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Meeting Information

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

6:00 P.M.

1800 Oakdale Avenue

San Francisco, CA   94124


1.0     Call to Order
Commissioner Juan Fuentes called the Wednesday, October 24, 2007 meeting to order at 6:18 pm in the Alex L. Pitcher, Jr. Community Room, 1800 Oakdale Avenue.  He read the Sunshine Ordinance aloud.

1.1.      Roll Call:

Commissioners Present:   Brown, Fuentes, Churchwell, Jones, Kennedy and Sampson
 Personnel Present:             Toye Moses, Exec. Director; Joseph Singh, Mgmt. Assistant, John Roddy,                                                                   

                                    Deputy City Attorney


1.2    Consent Calendar:              Commissioner Jones moved to accept the Consent Calendar, and seconded                                                         by Commissioner Sampson.



2.0    RESOLUTION (SECFC-2007-88) Be it resolved that the minutes of the Southeast Community Facility         Commission meeting of Thursday, October 11, 2007 were approved as submitted.



3.1           Espanola Jackson expressed concern about the lack of awareness of the many health problems in BVHP.  P
arents are afraid of being cited for their children’s absence or tardiness at school; when most often, the reason is that the child is going to the hospital.  She asked that the School Board and Commission inform the SFPD or youth guidance agencies of such.  St. Luke’s Hospital (a part of the southeast sector) has accommodated many of these children, but is on the verge of possible closure.  Ms. Jackson felt that St. Luke’s Hospital should be retrofitted and not closed from its present location.  Support is needed for the BVHP community in dealing with the health services in this area. The matter of closing St. Luke’s Hospital will be discussed at a hearing on Oct. 25th at City Hall, Rm. 263.  



4.1           Toye Moses reported on correspondence received from the Mayor’s Office:  a) invitation to the State of the Union Address on Monday, Oct. 29th, 1 pm.; and b) memo regarding the Commission’s Attendance Record.



5.1           Carlos Garcia, Superintendent of Schools reported that SFUSD is trying to focus on three 3 major items and trying to create a strategic plan to address them:  a) Student Achievement; b) Accountability - Does SFUSD deliver what it proposes and are they physically prudent in the resources the taxpayers provide?  Basically, demonstrating that SFUSD is doing an efficient job with the limited resources received; and c) Access and Equity - Do children really have access to the curriculum and is everyone treated the same?


To address the above issues, Tony Smith was hired to a newly created position called Deputy Superintendent of Instruction, Innovation and Social Justice.  Seemingly, the achievement gap is growing in the BVHP and Mission areas.  San Francisco has sufficient funds to provide resources to enable the children to become successful.  The major goal is getting children to read by the end of third grade.  Resources are being wasted if the reading issue is not resolved of “Getting Preschool thru 3rd Graders to read at grade level.”  A massive effort will be taken to assure that the involved teachers are experts in teaching reading.  Most universities do not train teachers to be reading specialists on diagnosing children who cannot read and what to do about it—instead they are taught how to select reading materials.  It was not known how children learned to read 20 years ago; but today with the Reading Recovery and other such programs, it can be diagnosed. If a more clinical approach of training teachers to be literacy experts is not taken, the achievement gap will never close. 


The low math test scores nationwide for 4th & 5th graders will also have to be reviewed because some students entering middle school do not have the skills to take on more advanced math.  The infrastructure will have to be built so that the children can become successful.    


        Updated data of the following were distributed among the Commission:

·         Continuation of the BVHP Dream Schools:  The dream schools are doing okay, but not great.  More intervention and offering different types of programs that work are needed.  Hoover Liddell reported that there are 6 dream schools (2 in BVHP and a dream academy; 4 in Mission District).  The BVHP stats indicate that there were 625 students in 2005-06, 566 in 2006-07 and 541 for this year—reflecting that the students are decreasing.  Mr. Liddell announced that he is on the “Out Migration Task Force of African Americans Leaving SF.”  Their task is to review housing, jobs, culture, education, safety and security of the African American students in BVHP.              


