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Meeting Information

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

6:00 P.M.

1800 Oakdale Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94124


1.0               Call to Order
Commission President Bobbrie Brown called the Thursday, August 10, 2006 meeting to order at 6:12 p.m. in the Alex L. Pitcher Community Room at 1800 Oakdale Avenue.

Commissioner Brown read the Sunshine Ordinance aloud.

             1.2            Roll Call: Commissioners Present:  Brown, Fuentes, Jones, Person, Kennedy, and Sampson

Commissioners Excused: Parker

Staff Present: John Roddy, Deputy City Attorney; Toye Moses, Executive Director; Annette Price, SECF Comm-Sect


            1.3                    Consent Calendar

          RESOLUTION (SECFC-2006-61) Be it resolved that the minutes of the Southeast Community Facility Commission meeting of Wednesday, July 26, 2006 were approved as submitted.

2.0               PUBLIC COMMENT
Ms. Espanola Jackson voiced concern regarding the unavailable parking in the facility parking lot to facility users and requested the Commission accommodate the users.

3.0               COMMUNICATIONS:

Ø      Correspondence included in Commission folders

a.      Flyer from Supervisor Sophie Maxwell re: Portola Town Hall meeting on Saturday, August 12th from 10am to 12:00 noon at MLK Middle School.

President Brown took Item V out of order and asked that Mr. Everhart step forward to present.


5.0                 PRESENTATIONS: Mr. Claude Everhart began by giving historical background of himself and the establishment of the Southeast Community Facility.

Mr. Everhart reminded: It was the BVHP community’s belief that the Commission would be an independent appointed body that would make decisions relative to the future and longevity of the SECFacility and ultimately provide some level of self-sufficiency for the facility. Mr. Everhart went on to explain the only way to retain BVHP residents and the community is with a self-sufficient economic agenda. Mr. Everhart listed several ways to develop such an agenda:

*        Publicize accomplishments taking place in the community

*        Develop a value-based agenda (mentorship)

*        Launch a self-sufficiency initiative (ongoing workshops to become self-sufficient)

*        Develop new business opportunities for community residents

Mr. Everhart encouraged everyone to purchase a copy of The Covenant by Tavis Smiley that addresses the primary concerns of African American community. He encouraged the Commission to advocate for the community and insist that Foods Co. (Williams Street store) fulfill their agreement to provide quality customer service. He concluded by offering to work with the Commission toward its goals.

Dir. Moses
asked Mr. Everhart for suggestions on becoming autonomous, since the Commission is financially reliant on the Clean Water Fund. Mr. Everhart recited excerpts of the ordinance that created the Commission and assured that the Commission already has the power of autonomy, as the Commission is charged with overseeing and providing guidance to the Southeast sector. He concluded by encouraging the Commission to seize its power.


Commissioner Person reported: The ad hoc committee met July 24th to discuss the CAG recommendation. Discussion ensued with regard to commission autonomy prompting Commissioner Person to question whether or not it would be advisable to continue the pursuit of such a difficult task. Several options were discussed on how to move forward, which are listed in the ad hoc committee report.

Attorney Roddy explained in speaking with Mr. Samuel Murray, PUC is open to discussion with regard to arranging budgets and initiatives that will support facility financially. After a brief Q & A from the Commission, President Brown explained the report is incomplete, other areas would need to be explored and individuals lobbied. President Brown directed that this issue go back to the committee for further review.


6.0                  LONG- & SHORT-TERM GOALS FOR FISCAL YEAR 06/07: Referring to the long- & short-term goals, Dir. Moses explained all goals have been consolidated under three categories of which commission is charged: Economic Development, Public Health & Safety, and Housing.

Economic Development: President Brown suggested the Commission develop ways that require contractors to bring jobs with economic value to community residents.  Dir. Moses suggested once the goals have been approved, an invitation be sent to the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development to gain clarification on the requirement of developers.

Commissioner Kennedy concurred with Commissioners Person/Jones in that the Commission has done what the action plan calls for, i.e., bringing individuals out to address particular issues. She suggested, however, that the Commission focus on ways to monitor contractor compliance, revitalization of economics in BVHP, and to partner with other organizations in addressing the concerns.

Action: Moved by Kennedy, seconded by Person to adopt the long- & short-term goals with the caveat that more thought be put into implementation.

Commissioner Person offered to work with the Southeast Health Center to establish an annual health fair to conduct screening for prostate cancer and high blood pressure sponsored by the Commission.

Dir. Moses suggested that a co-chair be assigned to chair the Economic Development Ad Hoc Committee. Kennedy suggested that the banks in the Bayview also be contacted to discuss low-income housing, etc.

Commissioner Fuentes voiced some concerns regarding city planning & redevelopment of Bayview Hunters Point. Commissioner Brown suggested that someone from Redevelopment be invited to give a brief update.

7.0                 Director’s Report:

Ø      Director Moses reported:

a.      The budget has been approved and now being implemented.  Two positions have been approved and staff is awaiting the go-ahead from human resources to begin hiring process.

b.      SECF Mural Project was sent out for bid with one artist responding. Once donated funds have been received, the project will begin

c.      Presenters were announced for upcoming Commission meetings.

Commissioner Person asked for clarification with regard to the upgraded positions.

MOTION: Moved by Jones, seconded by Fuentes to accept the Director’s Report. Motion passed unanimously to accept report as presented (6-0).

6.0               Introduction of New Business By Commissioners:
Commissioner Kennedy suggested that someone from S.F. Redevelopment be invited to present and give update on plans for Bayview, since it has been declared as a redevelopment area. Commission Brown also suggested that Redevelopment bring along with them the contract agreement struck between Redevelopment and Foods Co.

7.0               Public Comment:
There was no public comment at this time.


8.0               Announcements:
Commissioner Brown announced Supervisor Maxwell’s town hall meeting on Saturday, August 12th from 10:00 to 12:00 noon at Martin Luther King Middle School auditorium.

Dir. Moses reminded the annual report is due and will be calendared at the next meeting.

9.0               Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Commission Secretary