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Meeting Information

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Thursday, December 11, 2003
6:00 P.M.
1800 Oakdale Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124

   I.                 Call to Order
Commissioner Millard Larkin called the Thursday, December 11, 2003 meeting to order at
6:13 p.m. in the Alex L. Pitcher Community Room at 1800 Oakdale Avenue.

II.                 Announcement
Commissioner Larkin read the Sunshine Ordinance aloud and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

III.                 Roll Call

Present:            Commissioner Millard Larkin, Commissioner Bobbrie Brown; Commissioner Juan Fuentes; Commissioner Louise Jones; Commissioner Ronald Person

Absent:             Commissioner Kenneth Sampson


Staff Present:            Annette Price, SECF Commission Secretary.

IV.                 Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Jones moved and Commissioner Brown seconded to accept the minutes of November 25, 2003.  Motion passed to accept minutes as presented (5-0).

V.                 Public Comment
There was no public comment raised at this meeting.

VI.                 Communications
There were no communications received for this meeting.


VII.                 Old & Ongoing Business
Commissioner Larkin asked that Ms. Shirley Jones, President of the Southeast Community Facility Commission Community Advisory Group (SECFC/CAG) step forward and give a brief update of what transpired at the last meeting of December 2, 2003.

Ms. Jones stated that CAG had a very productive meeting two (2) weeks ago in which President Millard Larkin appointed Mr. Damone Hale as Vice President to the CAG.  Also r
ecommend was the formation of CAG ad hoc subcommittee to review/interpret S.F. Admin. Code Chapter 54. 

CAG ad hoc subcommittee will hold a special meeting on 1/7/04 toreview/interpret the San Francisco Admin. Code Chapter 54 and report findings back to the CAG.  Based on subcommittee findings, CAG will present a report to the SECF Commission.  Ms. Jones stated CAG will also extend an invitation to Mr. Jim Jefferson for the upcoming January 7th meeting and request pertinent documentation related to “surplus funds”, studies conducted, etc.  Ms. Jones hopes to have a more detailed report after the 1/7/04 meeting.

Commissioner Larkin welcomed Ms. Jones back after her absence and commended her for doing such a wonderful job.  He also acknowledged Mr. Hale, who was in attendance, and stated with Mr. Hale’s legal background as an attorney, his appointment as vice president will provide the assistance the
CAG will need in determining exactly what’s owed to the community if anything.

President Larkin also cautioned the CAG that the Commission and CAG must work in conjunction with one another and reminded before any information is disseminated to the public, it must first come through the Commission for approval.

VIII.                 Directors Report
Commissioner Larkin announced that Director Moses was on vacation and asked that his report be tabled until the next Commission meeting.

IX.                 Introduction of New Business
Commissioner Brown requested that the Commission meet with either Muni Director Michael Burns or his staff to discuss the number of community residents hired to work on the Third Street Light Rail project.  She referenced a flyer that has been disseminated around the community in which it states 152 jobs were given to community residents and stated she is questioning the accuracy of those numbers.

Commissioner Larkin stated although he has not received the flyer at his office, he is in complete agreement that a date for presentation should be set and directed staff to send out a letter informing Mr. Burns in advance of his presentation what questions the Commission would like answered and that those answers be forwarded to the Commission prior to presentation.

X.                 Announcement
Commission Secretary announced that former Commissioner Kim Nguyen has requested that the dinner to be held in her honor be reschedule to sometime after the first of the year as she has conflicts on her calendar.

XI.                 Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.

  Respectfully submitted,


   Commission Secretary