·         Academic Achievement Levels for SF Children:  The API (growth of schools determined by the State) reflected that since 2005, the schools lost points last year.  The AYP (number of proficient students and no child left behind) reflected that the students are either far below basic, proficient or advance.  A student has to be proficient or advance to meet the “No Child Left Behind.”  It is anticipated that by the year 2014 every student in the country will be proficient and not be left behind.  San Francisco is the highest AYP scoring of the large urban areas in California, including Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Diego, Sacramento and Fresno.  The African Americans performed the lowest; however, issuing standard-based report cards made improvements.  The programs not improving will have to be revisited to determine what can be done differently.     


·         Extra Curricular Programs:  Trish Bascom reported that there are numerous After School Programs in the City (60 in elementary and every middle and high school).  George W. Carver, Willie Brown, Bret Harte, Paul Revere and Malcolm X schools in BVHP offer after school programs (providing services to about 100 students daily).  Elementary schools meet 5 days a week and are broken up into 3 components:  1) Academic Enrichment; 2) Recreation; and 3) Arts Enrichment.  Middle & high schools meet 3 days a week and follow the same pattern. Programs are free; however, slots are reserved those who are below basic level to receive tutorial help.  Teachers are placed in charge of preparing lesson plans for specific children and providing the District with data to support academic progress.  One high school has a wellness center with resources for youth, e.g. mental health services, teen activities, tutoring, substance abuse prevention, etc.  There is a deacon who provides family resources.  The District is working closely with Community of Opportunities to provide and integrate services.  Project Achieve (high school to college career plan) is located in 2 high schools featuring college visits with students and family.  From entrance to high school, plans are mapped out in terms of which college to enroll in and what it would take to get there.  Mr. Garcia noted that the Drop-In Center has started in BVHP and is housed at the YMCA, i.e. if a police officer notices a child truant from school, they are brought to the YMCA (instead of being arrested), and staff will notify their parents or an adult.


Commissioner Brown wanted to know “If the students in the after school program are provided with academic homework?”  Ms. Bascom replied “Yes,” one-third of the program is academic enrichment or tutorial.  A list of homework assignments is generated so that teachers and aides can assist.  Homework completion is a large factor.  Reports from data, parents and teachers reflect that students who attend the After School Program have increased their homework completion.  Specific skills that are making it difficult for students to achieve, such as reading or math, are also worked on.  Commissioner Brown asked “How are the students selected for this program?”  Ms. Bascom replied that “This is a voluntary program and teachers or aides working with students may encourage them to attend.  In each school, there is a Student Success Team (students having some challenges or are not quite achieving to their maximum).  In such cases, the school personnel meet with the families to discuss the possibility of the program.  Another hour is added in the Dream Schools to complete homework and/or work on other skills. 


Commissioner Jones was glad that something is being put in place for teachers to be trained to teach reading.  There are a lot of new teachers and principals. “What is happening to ensure that the principals know what is being taught as it relates to reading?”  In essence, to understand it and to be able to enter a classroom to evaluate the instruction.  Mr. Garcia replied that “This year, a leadership academy was started in the school district on training principals how to be effective (partnership with school alliance involving Berkeley and Stanford universities).”  He spoke more on the relationship of a successful principal with the school and its teachers. 


Commissioner Jones commented on the achievement gap not narrowing, but broadening.  Many reasons for children not achieving are:  1) Parental accountability – Adopt policies where parents are more responsible and accountable for getting their children to school.  2) Health issues – Awareness of children who have health problems because they are not prepared to learn under these conditions.  There is a growing epidemic in this area as it relates to obesity and diabetes.  Obesity in children causes low self-esteem and illness.  Commissioner Jones asked, “Are there programs provided by the school health services to support the staff with this problem that is prevalent in children?” 


