paul Ave.

Ms. Chang briefly listed the goals of the Bayview-Oakdale station study stating the scope includes a feasibility/engineering analysis, needs analysis, conceptual station design plans, design cost estimates and funding strategy (funding approved 11/03). What remains is the station alternative development and the third workshop. The location of the new station will be two blocks from the town center to ensure good linkage. Ms. Chang briefly reviewed the community feedback, which is incorporated in the design.

In conclusion, Ms. Change stated the station would serve as a transportation function and also create economic development opportunities bringing more visitors/students to the community facility. She went on to provide an overview of both the basic and enhanced station options. All information can be accessed at the SFCTA website

Comm. Larkin interjected that although the design sounds nice, the handouts are not very legible and suggested that perhaps Ms. Chang could return with more legible pictures so that the Commission could get a better sense of how the station design would look. Ms. Chang stated she would be more than happy to return to do follow-up.

Comm. Brown asked why the Paul station is being abandoned? Ms. Chang stated the Paul station is severely underutilized due to safety, which is why the community identified three alternative stations (Evans, Oakdale, Jerrold).

Dir. Moses asked that Ms. Chang address the proposed access to the station from the SECF parking lot voicing concern that congestion as well as safety would increase. Ms. Change stated there are several access options: Oakdale Ave. via pedestrian walkway, possibly underground parking, or eastern access via Quint/Jerrold.

Comm. Person asked who would benefit from this new station, the community or the riders coming to the community and will the current volume justify the expected volume? Ms. Chang stated although rider ship projections have not yet been performed, expectation of riders would be from 300-400 people utilizing the station. The advantage will be to BVHP community through the expansion of places one can get to at a reasonable cost and also would support the economic development goals of the community.


Comm. Brown voiced her concern of the potential congestion that would occur if this station were built at Southeast commenting that the Evans St. location seems more appropriate. Also, why not enhance the Paul Ave. station, which would be less expensive? Ms. Chang stated Southeast emerged as the “best choice” from the Revitalization Concept Plan back in 2000.

Comm. Larkin stated economically having the station built at Southeast would make more sense considering all the new development that is taking place in the area.

Comm. Fuentes commented that the station could benefit the community due to better access than the isolated Paul St. station; however, he suggested that it be well planned out in order not to impact parking access.

Mr. Caruso asked whether the plans called for relocation of any homes? Ms. Chang stated the only private land that might be required if requested by the community is at the Oakdale/Quint corner. However the plans have not included those building and they are not required in the plans.

Mr. Jackson suggested that closed circuit television be utilized at the station to alleviate concerns regarding safety and voiced concern regarding the design theme not being compromised in any way. He also suggested that noise abatement strategies be incorporated into the design plans.

Comm. Larkin thanked Ms. Chang for taking the time to come out and present stating that staff would be in contact to schedule a follow-up meeting in order to discuss the economic development aspect of the plan and economic benefits for contractors/individuals who reside in the community. 

7.0                 Introduction of New Business By Commissioners:
Staff was directed to research and provide a report of various agencies that are working on violence prevention programs by the next meeting of 7/28/04.

8.0                 Public Comment:
There was no public comment offered at this time.

9.0                 Announcements:
President Larkin announced the Small Business Development Center will be starting a 9-week program beginning August 10th, which will teach existing businesses and people who want to start businesses how to prepare bids, obtain funding, etc. The cost is $95.00. Dir. Moses announced on Saturday, July 17th from 1:00 to 2:00 that Wells Fargo Bank would have their grand opening at the Bayview plaza. Mayor Newsom will be in attendance and everyone is invited.

10.0               Adjournment
Comm. Larkin adjourned the SECF Commission meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m.

  Respectfully submitted,


    Commission Secretary