Commissioner Jones expressed concern about the food children are eating and schools that have landscaping areas where health education can be provided, but are not being utilized (plant gardens so children can make their own vegetable salads, etc.).  She wanted to know “What is SFUSD doing to assist the schools that have those areas to help the children?”  All of this works together and ties into improving the achievement gap and closing it.  Mr. Garcia stated that the City is fortunate because “Prop A” was passed in terms of placing gardens in schools by using available resources.  The City is considered having the strictest food standards nationwide of any school district.  In creating a more physically fit environment, salad bars are being placed in high and middle schools from funding received through the City and Prop A.  A portion of the Prop A monies is allocated for hiring physical education teachers, which will make a huge impact on the schools; in addition to the wellness center, hiring nurses, etc.  The City has been very helpful in assisting SFUSD to provide some services that the school district cannot provide.


Ms. Bascom remarked on the obesity and physical activity:  PE teachers are being placed in elementary schools to train teachers how to run physical education programs, aerobic activities, etc.  Kaiser Permanente is featuring a new play for 5th graders on obesity and physical activity at the Moscone Center during the American Academy of Pediatrics Convention.  The California Nutrition Network (funded thru the State) does nutrition lessons in schools:  Going from the garden (where they grow it) to the table (where they learn how to cook it and then eat it); food that they normally would never have eaten.  SFUSD is working with ING the financial planner, e.g. a middle school last year had 3,000 students running in the pre Bay to Breakers, “Run for ING”—hopefully this year there will be 5,000 participants.  Staffs are the role models and are encouraged to participate and demonstrate wellness to the children.  SF is rated one of the highest urban cities for television watching for the students (about 45% of the children watch 3 or more hours per day—correlating to obesity).  A turn-off TV campaign has started and there are posters throughout the city.  It is being taken seriously and is being addressed (last results showed a 35% drop).


Commissioner Jones asked “Was there representation from the principals of the southeast part of the City at the summer seminars sponsored by the Prop A monies?  Ms. Bascom replied that this was open to anyone who wanted to participate. 


Deedee Desmond, School Reform in the SFUSD has been working around issues of building the capacity of leaders and teachers to better serve the students who are underserved.  There is a major effort this year to train all administrators and many teachers in “Cotillion Linguistic Relevant Peleguigy.”  Dr. Shoki Holly runs a school in Los Angeles with a 100% African American student body and has an API of almost 800.  Ms. Desmond praised the students for their motivation of learning, passion for education, engaging instruction and absence of negativism. After visiting the school with some of her colleagues, Ms. Desmond was motivated to make this happen with more schools in SF.  Dr. Holly is working with the SFUSD School Reform this year.  Ms. Desmond explained the School Reform process where Dr. Holly and Dr. Lamoan were keynote speakers.  Both advocates delivered the statement that Superintendent Garcia reinforces “The people in charge of the schools and the classrooms have to have the capacity to serve the students better.”  Dr. Holly will be returning 4 times thru the year to work with all 300 administrators and will run a series of workshops for all of the contents/instructional specialists and about 100 teachers.  He is also working with 4 schools—onsite are Willie Brown and Paul Revere.  It is far from perfect, but the difference when teachers have a different focus and capacity for structuring classrooms so that more children are engaged, passionate and learning is very powerful. Mr. Garcia concurred that the school in LA has inspired SFUSD that this can be done, and from the stats—it is possible, e.g. Bret Harte did extremely well by their test scores this year


Commissioner Kennedy asked  “What criteria is used to encourage a child that is handicap verses a child that needs to be challenged?”  Mr. Garcia felt that the biggest problem is that children are not challenged enough.  They are being educated to a world that does not exist.  Technology in elsewhere compared to SF schools is exciting because children love technology, but it is only a tool.  This is why the SFUSD is doing culturally relevant instruction. If a student is not valued by what they bring to school, how are they going to be successful?  Every child has language and something they can offer to the classroom.  Mr. Garcia gave examples of the negative criticism students encountered when using a certain terminology, and how this could turn into a positive by using standard English (more was said on the topic of  being bi-lingual and being able to speak standard English).  There are special ed and a lot of different issues that need to be addressed.  Children should not be labeled “Special Ed” because they are bored or because they are a discipline problem.  Most often, it is a discipline problem because of boredom or not challenged enough; the district has to take some of that responsibility.  Mr. Garcia expressed support of the truancy letter that District Attorney Harris circulated.  It is not always the fault of the student; and if the district is part of the problem, then they need to fix it. He spoke further about his experiences with various school districts and concluded that “The schools need to be made relevant to young people otherwise they are not going to be successful.” 


Commissioner Kennedy spoke of the increase of dropouts.  She believed this was due to the extra curricular activities being removed from the schools.  Mr. Garcia stated that “No child left behind” is contradictory because in reality, there will be a whole generation that will to be left behind. In the past, it was meaningful when children were allowed to take extra curricular classes; but the system has eliminated them and focused strictly on academics.  SFUSD will be working on trying to restore these classes back into the classroom.  Voc-Tech is not what it was, e.g. graduating from high school, completing a certain vocational education skill, and seeking employment opportunities.  There are schools nationwide still providing this.  Math and all the basics can still be taught, but done in a different way; and that is sorely lacking in San Francisco.   Mr. Garcia felt that this needs to be created and it is doable.  He is going to start a campaign to bring the district up to date (it is about 12 years behind in technology).  Every parent ought to be able to go on-line today or pickup a phone and find out their child’s progress, e.g. attendance, homework assignment, etc.  The reason for the lack of technology is the cutbacks, which are at the expense of the children.  It is going to take a $23 million investment and then later $13 million a year to make this district start-of-the-art (every teacher having a laptop).  This district is at least 12-15 years behind other major schools districts in the nation—this is unacceptable and something needs to be done. 


   The infrastructure on the district building is improving and a wide area network needs to be setup.  Mr. Garcia explained what the installation process entailed and gave comparisons on how out-dated the district computer system was.  It is a disgrace that students are not able to access their own information through the school.  This is the kind of world they are going to live in and the district needs to provide it.  Prop A, has helped in terms of improving the appearance of facilities, but there is no technological infrastructure.  A strategic plan will be laid out for implementing this.  The district has a long way to go, but with the Prop A funds, this year 50 projects were done and next year there will be 31 projects


Commissioner Fuentes asked “Does the district have a policy in regards to recent immigrants or undocumented—do they have equal and guaranteed access to services as do other students?  How does the district protect undocumented parents and children who are in the school district?  There is a large influx of immigrants nationwide; and there are some harsh policies that the Bush Administration is placing on immigrant communities.  He wanted to know if there was anything that connects or protects these families?  Mr. Garcia replied that most school districts do more to protect these children—it is of no concern where they came from.  The children are not going to get punished—they did not make the decision to be here.   The students are welcome and SFUSD is able to provide lots of services, e.g. translation, health, etc.  Everything that the district puts out is done in at least 3 languages, English, Spanish and Chinese.  Some bilingual programs are also available for parents.  The number one goal is to teach English and get the children to learn it as quickly as possible—other languages are supported, but at the same time, all the testing (no child left behind) are done in English.  He felt that the biggest problem is the high schools needing better support mechanisms. The chances of non-English speaking high school students graduating or being successful is very nominal—this is a real big challenge.  Also, there are many Spanish-speaking children who are illiterate in Spanish. It is very complex because people assume that everyone entering school has a formal education, which is not the case.  It is not uncommon to see children from other countries that never attended school. 


Commissioner Fuentes wanted to know about the Charter or Independent schools.  How do those schools link with the district or are they independent?  Mr. Garcia replied that the Charter schools are fairly independent and research indicates that, statistically, they do not do any better than public schools. 


Dr. Moses mentioned that the migration of African American families out of BVHP is alarming.  He expressed concern about the Youth Guidance Center and issues the youth faces after being released.  He would like to see the program that SFUSD had at YGC continue.  Are there plans for SFUSD to educate some of these who are incarcerated?  Ms. Bascom replied “Yes,” there is a program called “Woodside Learning Center” at YGC and a comprehensive high school that students can makeup their credits.  The GED Program is offered on-line where enough credits can be obtained to achieve their GED.  She noted that the GED Program is not for only the incarcerated, but also for those who have been adjudicated and/or released, where they can return to the system.  Mr. Garcia would like for SFUSD to offer all its high school courses on-line.  This is very important for those individuals having trouble passing the graduation exam.  Most colleges are offering all their courses on-line.  Mr. Garcia gave examples of Las Vegas school district (Clark County) and how they have advanced through computer access.  Dr. Moses announced that the High-risk High School Student Program that is offered at SEC will have to vacate the premises.  They did not provide some safety issues that were requested of them.    Dr. Moses asked for assistance in referring other high-risk programs offered in the community. 



Commissioner Brown opened the floor to public comments.


6.1   James Calloway was delighted about the slight improvement of the achievement gap for African Americans.  Expressed concern about the African American youths attending high schools outside of the area not progressing as well as those attending schools in BVHP.  What is being done about those children?  The students in the impoverished areas are getting more attention and the others are not because they are small in number.  In the last 2 years, there has been a 30% drop rate of African American certificated staff and Para-professionals.  About 10 years ago, there were at least 4 African American principals in the high school level; and at least 3-4 at the middle school level.  Currently, there are no African American principals in the middle school level.  Mr. Calloway felt that if this community is trying to improve the quality of education, then the youngsters need to see African American role models.  This has diminished and needs to be followed up that more African American principals to be restored (support from an administrative level in the middle schools).  Mr. Garcia replied that this is a critical issue and he will look into it.  He further gave examples of high schools in the city that took responsibility and took data of African American students to find out how it is that they were not successful.  The staff created groups to support the students, and as a result, the test scores for African Americans last year improved tremendously.  This was a role model for various schools to see that something can be done about this.  The other schools have created support networks to help the youth to become successful.  Another big issue is buses that transport students from this area are always late.  In closing the achievement gap, there has to be an end to the excuse of “the bus being late.”  However, it is exciting to see that all high schools are taking the achievement gap seriously by having counselors, staff and other students involved in the tutorial, after school enrichment, etc. 


6.2   Heidi Hardin, Director of Children’s Mural Program has served all 5 elementary schools in BVHP for the past 15 years (3rd thru 5th grades—about 5,000 children).  Teaching them the power of creativity and stewardship in the planet.  They teach an environmental science curriculum using painting.  Murals are displayed throughout the neighborhood at many popular buildings; in which the children have their artwork mounted as a permanent contribution to the beautification of their neighborhood and a part of their civic involvement. They stress in this curriculum the redevelopment and cleanup of the hunters point shipyard.  Many of the children are going to have permanent ceramic tile murals at the shipyard as part of their contribution of their creativity to the community and their creative ownership.  There are a lot of people moving out of the area because they do not feel welcome.  There is a big transformation happening in BVHP at this time and the curriculum needs to be expanded from elementary to middle and high school.  They have introduced the Teen Mural Program at one of the high schools and have been working with a middle school to re-integrate the messages that they carry about the environment  “Healthy air, water, soil” means healthy plants, animals and people.  The expansion was also mentioned because of health issues concerning obesity, diabetes, asthma, and the kinds of behaviors that make children not engage in their neighborhoods—and also the safety issues that make them feel unsafe to play outside.  She will follow-up on this effort with the appropriate persons in the district to offer this information throughout community that “The southeast sector, the most impacted area of the redevelopment zone for the hunters point shipyard has 550 acres of waterfront property becoming available.  Residents in this neighborhood will have first opportunities for home ownership, business ownership, various types of special training and entrepreneurship.  The youth will to be informed to be on the receiving end to get jobs of cleanup and reused processing, which have been underway for more than 15 years.  It will take another 20 years for completion.  These opportunities are there for these children, but without  someone to advocate for them, avenues of informing them and the school’s support in educating them—they cannot access it.  She asked for support in this matter.


6.3   Harrison Parker stated that in the sense of trying to level the field of education, in the sense of fairness and without present resources, he suggested the concept of rotating all the teachers and principals on a 5-year plan.  Mr. Garcia was against that idea and replied, “The children deserve people who want to be with them.”  Teaching is teaching but not everyone works with all children well—this would be a disservice to some of them.  They like stability and schools need stability.  The biggest challenge today is trying to keep the staff together—those that stay together 5 or more years show incredible results--no turnover.  It is assumed that the better teachers go to certain places.  Mr. Garcia clarified that this was an erroneous assumption.  He gave an example of a high school he visited where the students had high GPA—it did not mean that those teachers were the best compared to others in the city.  A teacher has to have a passion for teaching to be a good educator.  People who are committed to making a difference for children are the ones needed at the schools.  Teachers, who do not want to be at a school because they feel those students cannot succeed, should not be in the school system.


6.4   Gloria Wardell-Hampton, Director of Joshua Marie Cameron Academy (a non-public school) wanted to know how many non-public schools has the Superintendent of Schools visited since he took over this position?  Mr. Garcia stated that he has visited several charter schools.  SFUSD has over 110 schools and he owes it to those schools to be there first—so until he finishes those schools, he will not visit the outside schools.  He has been to about 40 schools randomly and tours the classrooms while school is in session.  He has worked every grade level in public education and knows what is expected.  He assured Ms. Hampton that when he completes his visit of the SFUSD schools he would like to visit her school.  Ms. Hampton spoke more of her disapproval of the non-exposure of her school by SFUSD.


6.5   Julia Alderete spoke about the teacher retention problem in California, especially in SF.  She spoke about the issue of the colleges not preparing the teachers to teach reading and trouble with teacher retention.  If the goal is to provide equity and raise student achievement, but there is a large turnover of new teachers, “What is the district action plan for supporting these new teachers if they are not getting it from their career preparation?  And making sure that the children are not suffering because the programs are not preparing the teachers.  Mr. Garcia stated that the reality is if there is not a support network for new teachers—they are not going to make it.  The new Deputy Superintendent and new person in charge of Instruction and Professional Development, Francisca Sanchez were recruited for this purpose and they have created programs that support teachers.  This will be effective next month.  In this year’s negotiations for the teacher’s contract, SFUSD is able to pick 25 schools (the neediest schools) and personnel can be hired anytime for vacancies.  In the past, the problem was that SFUSD was the last to hire and usually after going thru the process of placement, all the talented teachers were gone.   Today, when there is an opening, SFUSD will allow 25 of the neediest schools to go out and hire people anytime during the year, including hard to place positions, such as special ed, math, science, physical ed and counseling.  Mr. Garcia believes that teachers should get paid more for working in certain places.   Commissioner Jones was informed that within the past week, 2 teachers have left the schools in BVHP (2nd and 3rd grades).  Teachers are needed in those classrooms.  She requested follow-up on filling those vacancies. 


6.6   Sheryl Perkins spoke of her background as a teacher and a program offered by the school district in the 70’s called “The Career Opportunity Program.”  20 people from BVHP and 20 from Mission District were trained to become teachers and this program afforded her the opportunity to become one.  She wanted to know if a program similar to this could be restored to assist Latinos, Blacks or Pacific Islanders in obtaining credentials for teaching.  She suggested recruiting young people from the community who have a desire and giving them chance at a career.  There are 3 teachers who went through that program successfully for 5 years, obtained a credential and are still teaching in the SFUSD.  Mr. Garcia noted that the newly hired Human Resource person for SFUSD has a lot of experience in developing those types of programs.  Another program is called “Grow Your Own” which he would like started in this BVHP and the Mission areas (helpful in working with the universities).  The “SF Promise” is starting and a great idea is linking a teaching academy to this, where any child (starting from the 6th grade) who makes it—is most likely assured to be admitted to college.  The Grow Your Own Program also hires parents to be teachers (Las Vegas has done this by sponsoring parents who had some schooling).  About 100 parents each year enter the program and they emphasize on getting underrepresented minorities to enter that program—it has been very successful.  SFUSD is sending a team to Las Vegas to replicate that here and assist with getting credentials, especially since there is a huge population of volunteers in SF (The SF Volunteer Program). 


6.7   Doris Vincent:     Stated that she was a volunteer at Malcolm X in that volunteer program.  The problem the volunteers had was the lesson plans—same concept as “No Child Left Behind”.  This is creating more children left behind because the teachers are not sharing their lesson plans with their volunteers.  Ms. Vincent suggested that if the principals could make sure this happens, a far better job could be done.  An example of an incident that occurred in a high school was given. Mr. Garcia replied that the problem with the an organization is having to depend on everyone, unfortunately, people are people and they have to be dealt with individually.  You do not have to retain children in high school because the credits reflect their grades.  If they do not have enough credits, it does not matter because they cannot graduate and it is all dictated by whether they pass the high school proficiency exam.  He apologized for the incident that occurred—this is not the type of customer service and support for students.  There has to be some type of intervention.  He gave an example of an expulsion case in which the student had a report card for two years of all “F’s” and 70 days of absences each school year.  If someone would have intervened—perhaps it might not have gotten to that point.  Now that there are resources to hire counselors, this could have more focus.  The School Board and Mr. Garcia have discussed this and concurred that this cannot happen.  Ms. Bascom noted that a foster youth program does exist to provide tutoring for children in foster care.  In the past, only youth in group homes were accepted, but today, it is open to any child who is in the foster-care system.  Persons needing more information were asked to contact Ms. Bascom’s office or the foster care youth coordinator at 242-2615.  Tutors and interns who provide counseling are available to assist these students.  SFUSD is actively trying to work with the foster youth population because they are most at risk at times.


Commissioner Brown extended her appreciation on behalf of the BVHP community and the Commission to the Superintendent of Schools and his staff for their informative presentation.




7.1     Commission Personnel - Dir. Moses reported that they are short of staff and it has been difficult to continue to function.  The newly hired secretary has requested a family medical leave from October 22nd thru November 26th.  He will try to see what can be done for the 5 weeks or more.  Commissioner Churchwell asked if the secretary was ill or on vacation, and is there a time limit?  Dir. Moses explained the Civil Service process; and will obtain more information on the subject.  

7.2     Budget - Instruction for fiscal year budget is out and the baseline budget is due to the General Manager by November 16th. 

7.3     PUC Personnel - Appointment of Tommy Moala as Acting General Manager.  Tom Franza, the Manager of Operations for PUC Wastewater has retired. He has been very helpful to this Commission, and perhaps he could be invited to speak to the Commission at a future date.

7.4     Founders Mural - Ms. Hardin reported that Santee has almost completed the signage.  They have applied to do the mural that will wrap around the initial 5 Commissioners.  She thanked Commissioner Brown for the letter of application and expects a response soon.  Dir. Moses announced that the Mayor has tentatively agreed to perform the mural dedication on Thursday, November 15th, in front of the building, at 1 pm.  Invitations have been sent to former mayors Art Agnos who was the first mayor to appoint the Commissioners and Willie Brown who was the Speaker of the Assembly during that time.  The cooperation of the Commission and involvement of the community was requested.  The Planning Committee will meet on Friday and everyone was encouraged to participate.  A program will be in place similar to the Alex Pitcher dedication ceremony. 

7.5     Commission Attendance Record – The Mayor has asked for the report, which was due September 18th.   He wants to know if there are 24 commission meetings per year and how many members attend.  This report is due as soon as possible.  Notices were sent to all the City Commissions.  Commissioner Jones wanted to know “If the attendance report had to identify the types of absences, e.g. illnesses or other?”  Dir. Moses believed it would be included under “Absences with excuse.” 

7.6     State of the Union Address – The Mayor has extended an invitation to the Commission to attend this event on Monday, October 29th (information was circulated).  Dir. Moses asked that Commission RSVP by the following day.    



8.1   Dir. Moses noted that staff was directed by the Commission to invite Mr. Ford, General Manager for Muni to give an update.  Information was received that he is ready to meet with the Commission.  The secretary will be contacted for confirmation of a Commission meeting date.   



There was no new business introduced at this time.


10.0  ANNOUNEMENTS (Discussion)

10.1   Joe Singh announced that the Public Safety & Outreach Committee will be meeting on Monday, October 29th, at 11 am.



The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
